Atheism magic

Sure as hell makes more sense than fairies in the sky. But dont let that worry you. You are as entitled to put your money on the Grand Fairy of Bacup and his twin masters Gog and Magog as anything else.
Interesting this should come up as we are being introduced to the Alma telescope in Chile, which in time will probe all the bits of existence of which you are sufficiently ignorant to believe in a god made by man who looks like man and who thinks like man with man logic.
I just wonder whether you are representative of the 'end game' in the battle between organised religion and intelligence.

Yeah, but if she's wrong, she'll never know any different. If you're wrong, you'll suffer in conscious torment for all eternity. :)
Herod was the greatest Israeli king of all time.

which one.....there were several....

Herod the Great (c. 74–4 BC), client king of Judaea who rebuilt the Second Temple (in Jerusalem) into Herod's Temple
Herod Archelaus (23 BC–c. AD 18), ethnarch of Samaria, Judea, and Idumea
Herod Antipas (20 BC–c. AD 40), tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea, who (called "Herod the Tetrarch" or "Herod" in the New Testament up to Acts 4:27) was described therein as ordering John the Baptist's death and as mocking Jesus
Herod II (c. 27 BC - 33 AD), sometimes called Herod Philip I, father of Salome
Philip the Tetrarch (4 BC–AD 34), sometimes called Herod Philip II, tetrarch of Ituraea and Trachonitis
Herod Agrippa I (c. 10 BC–AD 44), client king of Judaea, called "King Herod" or "Herod" in Acts 12 of the New Testament
Herod of Chalcis, also known as Herod III, king of Chalcis (AD 41–48)
Herod Agrippa II (AD 27–100), tetrarch of Chalcis who was described in Acts of the Apostles as "King Agrippa" before whom Paul of Tarsus defended himself

Herodes Atticus (AD 101-177), was an unrelated Greek aristocrat who served as a Roman Senator and proponent of Sophism
Herod the Great, of course!

It's a misconception to say that Herod the Great merely rebuilt the second temple. Herod was a strongman appointed by Rome - in contradiction of Jewish tradition - who kept power because he was willing to take ruthless measures in order to keep order for Rome. As Caesar put it, "it's better to be a pig of Herod than a son of Herod" - he's a Jew, so he won't touch a pig, of course, but he executed nearly all his sons in paranoid political purges.

Your bible, most of which would be utterly absurd and idiotic to take literally, also says that he murdered all young boys in Israel, even though he died before Jesus was born and there's no record of such an incredible massacre occurring.
Herod the Great, of course!

It's a misconception to say that Herod the Great merely rebuilt the second temple. Herod was a strongman appointed by Rome - in contradiction of Jewish tradition - who kept power because he was willing to take ruthless measures in order to keep order for Rome. As Caesar put it, "it's better to be a pig of Herod than a son of Herod" - he's a Jew, so he won't touch a pig, of course, but he executed nearly all his sons in paranoid political purges.

Your bible, most of which would be utterly absurd and idiotic to take literally, also says that he murdered all young boys in Israel, even though he died before Jesus was born and there's no record of such an incredible massacre occurring.

perhaps because it was nothing out of the ordinary for him....
perhaps because it was nothing out of the ordinary for him....


perhaps because it was nothing out of the ordinary for him....

Yeah, someone is just going to kill thousands of children, and no one's going to give a shit or record such a thing. My kids were killed yesterday for no reason at all? Meh. God you're an idiot. Political purges and strong arm tactics are different than specifically targeting the children of an entire nation with no clear reason. Such an event is far greater than any of the other things he's known for, and would certainly be recorded if it happened.
Yeah, someone is just going to kill thousands of children, and no one's going to give a shit or record such a thing. My kids were killed yesterday for no reason at all? Meh. God you're an idiot. Political purges and strong arm tactics are different than specifically targeting the children of an entire nation with no clear reason. Such an event is far greater than any of the other things he's known for, and would certainly be recorded if it happened.

well, there was a guy who wrote a book that said "my king is a maniacal child murderer"......unfortunately, he was burned to death on a pile of his manuscripts......