I wouldn't think that the casinos themselves would even let you smoke, in order not to kill business from the 80% of people who don't smoke. But whatever, casinos...
Yes. I know you all love to hear every mundane detail of my life, so I'll share.

I met up with Desh! She's very sweet! She even bought me and my friend lunch while I nursed my hangover! We walked all around Freemont street, lost a raffle, got some beads, hit up an oxygen bar and got messages, a pimp tried to recruit the three of us, and I learned a very important lesson on the unreliability of the Deuce Deuce bus system in Vegas.

Good times!

Sounds righteous!
"Sorry Jessica alba, I can't have sex with you because I have to study for a history quiz tomorrow."

I'm pretty sure Jessica Alba is a lesbian, so he wouldn't be able to anyway.

EDIT: Upon further research, she is not...I could have sworn I heard that, though.
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Gambling, Drinking and smoking just go together.

How true UScit...and now we have all the righteous complaining..the far left cracks me up...smoking in 'Sin City' rude...:cof1:
Hey I live in Nevada...'Kalifornias'(pun) stolen from Arnold...'Smoking Area"
I willtake this a step further...........

If Nevada legalized smoking pot in public...dollars to donuts not a remark about smoking in Casinos would be heard from Lady T,desh,Darla et al...imho mind ya! and quite a few others!
I just smoke, do not drink or gamble hardly at all. I do buy a couple of powerball tickets a month. But rarely drink. Just don't like the taste of alcohol.

The only people who say things like this are people who do not drink much.

If you drank, you would like alcohol.

Just like when people don't think beer is the most delicious thing ever.

UScit is full of shit!...he is trying his best to be above the crowd...gonzo ya called it right!....ahhhhh of the Gods...even Jesus and beer!;)
I do not like the taste of Alcohol. I don't think most people can even taste the alcohol.

Then you are a bigger idiot than I thought.

Of course we taste the alcohol, fucktard. The difference is that we have the balls to keep drinking, because alcohol is an acquired taste.

You really think that all of the drinkers in the world are just suffering from some mass delusion that alcoholic drinks are delicious, or maybe it is just you and cheerleaders not having the balls to man up?
AA is for quitters. Also all the people in AA screw eachother and many of them procreate. Bad genetics. Alcohol is great in moderation. I had a Stone IPA tonight and then one Bombay Saphire Gin Martini. Lovely I must say. I prefer beer to hard liquor however. I really love microbrews. Budmilleroors sucks buttermilk through a crazystraw.