Ayn Rand and the Invincible Cult of Selfishness on the American Right

If you look at pix of teabaggers they're mostly blue collar working people. They protest FOR the corporate sponsors who organize their protests but who don't attend. The power of propaganda.

They are tools proud to be used by their masters.
Admit it MeMe, you don't give a shit if people die in the streets of starvation as long as it doesn't affect you or yours. You don't care if old people freeze to death in the winter because you are warm and they didn't prepare. Starving or freezing people should have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps.

so you care more and do more about all this than anyone? and please explain how...
I hope they dont go Tim McVeigh on us and start blowing things up.

or getting all radical environmentalist on us and blowing up pipelines..or pro abortion people shooting innocent old men sitting in a chair holding a sign about abortion..

or getting all radical environmentalist on us and blowing up pipelines..or pro abortion people shooting innocent old men sitting in a chair holding a sign about abortion..


There are no innocent old men. It is an impossibility.
I hope they dont go Tim McVeigh on us and start blowing things up.

You are the third left-leaning person on this board to announce they believe it will happen or 'hope' this doesn't happen. I'm not going to say people want violence to happen because I don't believe that but its almost like this palpable hope politically that something happens to be able to say 'F up guys'.
and neither will you pretend to even care about them.

why should I be like you? cause that is all you all do is Pretend..or you want to take others monies to donate to your favorite cause in life through forced taxation, instead of donating your own..
yes, they contributed to their communities and unless you live in a big ass city, small communities still do that...but at their choice, not by force through the Guberment...
you want to be this hero and take care of everyone, go to work everyday and donate all you paycheck to a charity..they will love you for it.

as I said, if I want to live in a commune, I'd join one and if I wanted to live in a communist country, I'd move to one..

I have to go to work!!!!!!!:eek:

Well, that definately puts a different spin on things.
I still don't think Memeliar knows who Ayn Rand was. That doesn't prevent her airing her ignorance, though. What a hoot!
no shit Sherlock..I'm just not going to sit here and act all uppity and pretend I can take care of everyone in all situations like you lefties like to act..

But see; words have meanings and to a Liberal, saying they care means they don't have to do anything else.
Because they say they care.
But see; words have meanings and to a Liberal, saying they care means they don't have to do anything else.
Because they say they care.

With logic like that it's just hard to understand how you lost the last election so badly, isn't it?
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