APP - Atlas Shrugged: stupid book

so is Jamie Dimon Swamp creature or innovator?

I want someone to tell me Jamie dimon is an innovator helping humanity so I can laugh in their dumb lying libertarian face.
Seriously, the only thing you have demonstrated here is that you have an opinion about subjects on which you are ignorant. You don't know the premise, the concepts, what the book says, even the players in the book. Complete ignorance. Maybe you think you are being "deep"... I'm not sure what you are doing here. I advise you to read the book before making bold arguments based on a paragraph long book report you've read.
rich people are the victims yep.

by a woman

still a shit book that attempts make rich people the victims.

they're not all noble inventors folks.

the richest of the rich are rich from various combinations of monarchy, crony capitalism, fascism, fake money scams, corruption, lies and violence.


inventors get fleeced and abused too, by the parasite class, the board room.