Atheism magic


I have a question IceDancer. If a human was cloned would you consider the result to be God created or man created?
I have a question IceDancer. If a human was cloned would you consider the result to be God created or man created?

If somebody copied Romeo and Juliet on a copy machine, would you consider the result to be written by Shakespeare, or by Xerox?
So what is this being? I'm assuming he isn't a white guy with a long grey beard and robes.

Have I got this right? This eternal being existed before the formation of the universe? Is that right? If 'no' then of course he she or it is not eternal.
If the answer is 'yes', why did he take so long to come up with human beings? And if his first try was dinosaurs and things then did he make them in his own image?
And would it have been a Tyranosaurus Rex or a Polypterus Senegalus or something in between?
Did these creatures, his first attempt at creation, also have a holy book and did that book also say that only Brontosauruses of a certain sexual persuasion would inherit the kingdom of heaven?
And is there any room left in heaven with all his first choice beings stomping around and eating all the trees and pretty flowers.
And ... and ... and
Alpha and Omega. God's personal claim of existence. Meaning he did not come into being- he always was. And yes, belief in a personal being with creative power, that has always existed, is OK.

This is special pleading. You wouldn't accept that anything else is OK simply because it has "always existed", and yet you pretend it's enough evidence for God. What if the universe has always existed? There are theories which allow for an omni-verse which has always existed that many big bangs occur in, of which our big bang is only one occurrence. And so what if it hasn't always existed? This is the compositional fallacy - simply because everything in the universe had a beginning doesn't mean the universe itself had to have one. Another example of this fallacy would be:

  1. Human cells are invisible to the naked eye.
  2. Humans are made up of human cells.
  3. Therefore, humans are invisible to the naked eye
Just as logical.
an eternal being doesn't "come from" anywhere

It's a fallacious argument because 1. It suffers from the compositional fallacy and 2. It proves too much. If the argument weren't fallacious, then it would apply to all things that could possibly exist forever. Yet you only want to apply it to your own God! Ridiculous. It's like if you went into a court room, and there were mountains of evidence against your client, and you said to the jury "I know, that in every other case, with guilt so clearly established, you would find my client guilty. But do not find my client guilty!"
This is special pleading. You wouldn't accept that anything else is OK simply because it has "always existed", and yet you pretend it's enough evidence for God. What if the universe has always existed? There are theories which allow for an omni-verse which has always existed that many big bangs occur in, of which our big bang is only one occurrence. And so what if it hasn't always existed? This is the compositional fallacy - simply because everything in the universe had a beginning doesn't mean the universe itself had to have one. Another example of this fallacy would be:

  1. Human cells are invisible to the naked eye.
  2. Humans are made up of human cells.
  3. Therefore, humans are invisible to the naked eye
Just as logical.

Fact #69 Cunning linguistics cannot make up for a fallacious argument.
What does Tcnyaw mean?
It means that sound you make when you state the obvious. Well, maybe not the sound you make, more the sound I make. Anyway, its a free country and I can say Tcnaw and own a gun and believe in fairies and worship Sarah Palin if I jolly well want to.
Fact #69 Cunning linguistics cannot make up for a fallacious argument.

Believe in the Holy Squirrel. Let every man gather together in the name of the Grand Fairy of Bacup and put his nuts on display. Thus spake the Grand fairy. It is the truth, for the Grand Fairy and the Holy Squirrel are BOTH eternal. Two beats one!
This is special pleading. You wouldn't accept that anything else is OK simply because it has "always existed", and yet you pretend it's enough evidence for God. What if the universe has always existed? There are theories which allow for an omni-verse which has always existed that many big bangs occur in, of which our big bang is only one occurrence. And so what if it hasn't always existed? This is the compositional fallacy - simply because everything in the universe had a beginning doesn't mean the universe itself had to have one. Another example of this fallacy would be:

  1. Human cells are invisible to the naked eye.
  2. Humans are made up of human cells.
  3. Therefore, humans are invisible to the naked eye
Just as logical.

