Attractive Wins Every Time


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Melania is an attractive, elegant, lady, while I will never understand this:

. . . former First Lady Michelle Obama received constant praise during her tenure for “courage” and “beauty” and “intelligence.” She was celebrated on 12 magazine covers and is still a regular guest on the late-night “comedy” programs. In contrast, Melania Trump has not been invited to grace magazine covers nor be a guest on the network talk shows.

By Jeff Crouere
December 28, 2018

No magazine article or media mouth ever pointed out that Michelle Obama was a more accomplished thief than Hillary Clinton.

Hillary’s larceny in Arkansas did NOT compare with Michelle’s stickup. MO was well on her way to millionaire status with her $317,000 a year job in the University of Chicago Hospital. A job that was created for her —— and was eliminated after she left.

Oddly absent from most of the unflattering press coverage of UCMC's patient-dumping scheme is any mention of the role our new First Lady played in devising the program. A laudable exception has been the Chicago Sun-Times, which reported last August that "Michelle Obama -- currently on unpaid leave from her $317,000-a-year job as a vice president of the prestigious hospital -- helped create the program."

March 2, 2009
Michelle Obama's Patient-Dumping Scheme
By David Catron

Hillary did not get her sticky fingers on the big money until after she got her hands on political power in Washington. One can only guess at how much money MO stuffed in her skyrocket before she left the White House! If past performance counts for anything former First Lady Michelle Obama will make former First Lady Hillary Clinton look like a shoplifter.

As to Michelle’s dubious beauty I remember that four or five years ago I joked about Michelle Obama trying out a new do. I disliked MO because she is crook and an America-hater. Calling her a crook is not funny. Comparing her to a monkey was funny to me. When she did bangs I said she looked like she was auditioning for a role in the next Planet of the Apes movie.



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Melania is an attractive, elegant, lady, while I will never understand this:

. . . former First Lady Michelle Obama received constant praise during her tenure for “courage” and “beauty” and “intelligence.” She was celebrated on 12 magazine covers and is still a regular guest on the late-night “comedy” programs. In contrast, Melania Trump has not been invited to grace magazine covers nor be a guest on the network talk shows.

By Jeff Crouere
December 28, 2018

No magazine article or media mouth ever pointed that Michelle Obama was a more accomplished thief than Hillary Clinton.

Hillary’s larceny in Arkansas did NOT compare with Michelle’s stickup. MO was well on her way to millionaire status with her $317,000 a year job in the University of Chicago Hospital. A job that was created for her —— and was eliminated after she left.

Oddly absent from most of the unflattering press coverage of UCMC's patient-dumping scheme is any mention of the role our new First Lady played in devising the program. A laudable exception has been the Chicago Sun-Times, which reported last August that "Michelle Obama -- currently on unpaid leave from her $317,000-a-year job as a vice president of the prestigious hospital -- helped create the program."

March 2, 2009
Michelle Obama's Patient-Dumping Scheme
By David Catron

Hillary did not get her sticky fingers on the big money until after she got her hands on political power in Washington. One can only guess at how much money MO stuffed in her skyrocket before she left the White House! If past performance counts for anything former First Lady Michelle Obama will make former First Lady Hillary Clinton look like a shoplifter.

As to Michelle’s dubious beauty I remember that four or five years ago I joked about Michelle Obama trying out a new do. I disliked MO because she is crook and an America-hater. Calling her a crook is not funny. Comparing her to a monkey was funny to me. When she did bangs I said she looked like she was auditioning for a role in the next Planet of the Apes movie.



What a man you are!

Melania is an attractive, elegant, lady, while I will never understand this:

. . . former First Lady Michelle Obama received constant praise during her tenure for “courage” and “beauty” and “intelligence.” She was celebrated on 12 magazine covers and is still a regular guest on the late-night “comedy” programs. In contrast, Melania Trump has not been invited to grace magazine covers nor be a guest on the network talk shows.

By Jeff Crouere
December 28, 2018

No magazine article or media mouth ever pointed out that Michelle Obama was a more accomplished thief than Hillary Clinton.

