I do not see that it matters whether we calculate based on %age profit margin for retail sales, or %age of ROI. The ROI of other companies is also higher than their profit margins for the same reasons. And in comparison with other types of businesses, both the profit margins and the ROI of oil companies is not unusually high. Many companies have better margins AND better ROI's.
The records being set by oil companies is due to people driving huge honkin' "SUV" trucks instead of reasonable, fuel efficient cars. Add that to the fact that more people are driving (as opposed to car pooling, using mass transit, etc.) and driving their trucks more often (ie: making multiple, inefficient trips instead combining trips.) In short, we have been using gasoline in record amounts. Therefore oil companies are making record profits.
With the recent spike in prices, our consumption rate has dropped a little. And I would be willing to wager that next quarter the oil companies will show a corresponding drop in profits.
The whole windfall profits crapola is nothing more than a political blame game to point the finger at the big bad oil guys so we don't have to blame ourselves for the current energy crisis. While there is no doubt oil companies are doing what they can to maximize profits, that is what EVERY business does.
Unless we can show they are using illegal tactics to increase their profit margins (or ROI's) then we have no one to blame but ourselves as a society (and individually if the shoe fits) for the level of oil consumption which has led to huge company profits AND for the degree to which the current oil price crunch has hit us.
OF COURSE there are going to be SOME companies that make more in a profit than oil companies do....DOES THAT really matter.....?
it is mostly A CHOICE of the consumers on these other products that earn more for their product which they created out of ingenuity....like micro soft...
It is NOT A CHOICE for us to use gasoline or oil to heat our homes....i have no choice on fuels up here, just oil....unless i cut wood.
There is no competition to drive prices down in the oil industry....it is a cartel, and our oil people go along with it, charging us the oil cartel's price....and we do not have any true competition left in the usa with these guys on gasoline refined because of the mega mergers that were allowed to take place too...
Most of these other companies are selling you things that you do not need to survive....such is not the case with oil and oil byproducts such as gasoline....or at least there have not been any viable choices....we are working to change such.
These companies were profitable when they were earning 6.5% PROFIT on the retail dollar....even if they kept their required profit margin the same at 6.5% they would have doubled their profit DOLLARS from 2000 just by the price increases of oil being double....
But they chose to take even MORE out of every retail dollar sold for themselves...they raised their profit margin to 10.8% giving exxon as example...
Ones profit margin is PLANNED by businesses, not just a "happenstance", it is part of a business model....now granted, things can change what one plans, like a lousy season and more markdowns may reduce the profit margin one expects to get, or you have a really hot seller with a high markup that got more action than one expected and it raises you higher than what you projected and planned your profit margin to be....
Exxon chose to raise their profit MARGIN from 6.5% to 10.8%, which is a 66% increase in profit margin, or simply a change in what they decided to take as their share of the retail dollar sold...
if their profit margin was high at 10.8% one quarter and then went back down to 7% the next quater, then i would say it was a one quarter fluke, but this is not the case.
What this means is that EVEN IF oil prices
had not risen, they would still be making 66% more in profit off the retail dollar now than they did in 2000....
Then when you add in the higher revenues they are bringing in because of the world oil price hikes, you are talking record profits (in dollars), which have been reported....
It does matter that profit is calculated on the sales/revenues at retail because we have one poster after another implying that the 10.8 cents on the retail dollar "is not much" in earnings, but they neglect to mention that it is really nearing double that when you talk about what they are earning on their actual investment....which is getting close if not surpassed what older usery laws covered as illegal, though it may not be today because of congress being paid off to drop usery and such relating, laws.
I am not suggesting we "go after them" for this, just that it is not a simple happenstance of higher oil prices when you speak about margin/ percent, and that please don't buy in to the "crying the blues" that the oil companies and their sympathizers seem to be doing...
They are doing QUITE WELL, tyvm.
ps. and good morning Good Luck!