
JPP Modarater
Yes. I know you all love to hear every mundane detail of my life, so I'll share.

I met up with Desh! She's very sweet! She even bought me and my friend lunch while I nursed my hangover! We walked all around Freemont street, lost a raffle, got some beads, hit up an oxygen bar and got messages, a pimp tried to recruit the three of us, and I learned a very important lesson on the unreliability of the Deuce Deuce bus system in Vegas.

Good times!
Yes. I know you all love to hear every mundane detail of my life, so I'll share.

I met up with Desh! She's very sweet! She even bought me and my friend lunch while I nursed my hangover! We walked all around Freemont street, lost a raffle, got some beads, hit up an oxygen bar and got messages, a pimp tried to recruit the three of us, and I learned a very important lesson on the unreliability of the Deuce Deuce bus system in Vegas.

Good times!

I never really got the point of oxygen bars. You could pretty much get the same effect by breathing really fast. And it's not really healthy at all anyway (it speeds up aging for one thing).
I never really got the point of oxygen bars. You could pretty much get the same effect by breathing really fast. And it's not really healthy at all anyway (it speeds up aging for one thing).

Ladies in gentlemen, observe the traditional "fun wrecker." Notice how this specimen over analyzes things and doesn't realize the value of getting out to see unique and interesting places while socializing. It can often be observed saying "I don't think that's such a good idea," and "Sorry Jessica alba, I can't have sex with you because I have to study for a history quiz tomorrow."
Ladies in gentlemen, observe the traditional "fun wrecker." Notice how this specimen over analyzes things and doesn't realize the value of getting out to see unique and interesting places while socializing. It can often be observed saying "I don't think that's such a good idea," and "Sorry Jessica alba, I can't have sex with you because I have to study for a history quiz tomorrow."

I don't enjoy being ripped off while socializing. I can do that very well while not giving someone money for free. Paying a dollar a minute to walk into a bar with a high oxygen content, is like burning that same amount of money, and breathing really fast in that amount of time, whilst drinking.

Which actually sounds like fun, whenever you mention the drinking part...

My alcoholisms raging again...
everyone notice how he killed my joke rather than taking it in stride? Typical fun wrecker.

Yes. I know you all love to hear every mundane detail of my life, so I'll share.

I met up with Desh! She's very sweet! She even bought me and my friend lunch while I nursed my hangover! We walked all around Freemont street, lost a raffle, got some beads, hit up an oxygen bar and got messages, a pimp tried to recruit the three of us, and I learned a very important lesson on the unreliability of the Deuce Deuce bus system in Vegas.

Good times!

LOL! Oh it sounds fabulous!
Ladies in gentlemen, observe the traditional "fun wrecker." Notice how this specimen over analyzes things and doesn't realize the value of getting out to see unique and interesting places while socializing. It can often be observed saying "I don't think that's such a good idea," and "Sorry Jessica alba, I can't have sex with you because I have to study for a history quiz tomorrow."

I never really got the point of oxygen bars. You could pretty much get the same effect by breathing really fast. And it's not really healthy at all anyway (it speeds up aging for one thing).
I wonder why you would need one in Vegas. The Casinos all pour extra oxygen into their air to get people a little light headed so they'll gamble more. No need to pay even more money for it, just go into the Casino.

This has a negative effect for those of us who live in high altitudes. We already feel a bit of that just going down that low in altitude, then add even more? It actually made my wife ill.
I wonder why you would need one in Vegas. The Casinos all pour extra oxygen into their air to get people a little light headed so they'll gamble more. No need to pay even more money for it, just go into the Casino.

This has a negative effect for those of us who live in high altitudes. We already feel a bit of that just going down that low in altitude, then add even more? It actually made my wife ill.

RU kidding? The casino air was rank with cigarettes. i'm not used to that anymore.

Taht was the worst.
RU kidding? The casino air was rank with cigarettes. i'm not used to that anymore.

Taht was the worst.
I don't remember that. I do remember watching people walk all over with cigarettes though. I was amazed at how clear the air was regardless of that.