Hillary’s larceny in Arkansas did NOT compare with Michelle’s stickup. MO was well on her way to millionaire status with her $317,000 a year job in the University of Chicago Hospital. A job that was created for her —— and was eliminated after she left.

Oddly absent from most of the unflattering press coverage of UCMC's patient-dumping scheme is any mention of the role our new First Lady played in devising the program. A laudable exception has been the Chicago Sun-Times, which reported last August that "Michelle Obama -- currently on unpaid leave from her $317,000-a-year job as a vice president of the prestigious hospital -- helped create the program."

March 2, 2009
Michelle Obama's Patient-Dumping Scheme
By David Catron

Hillary did not get her sticky fingers on the big money until after she got her hands on political power in Washington. One can only guess at how much money MO stuffed in her skyrocket before she left the White House! If past performance counts for anything former First Lady Michelle Obama will make former First Lady Hillary Clinton look like a shoplifter.

As to Michelle’s dubious beauty I remember that four or five years ago I joked about Michelle Obama trying out a new do. I disliked MO because she is crook and an America-hater. Calling her a crook is not funny. Comparing her to a monkey was funny to me. When she did bangs I said she looked like she was auditioning for a role in the next Planet of the Apes movie.

You truly are a scumbag, Flanders.

In any case, in the annual Gallop Poll, Hillary Clinton was voted the most admired woman in the world for 17 consecutive years...and Michelle beat her out this year.

That is saying a lot about Michelle Obama.

The fact that those two women have dominated American admiration seems to sorely bother you assholes of the right.


And if I forgot to mention that you are a scumbag...allow me to do that here.

You are scumbag.
In any case, in the annual Gallop Poll, Hillary Clinton was voted the most admired woman in the world for 17 consecutive years...and Michelle beat her out this year.

To Frank Apisa: Get a brain transplant, asshole. The last time intelligent Americans believed “The Most” crap put out by the media was when the Ladies Home Journal named Phyllis Schlafly one of the 100 most important women of the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century. Compare Ms. Schlafy’s concrete accomplishments to the two baby butchers, greedy, unbridled ambition, and hatred the douche bags you admire so much did to this country.

The fact that those two women have dominated American admiration seems to sorely bother you assholes of the right.

To Frank Apisa: Asshole. You are not smart enough to sell that garbage.

American admiration preached by Democrats, by television’s mouths, by perverts, by illegal aliens, and by the entire parasite class ignores the vast majority of Americans. The fact that Lefties admire thieves, degenerates, traitors and America-haters says more about them than it says about a wet brain who hates this country, and a gawk who is only proud of this country when she gets what she wants.

Michelle Obama once told us that she had never been proud of her country until her husband was nominated for the presidency. She just told Oprah Winfrey we Americans are entering a time of hopelessness – "we are feeling what not having hope feels like." The end of hope is a severe condemnation. No pride is to be bestowed on people without hope.

But it is what Mrs. Obama believes. She was not proud of America until she was 44 years old, when she said of her husband's 2008 Democrat presidential nomination, "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback." Today, she apparently feels that 62 million Americans who voted for Trump have disgraced themselves again through voting for the end of hope.

What makes Mrs. Obama's declaration so odd is that whether or not Donald Trump can deliver on his wildly ambitious aims, more than anything, his message to a discouraged nation is one of hope. To the 90 million able-bodied Americans who have given up looking for living wage jobs due to Obama's economic policies, Trump says, have hope! To a decimated and demoralized military, Trump says, we're going to fix it, buh-lieve me. To a nation suffering under the Obama administration's hypocritical machinations to admit hundreds of thousands of illegals through broken borders, Trump offers hope for the restoration of a nation of laws.

Dozens of Americans have been murdered by illegals. Michelle Obama expressed no hope to Kate Steinle's family that such brutal crimes would stop. Kate was collateral damage in the Obamas' campaign to recolor America; as such, Michelle Obama would never express compassion for Kate's grieving loved ones. The first lady's disinterest in white children, evidenced by her invitations and efforts, was pointed. Her inclination to favor black institutions, causes, and guests and to avoid schools and settings representing the actual make-up of Americans was marked. Michelle Obama never became a first lady for all the American people, the people she was not proud to symbolize in the first place.

