Barr confirms to Congress & the American people He's investigating the investigation

Exactly! THE TELEPHONE CALL between Barr and Mueller.
You claimed it was in the letter. If you can't tell the difference between a letter and a phone call, it makes it hard to accept the veracity of anything you say.

Not only did Barr testify that Mueller’s complaint was actually about the media’s coverage of his, (Barr’s) 4 page summary of Mueller’s report, Barr also testified that he ask Mueller on that phone call if his, (Barr’s), summary was “INACCURATE” and Barr testified that Mueller’s reply was “NO.” Barr also testified that Mueller ask/suggested that Barr submit 6 pages in addition to said summary contained in the volume Two about obstruction. Barr apparently declined because he already intended to deliver the entire redacted report to the Congress within a few days which would contain the 6 pages un-redacted that Mueller thought should be exposed to the Congress and the people. Let us present ALL of Barr’s testimony, shall we? Let’s not forget that Barr was under NO obligation to deliver any of the Mueller report to anybody by law. The man bent over backward to make the maximum amount of the Mueller report public, seems to his regret now that Democrats have pounced on Mueller’s bone he threw to the Democrats in Congress on the “OBSTRUCTION” HE MUELLER COULDN’T INDICT ANYBODY FOR. And the junkyard rabid mad dog Democrats have pounced all over it simply to prolong the Trump hate and persecution.
The problem is Barr didn't even mention that phone call in his first testimony. He never mentioned it when asked about complaints from the Mueller's staff. He also didn't mention the letter. That was clearly a lack of candor in no mentioning those 2 things. Whether Barr was supposed to release the report or not has nothing to do with his lack of candor on complaints by the Office of IC about his 4 page summary.

The easiest way to find out if Barr lied, is to bring Mueller before the Congress and ask him for his testimony relative to the letter he sent to Barr and the proceeding phone call before we call Barr a liar, don’t you think?
The easiest way to prove perjury perhaps. Barr's lack of candor is already pretty obvious.

Barr voluntarily came before the Senate committee to answer questions, not to offer red meat to a fucking gang of mad dog rabid Democrats on that committee who’s hair was still on fire because the Mueller report gave them squat!
Doesn't sound like a good excuse for perjury if he did commit that. It certainly isn't an excuse for lack of candor. McCabe volunteered to be interviewed as well but he was still let go for lack of candor.

His brilliance to answer only what was ask of him proves he’s one smart cookie!
That got Clinton impeached.

I don’t believe Inspector’s General have any power to make rulings, their only power is to investigate, deliver evidence and “offer opinions of probable crimes to be indicted.” That’s the same powers the Congress has. They can’t indict anybody they can only recommend indictments to the AG. Barr is the AG!!!!!!
So your argument is an AG is above the law? Stop and think about that for a moment.
Actually, I do think he was held in contempt for refusing to deliver a totally un-redacted copy of the Mueller report to the gang of junkyard mad dog rabid Democrats which would be a violation of the law. The contempt citation is a laughable joke. What happened to Obama's AG Erick Holder's contempt of Congress citation? SQUAT!!!!! Let's see if Barr's will be any different.

Let's look at the errors in your statement.
1. He has not been held in contempt yet. That requires a vote of the entire House. The committee voted on a resolution of contempt.
2. The committee asked for the underlying evidence of which none was delivered. There is no law preventing that from being delivered.
3. If revealing grand jury testimony to Congress is against the law why is Ken Star not in jail? (Grand Jury testimony is protected from public release.) But the "grand jury testimony is a red herring. It is the other documents that are being withheld that are the real issue here.
4. Contempt citations are not jokes. They are an act of Congress.
5. Eric Holder was found in contempt after he turned over thousands of documents but didn't turn over others that were claimed to be protected under executive privilege. They claimed the privilege for all documents after a certain date.
6. The Holder contempt citation has been settled. You might try keeping up with the actual news.
7. Barr has refused to turn over any documents. That is quite different. Statements to the FBI are not covered by executive privilege because the President is not in the room and the FBI are not giving advice to the President. That makes it quite a bit different.

