Austrian economics

so prove me wrong with something other than your brain dead Nu uh bullshit.

Prove as you seem to be claiming that the Austrian school is a golden boy of the economics fields?
Baxter, I do respect your opinion here - In fact, I admire it above any beyond that of folks like evince. The Austrians, the truly genuine free-market capitalists, are definitely among the better of the lot.

But they approach economics in a manner contrary to reality. Hayek, for one, believed that capitalism could work in the ideal Smithian manner. Markets would adjust themselves to meet demand, workers would put abusive employers out of business, and the government would provide a minimum income to deal with structural unemployment. He was a utopian who believed that capitalism (the kind where the government and private sector were largely separate) wasn't just a stage in its development. He wasn't anti-labor, just a man of enormous belief.

That's where I consider him fundamentally mistaken. Considering the power centralized in the "leisure class" and their political interests, Hayek's pure capitalism is a fool's dream. Socialism relies on crises and the decent of a system, and that's our current trend, but Austrianism relies on just the opposite; that system rising above itself.

You seem to be discussing problems of political science (not economics) that plague Marxism (or whatever you want to call your economics) as much as it does Austrian economics.
You didn't read it... did you?

did you asshole?

The libertarian streak of the Austrians still has its fans. Glenn Beck, a lachrymose Fox News pundit, turned Hayek's “The Road to Serfdom” into an unlikely bestseller earlier this year. Being associated with Mr Beck will not persuade many academics to take Austrian economic ideas seriously. Given the repeated credit booms and busts of the past 40 years, that may be a pity
so prove me wrong with something other than your brain dead Nu uh bullshit.
Prove as you seem to be claiming that the Austrian school is a golden boy of the economics fields?

How can I prove you wrong when you refuse to give ANY examples of your bullshit claims?

I am not claiming any such thing Desh. You are making comments on a economic theory you clearly don't understand. You then try to pretend it is all a joke and that it is what Reps believe in. You don't even know what economic theory the majority of Reps believe in. How can we have a discussion if you are too ignorant to even know that simple FACT?
did you asshole?

I did... which is why I asked if you had. Because yet again you posted a link to a story that does not support your position.

The libertarian streak of the Austrians still has its fans. Glenn Beck, a lachrymose Fox News pundit, turned Hayek's “The Road to Serfdom” into an unlikely bestseller earlier this year. Being associated with Mr Beck will not persuade many academics to take Austrian economic ideas seriously. Given the repeated credit booms and busts of the past 40 years, that may be a pity

lol... you just saw Glenn Becks name and posted the link because you think that makes your case?

FYI Desh... the article states something very important to refute your nonsense. Can you find it?
Austrian economics is laughed at by all the serious schools of economics.

pretending they are in good standing in their field is nothing more than a lie
did you asshole?

The libertarian streak of the Austrians still has its fans. Glenn Beck, a lachrymose Fox News pundit, turned Hayek's “The Road to Serfdom” into an unlikely bestseller earlier this year. Being associated with Mr Beck will not persuade many academics to take Austrian economic ideas seriously. Given the repeated credit booms and busts of the past 40 years, that may be a pity

You just quoted the Economist as saying it's a pity more academics don't look into Austrian economic ideas based on the past 40 years of economic reality. Is that what you really intended for us to read?
PROVE they are admired and respected by the other schools of thought if that is what you are claiming
They are as joke and you lick their assses like they are your masters.

Why do you chose them over all other schools?

make your case
tell us why you throw in the trash all other schools of economics and the math they use to adhere to this failed theory?
All the other fields of economics use the same math.

The Austrians don't.

They make their statistics up out of thin air.

that is why all the others disregaurd everything the school says.

Oh and by the by

The Austrians are never rigth in their predictions either

Have you stated any of their predictions yet?
CATO is a piece of fucking crap

That is what some in the Austrian camp claim. The discussion includes Bryan Caplan who you previously seemed to think was a useful source. It's not glowing praise of Austrians but seems fair. The link is for those who like to consider things intelligently, a group that obviously does not include you.