Michelle Obama was the only first lady in history so lacking in gratitude for her privileges that she locked the doors of the White House against the American people – and not because of war or fire, but to punish the public over the budget. Mrs. Obama did this even as the Obamas are estimated to have spent 85 million taxpayer dollars for non-working vacations and amusements, an average of $900,000 a month for eight years.

Mrs. Obama, you haven't changed a bit. You can go back to being ashamed of us, as long as you just go.

December 17, 2016
Michelle Obama not proud of America again
By Deborah C. Tyler
To Frank Apisa: Get a brain transplant, asshole. The last time intelligent Americans believed “The Most” crap put out by the media was when the Ladies Home Journal named Phyllis Schlafly one of the 100 most important women of the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century. Compare Ms. Schlafy’s concrete accomplishments to the two baby butchers, greedy, unbridled ambition, and hatred the douche bags you admire so much did to this country.

To Frank Apisa: Asshole. You are not smart enough to sell that garbage.

American admiration preached by Democrats, by television’s mouths, by perverts, by illegal aliens, and by the entire parasite class ignores the vast majority of Americans. The fact that Lefties admire thieves, degenerates, traitors and America-haters says more about them than it says about a wet brain who hates this country, and a gawk who is only proud of this country when she gets what she wants.

Michelle Obama once told us that she had never been proud of her country until her husband was nominated for the presidency. She just told Oprah Winfrey we Americans are entering a time of hopelessness – "we are feeling what not having hope feels like." The end of hope is a severe condemnation. No pride is to be bestowed on people without hope.

But it is what Mrs. Obama believes. She was not proud of America until she was 44 years old, when she said of her husband's 2008 Democrat presidential nomination, "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback." Today, she apparently feels that 62 million Americans who voted for Trump have disgraced themselves again through voting for the end of hope.

What makes Mrs. Obama's declaration so odd is that whether or not Donald Trump can deliver on his wildly ambitious aims, more than anything, his message to a discouraged nation is one of hope. To the 90 million able-bodied Americans who have given up looking for living wage jobs due to Obama's economic policies, Trump says, have hope! To a decimated and demoralized military, Trump says, we're going to fix it, buh-lieve me. To a nation suffering under the Obama administration's hypocritical machinations to admit hundreds of thousands of illegals through broken borders, Trump offers hope for the restoration of a nation of laws.

Dozens of Americans have been murdered by illegals. Michelle Obama expressed no hope to Kate Steinle's family that such brutal crimes would stop. Kate was collateral damage in the Obamas' campaign to recolor America; as such, Michelle Obama would never express compassion for Kate's grieving loved ones. The first lady's disinterest in white children, evidenced by her invitations and efforts, was pointed. Her inclination to favor black institutions, causes, and guests and to avoid schools and settings representing the actual make-up of Americans was marked. Michelle Obama never became a first lady for all the American people, the people she was not proud to symbolize in the first place.

Michelle Obama was the only first lady in history so lacking in gratitude for her privileges that she locked the doors of the White House against the American people – and not because of war or fire, but to punish the public over the budget. Mrs. Obama did this even as the Obamas are estimated to have spent 85 million taxpayer dollars for non-working vacations and amusements, an average of $900,000 a month for eight years.

Mrs. Obama, you haven't changed a bit. You can go back to being ashamed of us, as long as you just go.

December 17, 2016
Michelle Obama not proud of America again
By Deborah C. Tyler

Melania is a trophy wife and a gold digger with a history of posing nude with other women and lying about her education.. My sympathy for her is tempered by her selling out herself and her only child to a notorious cheat and bully. Pity her, but don't admire her although she must have known what Trump was when she married him.
To Frank Apisa: Get a brain transplant, asshole. The last time intelligent Americans believed “The Most” crap put out by the media was when the Ladies Home Journal named Phyllis Schlafly one of the 100 most important women of the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century. Compare Ms. Schlafy’s concrete accomplishments to the two baby butchers, greedy, unbridled ambition, and hatred the douche bags you admire so much did to this country.

Hillary Clinton...17 years in a row...and now Michelle Obama...voted The Most Admired Woman in America.