By the way, the Holder contempt citation and subsequent court rulings puts Barr on very shaky legal ground in the claims of executive privilege. The court found that courts are the proper place for disputes between Congress and the Executive branch. The court ruled that the executive branch can't claim a blanket executive over all documents. The court also ruled that only those documents that are related to a pre-decison by the President or deliberative about a Presidential action are protected.
Well, hope springs eternal especially with Democrats hoping America will go into a recession. That’s why I can’t think of any Democrat as a patriot. That’s why I never vote for a Democrat, EVER!!!!!
I point out that Trump's actions could lead to a downturn and you claim that means I am hoping America will go into recession? I didn't realize that Democrats were the ones that made Trump do idiotic things. Do they have some kind of ray that they use on Trump to make him stupid?

How confident of you to believe there’s such a WEAK CASE before even the IG report gets delivered and Barr’s investigation gets up to speed. The last IG report hardly presented a weak case against McCabe, Strzok & Page.
ROFLMAO. Which IG report is that? The one that doesn't exist yet?

What FACTS are your HOPES based on? I think there’s a truck load of facts for me to base my hopes on.
I am waiting for you to even provide a shovel full of facts.

Only in leftist lala land would a coup-de-qua to prevent a candidate from becoming President of the United States and frame him for an invented crime after he was elected President be a “civil case.” It sure as hell looks like mocho felonies to me friend!!!!!
This conspiracy theory is so outlandish one has to wonder if you are sane. The Democrats purposely got Trump elected to make the conspiracy work?

I’m not worried that McCabe’s name and prosecution won’t come up again. There’s an investigation into the whole banana just starting and McCabe may well be charged with more multiple crimes. He’s likely being squeezed at president to cop a plea to drop a dime on the rest of the gang..
McCabe's name will come up again. He announced he will be filing his civil suit for wrongful termination. A case he probably will win because he can point to all the comments by Trump against him before he was fired.
Holder refused to deliver documents into Fast & Furious where an American border petrol guard was murdered. Barr was held in contempt for refusing to illegally deliver a totally un-redacted Muller report to the entire Congress which is a crime. The two cases are apples & oranges!!!!!!


On April 19, 2019, Chairman Nadler issued a subpoena for the full Mueller report and key underlying evidence. Attorney General Barr had an obligation to provide those materials by May 1.

If we follow your logic, since Holder delivered thousands of documents then the hundreds he didn't deliver were not worth a contempt citation. At least in Holder's case the claim was made that the documents not released concerned discussions about how to deal with the fall out so it was possible to claim they were covered under Executive privilege. In Barr's case the underlying evidence is in no way related to any discussions about Executive branch response. Apples and Oranges but Holder had more of a case than Barr does and Holder still didn't win in court when it came to withholding all the documents.
How much time and money did Mueller spend trying to entrap Donald Jr. because of that tower meeting? Do you understand how a sting works?

I understand how time works.

Trump tower meeting - June 9, 2016
Mueller appointed as Special Counsel - May 17, 2017

No way Mueller could have been involved in setting up the meeting unless he had a time machine. (Time machines that would let a person go back in time don't exist in the real world.)

On July 11 Trump Jr. tweeted the entire email chain leading up to the meeting, a few minutes before The New York Times published it as well.[19][54][55] Trump Jr. stated that he would have preferred to just have a phone call but that didn't work out.[54] He told Sean Hannity that the meeting had been fully arranged by email, and that he had received no further details by phone.[56] He would later contradict this statement during a closed-door interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 7, acknowledging three short phone calls with Agalarov prior to the meeting.[57]

It's amazing how Mueller was able to trick Trump jr into going on TV and lying. Did he use that same ray gun the Democrats use to make the President Trump act stupid? Why did Trump Jr lie to the Fox news audience?
You claimed it was in the letter. If you can't tell the difference between a letter and a phone call, it makes it hard to accept the veracity of anything you say.

