Babysitting a suicide case


on indefiniate mod break
I have this distant relative (who is not really a relative but was adopted). She's middle aged. Anyway she tried to make christmas plans to visit us but she sent us this really emo letter about how much her life sucks and how she would be a burden on us if she came, so she didn't want to come unless we "really wanted her to."

So guess what happened? We didn't invite her, LOL. We didn't exactly not invite her to come for christmas, but she was kind of put on the backburner as no one wanted a killjoy around our parts. She just wasn't on our mind. She kept calling and we wouldn't really answer the phone much. Then we made plans to meet sometime around new years, early january, but that went unanswered as well.

So finally today we get a letter and she's talking about how she is going to sell her dog (ok?) and probably kill herself.

Obviously now she gets the invite :rolleyes:

Anyway I really resent her, because I am not convinced she was actually going to off herself, instead she just went for broke and pulled the trigger of the ultimate manipulation tool. I do not like being manipulated and I don't like my family being manipulated.

She might be serious though, who knows.

Regardless, she is coming over today, and I probably have to entertain a suicidal headcase that I barely know.
you can kill 2 birds with one stone.
learn to be compasionate and ax the virgin syndrome you suffer so badly from.
I have this distant relative (who is not really a relative but was adopted). She's middle aged. Anyway she tried to make christmas plans to visit us but she sent us this really emo letter about how much her life sucks and how she would be a burden on us if she came, so she didn't want to come unless we "really wanted her to."

So guess what happened? We didn't invite her, LOL. We didn't exactly not invite her to come for christmas, but she was kind of put on the backburner as no one wanted a killjoy around our parts. She just wasn't on our mind. She kept calling and we wouldn't really answer the phone much. Then we made plans to meet sometime around new years, early january, but that went unanswered as well.

So finally today we get a letter and she's talking about how she is going to sell her dog (ok?) and probably kill herself.

Obviously now she gets the invite :rolleyes:

Anyway I really resent her, because I am not convinced she was actually going to off herself, instead she just went for broke and pulled the trigger of the ultimate manipulation tool. I do not like being manipulated and I don't like my family being manipulated.

She might be serious though, who knows.

Regardless, she is coming over today, and I probably have to entertain a suicidal headcase that I barely know.

Oh the joy of family. Look at it like this of these days you may go batshit crazy too and it would be nice if you had some sympathetic family to look after your looney ass. Maybe you should look at this as some form of advance payment?

My guess is that she's a woman so be patient and learn from this cause women eat up this kind of drama shit and you can learn a great deal from this that's to your advantage.
I think she is lying. I am pretty convinced she's also a sociopath. She's way better friends and closer to a lot of other family members but instead of sending letters to them, she sends them to us and someone else, because she wants stuff.
im just ignoring her right now. I don't really want to have anything to do with her or let her project her misery onto me.