Only 1/3 of it.
Believe in the Holy Squirrel. Let every man gather together in the name of the Grand Fairy of Bacup and put his nuts on display. Thus spake the Grand fairy. It is the truth, for the Grand Fairy and the Holy Squirrel are BOTH eternal. Two beats one!

Many people may fail to appreciate our belief in the Holy Squirrel. For this reason I detail some incontravertable facts which show how the Holy Squirrel has lived for ever (or at least, quite a long time.... longer than me anyway).
The word comes from the same stem as Squire and suggests gallantry, respect and care for those about you. The Holy Squirrel was never put to death although various non-believers took pot shots at what they thought was the Holy Squirrel, but they were all imposters. He has lived forever and his presence may be felt wherever two or three men gather. His presence with them is shown by the eating of the holy dish, Pie and Peas, with the peas representing the Squirrels nuts and the Pie the holy everlasting body.
Even those who refuse to accept the Holy Squirrel into their hearts are part of the Holy history of the Squirrel every time they address an envelope with Esq. (Esquire) which, in days gone by meant, 'By the Holy Will of the Squirrel.
Believers in false prophets must take the Squirrel into their hearts, turn from false gods and send me a donation of 10% of their annual income now.
Do it now and enter the Holy Kingdom of the Squirrel.
Is not permanent salvation and knowledge of the Holy Squirrel worth such a pittance? Just 10% of your salary.
This is special pleading. You wouldn't accept that anything else is OK simply because it has "always existed", and yet you pretend it's enough evidence for God. What if the universe has always existed? There are theories which allow for an omni-verse which has always existed that many big bangs occur in, of which our big bang is only one occurrence. And so what if it hasn't always existed? This is the compositional fallacy - simply because everything in the universe had a beginning doesn't mean the universe itself had to have one. Another example of this fallacy would be:

  1. Human cells are invisible to the naked eye.
  2. Humans are made up of human cells.
  3. Therefore, humans are invisible to the naked eye
Just as logical.

your error is to pretend we are trying to use this as evidence God exists.......this issue only comes up when some brainless atheist thinks he can debunk religious beliefs by pretending God had to have had a beginning......the fact is, there is simply no such requirement......
In the beginning Man created God;
And in the image of Man created he him.

2 And Man gave unto God a multitude of names,
that he might be Lord over all the earth when it was suited to Man.

3 And on the seven millionth day Man rested
and did lean heavily on his God and saw that it was good.

4 And Man formed Aqualung of the dust of the ground,
and a host of others likened unto his kind.

5 And these lesser men Man did cast into the void. And some were burned;
and some were put apart from their kind.

6 And Man became the God that he had created
and with his miracles did rule over all the earth.

7 But as these things did come to pass,
the Spirit that did cause Man to create his God
lived on within all men: even within Aqualung.

8 And Man saw it not.

9 But for Christ’s sake he’d better start looking.

Jethro Tull-1971

Religious threads... LOL...
your error is to pretend we are trying to use this as evidence God exists.......this issue only comes up when some brainless atheist thinks he can debunk religious beliefs by pretending God had to have had a beginning......the fact is, there is simply no such requirement......

It doesn't matter if God had a beginning or not. Doesn't make him any more or less likely at all.
Have I got this right? This eternal being existed before the formation of the universe? Is that right? If 'no' then of course he she or it is not eternal.
If the answer is 'yes', why did he take so long to come up with human beings? And if his first try was dinosaurs and things then did he make them in his own image?
And would it have been a Tyranosaurus Rex or a Polypterus Senegalus or something in between?
Did these creatures, his first attempt at creation, also have a holy book and did that book also say that only Brontosauruses of a certain sexual persuasion would inherit the kingdom of heaven?
And is there any room left in heaven with all his first choice beings stomping around and eating all the trees and pretty flowers.
And ... and ... and

What a weird question, their eternal being lived an eternity before even creating this universe, asking it "why so long?" is kind of weird... You continue to try to put natural limitations on the supernatural. It's like asking, "Can God create a rock he cannot lift?" and pretending you've come up with a deep thought.