Bank Run... Gold and Silver Up

Nope, neither.

Your argument IS only about semantics, i.e., the definition of couterfeit.

And... I did not state that your argument is wrong because you are an intellectual pussy. I stated that your argument demonstrates that you are an intellectual pussy. In the above, I have not even asserted that your argument is worng, in fact I said, technically, you might have a point. A very stupid one.
No, it's a straw man because I'm not arguing against the gold standard. I am, however, pointing out how stupid it is to say all US currency is counterfeit.
Ahem . . . .

Nope, neither.

Your argument IS only about semantics, i.e., the definition of couterfeit.
(Pet peeve alert!)

If you ever find yourself in an argument that's NOT about semantics, you know you're wasting your time. Also that of other people, which is probably more to the point.

Main Entry: se·man·tics
Pronunciation: si-'man-tiks
Function: noun plural but singular or plural in construction
1 : the study of meanings: a : the historical and psychological study and the classification of changes in the signification of words or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development b (1) : [SIZE=-1]SEMIOTIC[/SIZE] (2) : a branch of semiotic dealing with the relations between signs and what they refer to and including theories of denotation, extension, naming, and truth
3 a : the meaning or relationship of meanings of a sign or set of signs; especially : connotative meaning b : the language used (as in advertising or political propaganda) to achieve a desired effect on an audience especially through the use of words with novel or dual meanings

-- emphasis added.
An argument which is about nothing but the trivial meaning and connatation of the words used is a stupid argument. Both people probably attached different connatations to the word, and one party found objection to a certain connatation that it was used with, and are just arguing because they refuse to admit that neither one of them is necessarily wrong. Sadly, this is what 90% of arguments are. It's literally an argument of nothing.

And now we're arguing semantics again, Ornot.
No, it's a straw man because I'm not arguing against the gold standard. I am, however, pointing out how stupid it is to say all US currency is counterfeit.

It's not a strawman cause I did not claim you were arguing against the gold standard. wtfru even talking about? LOL, your claim of a strawman is a strawman.
It's not a strawman cause I did not claim you were arguing against the gold standard. wtfru even talking about? LOL, your claim of a strawman is a strawman.

The whole "you're problem with it" in a conversation about the gold standard does apply that you're accusing me of having a problem with the gold standard. wtfru even talkin' 'bout, willis?
An argument which is about nothing but the trivial meaning and connatation of the words used is a stupid argument. Both people probably attached different connatations to the word, and one party found objection to a certain connatation that it was used with, and are just arguing because they refuse to admit that neither one of them is necessarily wrong. Sadly, this is what 90% of arguments are. It's literally an argument of nothing.

And now we're arguing semantics again, Ornot.

It's retarded to call all US currency counterfeit. That's just common sense.
An argument which is about nothing but the trivial meaning and connatation of the words used is a stupid argument. Both people probably attached different connatations to the word, and one party found objection to a certain connatation that it was used with, and are just arguing because they refuse to admit that neither one of them is necessarily wrong. Sadly, this is what 90% of arguments are. It's literally an argument of nothing.

And now we're arguing semantics again, Ornot.
WM, there is nothing in this world more important than meaning. I'm talking about the meaning of words, not their dictionary definitions: that's what semantics is.

People abuse the word "semantic" because they don't understand what it really means. Which is pretty funny, in a cynical way.

More generally -- and, arguably, more to the point -- words are, at best, an imperfect form of communication. Take AssCrap for example. He keeps prattling on endlessly about "globalization" as if we all know exactly what that is. Well, we don't. His definition of the word "globalization" happens to be rather different from mine. He's too dimwitted and excitable to address this problem rationally but that doesn't mean it's not an important step to take.
WM, there is nothing in this world more important than meaning. I'm talking about the meaning of words, not their dictionary definitions: that's what semantics is.

People abuse the word "semantic" because they don't understand what it really means. Which is pretty funny, in a cynical way.

More generally -- and, arguably, more to the point -- words are, at best, an imperfect form of communication. Take AssCrap for example. He keeps prattling on endlessly about "globalization" as if we all know exactly what that is. Well, we don't. His definition of the word "globalization" happens to be rather different from mine. He's too dimwitted and excitable to address this problem rationally but that doesn't mean it's not an important step to take.

So now we are going to have a semantic argument about what is a semantic argument? Ahhh, no thanks.
WM, there is nothing in this world more important than meaning. I'm talking about the meaning of words, not their dictionary definitions: that's what semantics is.

People abuse the word "semantic" because they don't understand what it really means. Which is pretty funny, in a cynical way.

More generally -- and, arguably, more to the point -- words are, at best, an imperfect form of communication. Take AssCrap for example. He keeps prattling on endlessly about "globalization" as if we all know exactly what that is. Well, we don't. His definition of the word "globalization" happens to be rather different from mine. He's too dimwitted and excitable to address this problem rationally but that doesn't mean it's not an important step to take.

Yes, exactly. They are imperfect communication. I just think that it's useless to argue about vague facts like how perfectly we believed you used your words, and just get down to the obvious meat of the argument.
The whole "you're problem with it" in a conversation about the gold standard does apply that you're accusing me of having a problem with the gold standard. wtfru even talkin' 'bout, willis?

No, sorry. I was clearly referring to your problem with my use of the word counterfeit.
Yes, exactly. They are imperfect communication. I just think that it's useless to argue about vague facts like how perfectly we believed you used your words, and just get down to the obvious meat of the argument.

Really, I don't get you here ornot. ib1 is wasting time focusing on whether his definition is the same as mine. Why? He knew what I meant by it and frankly his pretense that is an absurd use is ridiculous in itself.
You're use of the word "counterfeit" was overy sensationalistic in my opinion, RS.

I believe what you meant was that it's soley driven by government force. Which isn't true at all. There's no legal authority anywhere compelling the use of our money system. It's used because it has the trust of the people in it's stability, and it is a very stable system. Just because the government created it and helped establish it doesn't reduce it's legitimacy.