More proof that RINOs and Demorats are twin sisters, huh RINO?
So I was right. Why should old guys get a special break on their property taxes?
More proof that RINOs and Demorats are twin sisters, huh RINO?
So I was right. Why should old guys get a special break on their property taxes?
Of course if you love BIG fucking government like RINOs & Demorats old bastards should take it straight up their old fucking asses at the tax racket, huh RINO?
And RINOs are never liars and fucking hypocrites, right Goober?
Aw, did granpa have to pay his taxes like everybody else?
Oh! But everybody else goes no further than the stupid bastards in the middle. Demorats & RINOs have exempted taxation for their voter freeloaders and Wall Street and other special interest bribery contributors and idiots like you keep voting for them. Congratulations imbecile!!!
Poo granpa. He thinks he should get to evade taxes because he's old?
Grandpa is tired of supporting your fucking benefactors RINO.
You have no clue how or if I vote, or what if anything I contribute to, do you?
Are you under the impression that I benefit from your property taxes, Gramps?
Your rhetoric spews heavy evidence that you are a fucking BIG government RINO. You hold near and dear all of the fucking RINO talking points. Your beloved agenda is replacing fucking crooked Demorats with crooked RINOs in the seats of crooked government. What else do I need to know?
If you promote and vote for RINO's like Christi I think you're just a fucking idiot!
Some facts...
How would I vote for Christie unless I live in New Jersey, Gramps?
You're kidding right? You deliver the facts yourself virtually every day.
The statement was "people "LIKE" Christi" and your touting of his probable Presidential run would give you a Primary vote and a general election vote for the bastard since the majority of RINOs in the Party would likely offer up the son-of-a-bitch. Get a fucking clue!!!
So you are privy to my future actions?
How long have you had these psychic abilities, and why didn't you use them to win a lottery or clean up on stocks? That way you wouldn't have had to cry about being required to pay property taxes.
It's strange that you can't cite any, then, isn't it?