And a Trump Chump like you can only say that "intelligent Americans" don't care.

What would you possibly know about "intelligent Americans?"

To Frank Apisa: Asshole. You are not smart enough to sell that garbage.

If you truly thought I am not smart enough to do would not have been so triggered by my comments here.

I say again:

Hillary Clinton...voted most admired woman in America for 17 consecutive years...

...and now has been ousted from that position by Michelle Obama.

That just gnaws at the guts of you asshole American conservatives.


I am enjoying watching your agony.

Keep it up.

The longer it lasts...the more fun it is.
To Legion: Libs do not know the difference between popularity polls and doing what is best for the country.

To Flanders: Libs do not know the difference between popularity polls and reality.

Didn't most polls predict a Hillary win?
To Flanders: Libs do not know the difference between popularity polls and reality.

Didn't most polls predict a Hillary win?

and then she did

the Russians and the republicans cheated their asses off to squeak a electoral vote theft

cheating is not winning

Didn't your mommy and daddy teach you that
To Legion: Libs do not know the difference between popularity polls and doing what is best for the country.

Popularity polls have NOTHING to do with it. Trump used Melania in hours and hours of Howard Stern to boast about his sexual prowess and subject her to shame and ridicule.. He did the same with wife Marla Maples.. turning both women into bimbos..

Then he hires hookers when his wife is newly delivered of their only child. Melania is a tragic character if one is feeling kind or an idiot otherwise... and she has sold out her only child.
Popularity polls have NOTHING to do with it. Trump used Melania in hours and hours of Howard Stern to boast about his sexual prowess and subject her to shame and ridicule.. He did the same with wife Marla Maples.. turning both women into bimbos..

Then he hires hookers when his wife is newly delivered of their only child. Melania is a tragic character if one is feeling kind or an idiot otherwise... and she has sold out her only child.

Why did you husband turn you into a bimbo? Do you consider him your pimp?

Melania is an attractive, elegant, lady, while I will never understand this:

. . . former First Lady Michelle Obama received constant praise during her tenure for “courage” and “beauty” and “intelligence.” She was celebrated on 12 magazine covers and is still a regular guest on the late-night “comedy” programs. In contrast, Melania Trump has not been invited to grace magazine covers nor be a guest on the network talk shows.

By Jeff Crouere
December 28, 2018

No magazine article or media mouth ever pointed out that Michelle Obama was a more accomplished thief than Hillary Clinton.

Hillary’s larceny in Arkansas did NOT compare with Michelle’s stickup. MO was well on her way to millionaire status with her $317,000 a year job in the University of Chicago Hospital. A job that was created for her —— and was eliminated after she left.

Oddly absent from most of the unflattering press coverage of UCMC's patient-dumping scheme is any mention of the role our new First Lady played in devising the program. A laudable exception has been the Chicago Sun-Times, which reported last August that "Michelle Obama -- currently on unpaid leave from her $317,000-a-year job as a vice president of the prestigious hospital -- helped create the program."

March 2, 2009
Michelle Obama's Patient-Dumping Scheme
By David Catron

Hillary did not get her sticky fingers on the big money until after she got her hands on political power in Washington. One can only guess at how much money MO stuffed in her skyrocket before she left the White House! If past performance counts for anything former First Lady Michelle Obama will make former First Lady Hillary Clinton look like a shoplifter.

As to Michelle’s dubious beauty I remember that four or five years ago I joked about Michelle Obama trying out a new do. I disliked MO because she is crook and an America-hater. Calling her a crook is not funny. Comparing her to a monkey was funny to me. When she did bangs I said she looked like she was auditioning for a role in the next Planet of the Apes movie.



Could you post your picture so we can determine how attractive you are, thanks.
Melania is an attractive, elegant, lady, while I will never understand this:

. . . former First Lady Michelle Obama received constant praise during her tenure for “courage” and “beauty” and “intelligence.” She was celebrated on 12 magazine covers and is still a regular guest on the late-night “comedy” programs. In contrast, Melania Trump has not been invited to grace magazine covers nor be a guest on the network talk shows.

