Attacking Governor Christie?

A little joy amidst your fear, Commander?

fear? I fear very little at this point in my life.... certainly not politicians...

my biggest fear today is that the sun will stay behind the clouds and it will not be nice enough for my daughter to swim on this, her last day in Mexico with her Mom and Dad.
He's your kinda guy Big Money AKA BIG GOVERNMENT! He's a fucking neo-con RINO Democrat ass kisser who has problems with the Second Amendment, claims to be a tax cutter but raised taxes on NJ's Seniors so the NJ Teachers Union could keep their pensions and healthcare racket, he was among the first to create an Obama-care exchange. The NJ unemployment rate is still one of the highest in the nation and his best buddy is Stephen M. Sweeney Demorat President of the NJ Senate and onetime Business Agent for the NJ Iron workers union.

Y'all BIG Government lovers will love Fatty Shitty Pants Christie.

I don't like him either, but I ain't voting democrat and I ain't staying home.
one interesting metric for measuring one's "obsession" with certain people or topics might be to count the number of threads an individual starts concerning the topic or person in question.

Coincidentally... I think that the number of threads started by big phony concerning the various aspects of Hillary Clinton's life, legacy and future plans are MYRIAD... like grains of sand on a beach of fluffy, sandy bullshit. The number of threads that I have started about Governor Christie is.... wait, let me check..... zero.

A New Jersey state senator called Thursday for a federal investigation into Gov. Chris Christie's administration over allegations that top Christie appointees orchestrated traffic jams on the country's busiest bridge last year as part of a political vendetta against a city mayor.

The controversy intensified Wednesday with the surfacing e-mails suggesting that appointees of the Republican governor orchestrated the closures to punish Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich, a Democrat who wouldn't support Christie at the polls. Christie and his staff originally blamed the closures and the traffic delays on a mishandled traffic study.

"These revelations are troubling for any public official, but they also indicate what we've come to expect from Governor Christie -- when people oppose him, he exacts retribution. When people question him, he belittles and snidely jokes. And when anyone dares to look into his administration, he bullies and attacks," U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, the Democratic National Committee chairwoman, said in a prepared statement.

This guy is a perfect Republican candidate! He's petty, he's underhanded, he's a bully and he doesn't give a shit about the people he's killed thru his actions. Perfect republican
A New Jersey state senator called Thursday for a federal investigation into Gov. Chris Christie's administration over allegations that top Christie appointees orchestrated traffic jams on the country's busiest bridge last year as part of a political vendetta against a city mayor.

The controversy intensified Wednesday with the surfacing e-mails suggesting that appointees of the Republican governor orchestrated the closures to punish Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich, a Democrat who wouldn't support Christie at the polls. Christie and his staff originally blamed the closures and the traffic delays on a mishandled traffic study.

"These revelations are troubling for any public official, but they also indicate what we've come to expect from Governor Christie -- when people oppose him, he exacts retribution. When people question him, he belittles and snidely jokes. And when anyone dares to look into his administration, he bullies and attacks," U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, the Democratic National Committee chairwoman, said in a prepared statement.

This guy is a perfect Republican candidate! He's petty, he's underhanded, he's a bully and he doesn't give a shit about the people he's killed thru his actions. Perfect republican

Who has Chris Christi killed? Did he sit on someone? Suffocated his wife in the missionary position?
Who has Chris Christi killed? Did he sit on someone? Suffocated his wife in the missionary position?

Sokolich told CNN's "The Situation Room" the e-mails suggested that political motives behind the lane closures have led him to believe that Christie is more clued-in than he's admitted...

"This new traffic pattern is causing unnecessary delays for emergency services to arrive on scene for medical emergencies," Favia said, citing one case in which paramedics rushing to aid an unconscious elderly woman suffering a heart attack were held up and had to meet the ambulance transporting the victim at the hospital instead of at the scene. She later died.
pretty fucking pathetic that the only way some people can win arguments is by putting words in other folks' mouths.

ah well.