But the actual truth is letter/phone call is all irrelevant, testimony is testimony & we both know you’ll never believe anything aside from CNN & MSNBC tells you.

The problem is Barr didn't even mention that phone call in his first testimony. He never mentioned it when asked about complaints from the Mueller's staff. He also didn't mention the ter. That was clearly a lack of candor in no mentioning those 2 things.
And sure as hell when you get your opportunity to testify before a hostile Congress you’ll of course volunteer evidence that sure as hell will be twisted in 11 different directions against you, right? “CANDOR” you say? What about some candor from the Democrats and expect them to tell some truth for once in their crooked lives? How about they just admit all of this theater they’re inventing as they go, is simply about trashing this AG and villainizing him in the eyes of the American folks because he’s hot and heavy into investigating the Obama DOJ & FBI & Intel agencies to uncover the truck load of crimes they committed against this President?

Barr was supposed to release the report or not has nothing to do with his lack of candor on complaints by the Office of IC about his 4 page summary.

That’s funny, I don’t care who ya are! He releases to the Congress and the world a 98% unredacted Mueller report he could have just shoved it in a drawer, by law, and You & the crooked hysterical Democrats have the gonads to accuse him of a lack of candor. Then y’all’s leftist heroes vote to hold Barr in contempt of Congress for refusing to deliver an unredacted copy of Mueller’s report which would be a violation of the law that Congress made & several of the Democrats in the Congress could just cross the hall into a secure location and see that report for themselves and none have went over to see it. So what’s up with that pal? We both know! They don’t want to see the full report because if they do and leak any of it they’ll be prosecuted for leaking classified materials. But of course after Hillary Clinton we both know how much crooked Democrats care about classified materials, huh?

The easiest way to prove perjury perhaps. Barr's lack of candor is already pretty obvious.

Doesn't sound like a good excuse for perjury if he did commit that. It certainly isn't an excuse for lack of candor. McCabe volunteered to be interviewed as well but he was still let go for lack of candor.

Just indict Barr, but Congress has no such power, so y’all lefties will have to impeach him. When should we expect the articles of impeachment be voted on in the full House? McCabe has been indicted.

So your argument is an AG is above the law? Stop and think about that for a moment.

Where in my arguments did I claim anybody was above the law. My arguments are SHOW ME THE MEAT!!!! Where’s the crime???????? If you believe there is a crime take up a petition and petition Congress to impeach Barr, remove him and then prosecute him. What’s the hold up??????
Let's look at the errors in your statement.
1. He has not been held in contempt yet. That requires a vote of the entire House. The committee voted on a resolution of contempt.

And you believe a vote in the full house with a Democrat majority who aren’t allowed to think for themselves anymore like the old Blue Dog Democrat days, will NOT vote in Democrat totality to hold Barr in contempt, right? I predict they can’t wait!!!!!

2. The committee asked for the underlying evidence of which none was delivered. There is no law preventing that from being delivered.

Other than Grand Jury and elements related to ongoing investigations, WHAT IS THE “UNDERLYING” evidence & why do you think it’s redacted? Be specific please!

3. If revealing grand jury testimony to Congress is against the law why is Ken Star not in jail? (Grand Jury testimony is protected from public release.) But the "grand jury testimony is a red herring. It is the other documents that are being withheld that are the real issue here.

Ken Star isn’t in jail for reporting Grand Jury materials, because the “Special Counsel” rules back then were different than the newer “Special Prosecutor” rules are today. After warts & all was delivered by Star against Slick Willy as the law then required, “THE CONGRESS” changed the law to restrict Grand Jury information and all info related to ongoing investigations and the “CONGRESS” can change that back anytime they can get the vote to do so. CNN & MSNBC don’t tell you that stuff buddy & we’re not seeing your precious Democrats rushing to write legislation to switch back to the old rules, are we? Why not? Because they’re not interested in changing the rules back, their single agenda is simply to criminalize, villainize and trash this AG because he’s ramping up the investigation wagon into the Obama cabal in the DOJ & FBI, uncovering the attempted coup-de-qua to frame and remove from office Donald J. Trump.

