Bank Run... Gold and Silver Up


New member

Sept. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Hundreds of Northern Rock Plc customers crowded into branches in London today to pull out their savings after the mortgage-loan provider sought emergency funding from the Bank of England.

``It's scary,'' said Peter Pye, 60, a retired university lecturer standing in a line of about 30 people outside the Moorgate branch in the financial district. ``I have my life's savings in Northern Rock.'' He said he would withdraw a ``six- figure'' sum and leave 5,000 pounds in the account.

Gold has just broken through the $640 level at a pace that has taken even the most hardened “Gold Bug’s” breath away. Most gold commentators are still standing opened-mouthed, their forecasts close to $100+ below present levels already.

Why have they been caught out of touch in this way? We hear that Iran and the Oil price are to blame, but there is a larger, integrated and global set of factors that have produced and will still produce this phenomenon and will continue to do so for quite a few years to come.


And we still have not heard yellowlikeadog's history lesson.
Ahh My goild mine stock is doing well.
The economys great , what are you guys whining about ?
Go back in your trailer and watch Jerry Springer.

Just trying to sound like I have a degree in economics :D
Ahh My goild mine stock is doing well.
The economys great , what are you guys whining about ?
Go back in your trailer and watch Jerry Springer.

Just trying to sound like I have a degree in economics :D
You need to misspell more and talk about GEDs.
Go back about two months find a thread where I advised y'all to buy gold.

And that is without an Economics degree.
ok... I'll bite... why the pairing of these stories? The gold article is from APRIL. Gold prices are currently over $700.

Sorry, just plucked a gold story, should have checked more carefully for somthing current. The pairing is because gold often is used as haven from depreciating currency values.
Sorry, just plucked a gold story, should have checked more carefully for somthing current. The pairing is because gold often is used as haven from depreciating currency values.

yeah... I know, it is why gold is now over $700 when at the time of your april article it was $640.

If (I should say WHEN) the fed cuts rates tuesday, the dollar decline should continue. My guess is we see gold at $750 by the end of Oct and perhaps test $770 by the end of the year.
I've been telling people to buy gold for the past three years at least. It has doubled since I first began stressing it.

I've been telling people to buy gold for the past three years at least. It has doubled since I first began stressing it.

Three years ago?..Where the hell were you when I threw my Gold wedding ring off the Santa Monica pier(20+years ago)...never mind I was protesting a bad marriage...carry on!:cof1:
I'll be sure to go and sell off my gold stocks to get me some more of those counterfeit bills I love so much.
I'll be sure to go and sell off my gold stocks to get me some more of those counterfeit bills I love so much.

Dude, you are not going to actually defend your silly semantic argument, so why bother?

I guess you would take exception with the claim that Hitler murdered Jews since it was legal under his state?
Dude, you are not going to actually defend your silly semantic argument, so why bother?

I guess you would take exception with the claim that Hitler murdered Jews since it was legal under his state?

Yes. Hitler was simply doing his lawful duty.

And I does loves my counterfeit muney.
Yes. Hitler was simply doing his lawful duty.

And I does loves my counterfeit muney.

That's great.

Your whole problem with it is assinine. It's like pro-choicers who respond to the argument that abortion ist murder, that it can't be since it is legal. Uhhh, sure... technically, you might have a point. But it's an extremely stupid one. Obviously, the prolifers mean it is an unjust killing. So why respond to some semantic nonsense? Because you are an intellectual pussy, that's why.
That's great.

Your whole problem with it is assinine. It's like pro-choicers who respond to the argument that abortion ist murder, that it can't be since it is legal. Uhhh, sure... technically, you might have a point. But it's an extremely stupid one. Obviously, the prolifers mean it is an unjust killing. So why respond to some semantic nonsense? Because you are an intellectual pussy, that's why.

Okay, my turn: STRAW MAN!

I clearly stated in the infamous "counterfeit" thread that I don't necessarily disagree with the gold standard, but your use of the word counterfeit was perfectly retarded.