Attacking Governor Christie?

Notice that 'Crats think if you post about The Hildebeast of Benghazi you're gibbering with fear, but deny the obverse when they attack Republicans?

You think government creates jobs?

I know government prevents private sector jobs. New Jersey's property taxes, (among the highest in the nation) and State taxes in general prevent businesses from hiring and take money out of the pockets of NJ citizens they could be spending in the State's economy. Christi fucked over NJ.s Senior citizens when he revoked their property tax rebates.
I know government prevents private sector jobs. New Jersey's property taxes, (among the highest in the nation) and State taxes in general prevent businesses from hiring and take money out of the pockets of NJ citizens they could be spending in the State's economy. Christi fucked over NJ.s Senior citizens when he revoked their property tax rebates.

So Christie single-handedly raised your taxes?
So your claim is that in New Jersey, the governor passes laws?

In New Jersey, like every other State, Governors promote the laws they want passed and when the State Assemblies accommodate the Governors by legislating said laws, THE GOVERNOR SIGNS THOSE LAWS INTO LAW, THEREBY "PASSING" THOSE LAWS!!!
In New Jersey, like every other State, Governors promote the laws they want passed and when the State Assemblies accommodate the Governors by legislating said laws, THE GOVERNOR SIGNS THOSE LAWS INTO LAW, THEREBY "PASSING" THOSE LAWS!!!


Are you pissed because your rebate gravy-train got derailed, Granpa?

Are you pissed because your rebate gravy-train got derailed, Granpa?

For once you're right! Your arguments are "WEAK" and getting weaker the longer you feebly attempt to fuck with me.

So, let it be written, let it be known BIG Money, AKA BIG GOVERNMENT endorses fucking over senior citizens and raising their taxes. Can we spell R-I-N-O?????