By Jeff Crouere
December 28, 2018

No magazine article or media mouth ever pointed out that Michelle Obama was a more accomplished thief than Hillary Clinton.

Hillary’s larceny in Arkansas did NOT compare with Michelle’s stickup. MO was well on her way to millionaire status with her $317,000 a year job in the University of Chicago Hospital. A job that was created for her —— and was eliminated after she left.

Oddly absent from most of the unflattering press coverage of UCMC's patient-dumping scheme is any mention of the role our new First Lady played in devising the program. A laudable exception has been the Chicago Sun-Times, which reported last August that "Michelle Obama -- currently on unpaid leave from her $317,000-a-year job as a vice president of the prestigious hospital -- helped create the program."

March 2, 2009
Michelle Obama's Patient-Dumping Scheme
By David Catron

Hillary did not get her sticky fingers on the big money until after she got her hands on political power in Washington. One can only guess at how much money MO stuffed in her skyrocket before she left the White House! If past performance counts for anything former First Lady Michelle Obama will make former First Lady Hillary Clinton look like a shoplifter.

As to Michelle’s dubious beauty I remember that four or five years ago I joked about Michelle Obama trying out a new do. I disliked MO because she is crook and an America-hater. Calling her a crook is not funny. Comparing her to a monkey was funny to me. When she did bangs I said she looked like she was auditioning for a role in the next Planet of the Apes movie.

You're not just a racist but a shallow, disgusting one. And you got a lot wrong, not surprising considering your sources. Show the forum how Melania contributed to the betterment of society so we have something to compare.

May 9, 2005
Michelle Obama has been appointed vice president for community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals. Obama, who was previously the executive director for community affairs at the Hospitals, will be responsible for all programs and initiatives that involve the relationship between the Hospitals and the community. She will also take over management of the Hospitals' business diversity program.

Michelle Obama had been promoted in 2005 to vice president for community and external affairs after three years as the executive director for community affairs. It’s true, as the e-mail (and National Review column) says, that she received a sizable pay raise that year. She went from earning $121,910 in 2004 as an executive director at the hospital to making $316,962 in 2005 as a vice president, according to tax returns filed by the Obamas for those years. But the suggestion made by the email’s author – and not made by the National Review – that she was being paid more than $300,000 for a "20 hour a week job" is not true."
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You're not just a racist but a shallow, disgusting one. And you got a lot wrong, not surprising considering your sources. Show the forum how Melania contributed to the betterment of society so we have something to compare.

May 9, 2005
Michelle Obama has been appointed vice president for community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals. Obama, who was previously the executive director for community affairs at the Hospitals, will be responsible for all programs and initiatives that involve the relationship between the Hospitals and the community. She will also take over management of the Hospitals' business diversity program.

Michelle Obama had been promoted in 2005 to vice president for community and external affairs after three years as the executive director for community affairs. It’s true, as the e-mail (and National Review column) says, that she received a sizable pay raise that year. She went from earning $121,910 in 2004 as an executive director at the hospital to making $316,962 in 2005 as a vice president, according to tax returns filed by the Obamas for those years. But the suggestion made by the email’s author – and not made by the National Review – that she was being paid more than $300,000 for a "20 hour a week job" is not true."
I still want to see his picture.
You're not just a racist but a shallow, disgusting one. And you got a lot wrong, not surprising considering your sources. Show the forum how Melania contributed to the betterment of society so we have something to compare.

May 9, 2005
Michelle Obama has been appointed vice president for community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals. Obama, who was previously the executive director for community affairs at the Hospitals, will be responsible for all programs and initiatives that involve the relationship between the Hospitals and the community. She will also take over management of the Hospitals' business diversity program.

Michelle Obama had been promoted in 2005 to vice president for community and external affairs after three years as the executive director for community affairs. It’s true, as the e-mail (and National Review column) says, that she received a sizable pay raise that year. She went from earning $121,910 in 2004 as an executive director at the hospital to making $316,962 in 2005 as a vice president, according to tax returns filed by the Obamas for those years. But the suggestion made by the email’s author – and not made by the National Review – that she was being paid more than $300,000 for a "20 hour a week job" is not true."

Haters are frequently stupid.. Those traits go together..