Attempt to rekindle Domestic Oil Drilling...

what fuels the heat pump?

Mostly coal fired electric here in KY.

I think coal produces somewhere around 1/4 of our electric nationwide.
not absolutely sure on that figure though

Provides lots more jobs that gas well too.
We also produce quite a bit of oil and nat gas.
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ok super, but oil companies are not selling us oil below the global price right now and are reaping the added profits from not doing such... no?

what in the world makes you believe that these same companies who own natural gas will not play the same capitalistic game as was done with oil ....and go for the gusto on profits for their stockholders with little consideration of our Nation?

btw, to both you and Damo.....i have really enjoyed debating this with you two, and have learned a thing or 2! :)

this is what i hope Congress would do.... :(


what product do you buy thats not sold for the benefit of profit
or below the global price.
Dam, you were in marketing. LOFL
what product do you buy thats not sold for the benefit of profit
or below the global price.
Dam, you were in marketing. LOFL

no no no no TOPPY, i am agreeing with you! they will sell our natural gas to us at whatever the higher price the new Cartel chooses....for the profit to give to shareholders, just as they are doing with oil.....they are not gonna cut us americans some ''break'' in the price and short themselves of some extra profit to be made!
I know I was teasing GED, I asked for a cheaper fuel and he says heat pump. LOFL
The heat pump merely increases efficiencies, it does not itself heat the entire house. (and yes, I know you already know that. I am just supplying information to others.)
who does
markets set price
I sure hope your right that an american Cartel is formed
though I think moveon.turbolib gave you that as a talking point.
We have laws against price setting callusion
ummmmmmmmmmmmm, i agreed already on that Damo in the post you quoted me on! lol

Yeah, I noticed after I had posted. But it doesn't change my main point. We CAN do this. IMO we need to do this and will sooner or later, but the longer we wait the more it will hurt when we do it finally.
who does
markets set price
I sure hope your right that an american Cartel is formed
though I think moveon.turbolib gave you that as a talking point.
We have laws against price setting callusion

i will look for the link, it wasn't an american cartel, it was one with russia and the middle east i believe?
there should be a law against stupidity like yours:clink:

Might be, That is my point, it won't stop me from being stupid if I want to be. and it sure won't stop a corp with extreme govt influence and lots of lawyers.

When they get fined 1 mill and make 100 mill profit it is just another cost of doing business.
right now not much natural gas is shipped overseas because of the cost. Many companies are working on building terminals to liquify the gas (lng) and tanker it.
once the price get up to a fair level lots of it will be shipped in.
ok super, but oil companies are not selling us oil below the global price right now and are reaping the added profits from not doing such... no?

what in the world makes you believe that these same companies who own natural gas will not play the same capitalistic game as was done with oil ....and go for the gusto on profits for their stockholders with little consideration of our Nation?

btw, to both you and Damo.....i have really enjoyed debating this with you two, and have learned a thing or 2! :)

this is what i hope Congress would do.... :(


There is a difference care. In one situation we are heavily reliant upon other countries (oil)... under the other we would have enough nat gas to meet our own demands and thus would not be reliant upon them at all.

There are NO "added profits" for the oil companies. Their margins are pretty much where they have always been. They are simply selling MORE oil than before due to higher demand. Not to mention all the stories about "record profits" normally fail to mention the fact of oil company consolidation. All the "record profits" are simply the same percentage on larger firms.

Side note: GE's profit margins are HIGHER than COP, XOM and Shell... yet no one bitches about their profits.... Why is that?
right now not much natural gas is shipped overseas because of the cost. Many companies are working on building terminals to liquify the gas (lng) and tanker it.
once the price get up to a fair level lots of it will be shipped in.

A 100% increase or so in 3 years is not a fair level ?

You greedy bastich.
who does
markets set price
I sure hope your right that an american Cartel is formed
though I think moveon.turbolib gave you that as a talking point.
We have laws against price setting callusion

Russia is reported to be considering an effort to bring other natural gas exporters into an international cartel similar to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting OPEC Countries.


or try this....
but why wouldn't I take 200% more if you'll pay it.

GE owns much of the media especially the business side MSNBC:cof1:
no no no no TOPPY, i am agreeing with you! they will sell our natural gas to us at whatever the higher price the new Cartel chooses....for the profit to give to shareholders, just as they are doing with oil.....they are not gonna cut us americans some ''break'' in the price and short themselves of some extra profit to be made!

The problem care is that you are assuming the "Cartel" will set some arbitrary price. They will not be able to do so. They will have to base it on a supply/demand equation. Despite what many seem to think, oil and nat gas prices are elastic, not inelastic. We are seeing that today with oil prices. As prices have gone up... there is an ever increasing demand for alternatives.

Given that in the scenario where we tap our nat gas resources, the supply will have to be factored in. As will the drop off in demand (if we also convert electric production from nat gas to solar, wind, etc...)
There is a difference care. In one situation we are heavily reliant upon other countries (oil)... under the other we would have enough nat gas to meet our own demands and thus would not be reliant upon them at all.

There are NO "added profits" for the oil companies. Their margins are pretty much where they have always been. They are simply selling MORE oil than before due to higher demand. Not to mention all the stories about "record profits" normally fail to mention the fact of oil company consolidation. All the "record profits" are simply the same percentage on larger firms.

Side note: GE's profit margins are HIGHER than COP, XOM and Shell... yet no one bitches about their profits.... Why is that?

i don't believe you are correct on the profit MARGINS super, they have risen double digits since about 2000.... i am not talking profit dollars, but what percentage they are making in profit of their total sales....they have had record increases in their profit MARGINS, and profit this a while back....

in 2000 they were averaging a profit margin of 6%, and today their profit margins are running around 10%....that's about a 65% increase in their profit MARGINS.....(in the shoe industry we planned anywhere between a 4%-6% profit margin)

their profits are not JUST COMING from sales of a higher priced product, but from also increasing the amount of profit they were getting from us, per dollar sold of that fact and as said, they are making 65% more in profit on every dollar of sales today verses every dollar of sales in 2000....

so us consumers took a double with the prise rise in global oil and oil byproducts, and two-with the increased margin percentage they put on to us....

and hey....maybe 6% isn't good enough even though that really translates in to making about 12- 15 cents on every dollar invest by the company....they decided to TAKE MORE from us, the 10 cents on every retali dollar sold, translating to about 20-27 cents made on every dollar invested....depending on their initial mark up of their products.

i would loveeee to be able to make 12 to 15% interest on my money, let alone to make 20%-27% interest on my every dollar invested....!!!!

i know there are other industries that have even higher profit margins than they do, but they are few and far between or specialties, though other commodities have higher margins too....i realize such and it would probably be negligent of them if they didn't try to get as much in profit margin as they can, for their stock holders....i know that was one of our concerns when working for a Corp in the past....

it just "hurts more" when it is our fuel than when a Reebok does it or even a microsoft or a coke....