4. Contempt citations are not jokes. They are an act of Congress.

Well friend their “act of Congress did squat to Erik Holder! Good luck with that!

5. Eric Holder was found in contempt after he turned over thousands of documents but didn't turn over others that were claimed to be protected under executive privilege. They claimed the privilege for all documents after a certain date.

Fact still is nothing happened! Barr is being held in contempt for refusing to break the law, take it to the judge and see how far that goes.

6. The Holder contempt citation has been settled. You might try keeping up with the actual news.

Not “settled,” dropped by the cowardly Republicans because the pussies think the crooked Democrats will do the same with Barr, good luck with that!

7. Barr has refused to turn over any documents. That is quite different. Statements to the FBI are not covered by executive privilege because the President is not in the room and the FBI are not giving advice to the President. That makes it quite a bit different.

400 pages of the Mueller report aren’t enough? What else do y’all’s heroes seek? Be specific please!

By the way, the Holder contempt citation and subsequent court rulings puts Barr on very shaky legal ground in the claims of executive privilege.

I must have misses something, WHAT EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE?????

The court found that courts are the proper place for disputes between Congress and the Executive branch. The court ruled that the executive branch can't claim a blanket executive over all documents. The court also ruled that only those documents that are related to a pre-decison by the President or deliberative about a Presidential action are protected.

William Barr is a long time lawyer and two time AG. He’s not showing any signs of worry about being held in contempt or ending up in court. So have at it friend and if y’all crooked Democrats find a Barr crime, LOCK HIS ASS UP!!!!!!! Let’s you and me AGREE, every crook in government needs to be prosecuted and locked up, OK?
I point out that Trump's actions could lead to a downturn and you claim that means I am hoping America will go into recession? I didn't realize that Democrats were the ones that made Trump do idiotic things. Do they have some kind of ray that they use on Trump to make him stupid?

“Stupid things” such as? Be specific please!

ROFLMAO. Which IG report is that? The one that doesn't exist yet?

Exactly! Let’s see if you make it up off of the floor after the report, OK?

I am waiting for you to even provide a shovel full of facts.

Like you would actually know a fact, huh? Stand by lefty! The truck load of facts are about to be unloaded on your parade.

This conspiracy theory is so outlandish one has to wonder if you are sane. The Democrats purposely got Trump elected to make the conspiracy work?

CNN & MSNBC TALKING POINTS!!!!! We’ll see about the conspiracy when the shit hits the fan!!!!!

McCabe's name will come up again.

You can bet on that cousin!!!!!

He announced he will be filing his civil suit for wrongful termination.

And you’re predicting a big win for Andy, right?

A case he probably will win because he can point to all the comments by Trump against him before he was fired.

Did you ever hear of the 1st amendment? “COMMENTS” are FREE SPEECH!!!!!

Conducting an attempted coup-de-qua against a President is a serious felony.

On April 19, 2019, Chairman Nadler issued a subpoena for the full Mueller report and key underlying evidence. Attorney General Barr had an obligation to provide those materials by May 1.

“UNDERLYING EVIDENCE” such as, be specific please! Barr had no obligation to deliver to the Congress anything to begin with and it’s illegal to deliver Grand Jury information & anything related to an ongoing investigation.
I would say, the fact that Natalia Veselniskaya has been indicted in the US and currently is in Russia would point to her not being an FBI asset. But maybe that's because up is up in my world.

I would say the reason she's in Russia is because the FBI & CIA know she won't ever have to come to America for prosecution and they're the folks that made sure she went back to Russia to keep her cover as an FBI & or CIA agent. Think about it cousin!!!!!!
Soporific comment, at best. There was zero entrapment. Conspiracy theories are fine but they have no place in intelligent conversation.

Unless they are true, huh? Why is that little Russian girl hiding out in Russia? Why is Donald Trump Jr. walking around free? DUH!!!! They saw through the sting and walked out and the FBI bought her a ticket to Russia.