Let's look at the errors in your statement.
1. He has not been held in contempt yet. That requires a vote of the entire House. The committee voted on a resolution of contempt.
And you believe a vote in the full house with a Democrat majority who aren’t allowed to think for themselves anymore like the old Blue Dog Democrat days, will NOT vote in Democrat totality to hold Barr in contempt, right? I predict they can’t wait!!!!!
2. The committee asked for the underlying evidence of which none was delivered. There is no law preventing that from being delivered.
Other than Grand Jury and elements related to ongoing investigations, WHAT IS THE “UNDERLYING” evidence & why do you think it’s redacted? Be specific please!
3. If revealing grand jury testimony to Congress is against the law why is Ken Star not in jail? (Grand Jury testimony is protected from public release.) But the "grand jury testimony is a red herring. It is the other documents that are being withheld that are the real issue here.
Ken Star isn’t in jail for reporting Grand Jury materials, because the “Special Counsel” rules back then were different than the newer “Special Prosecutor” rules are today. After warts & all was delivered by Star against Slick Willy as the law then required, “THE CONGRESS” changed the law to restrict Grand Jury information and all info related to ongoing investigations and the “CONGRESS” can change that back anytime they can get the vote to do so. CNN & MSNBC don’t tell you that stuff buddy & we’re not seeing your precious Democrats rushing to write legislation to switch back to the old rules, are we? Why not? Because they’re not interested in changing the rules back, their single agenda is simply to criminalize, villainize and trash this AG because he’s ramping up the investigation wagon into the Obama cabal in the DOJ & FBI, uncovering the attempted coup-de-qua to frame and remove from office Donald J. Trump.
4. Contempt citations are not jokes. They are an act of Congress.
Well friend their “act of Congress did squat to Erik Holder! Good luck with that!
5. Eric Holder was found in contempt after he turned over thousands of documents but didn't turn over others that were claimed to be protected under executive privilege. They claimed the privilege for all documents after a certain date.
Fact still is nothing happened! Barr is being held in contempt for refusing to break the law, take it to the judge and see how far that goes.
6. The Holder contempt citation has been settled. You might try keeping up with the actual news.
Not “settled,” dropped by the cowardly Republicans because the pussies think the crooked Democrats will do the same with Barr, good luck with that!
7. Barr has refused to turn over any documents. That is quite different. Statements to the FBI are not covered by executive privilege because the President is not in the room and the FBI are not giving advice to the President. That makes it quite a bit different.
400 pages of the Mueller report aren’t enough? What else do y’all’s heroes seek? Be specific please!
By the way, the Holder contempt citation and subsequent court rulings puts Barr on very shaky legal ground in the claims of executive privilege.
I must have misses something, WHAT EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE?????
The court found that courts are the proper place for disputes between Congress and the Executive branch. The court ruled that the executive branch can't claim a blanket executive over all documents. The court also ruled that only those documents that are related to a pre-decison by the President or deliberative about a Presidential action are protected.
William Barr is a long time lawyer and two time AG. He’s not showing any signs of worry about being held in contempt or ending up in court. So have at it friend and if y’all crooked Democrats find a Barr crime, LOCK HIS ASS UP!!!!!!! Let’s you and me AGREE, every crook in government needs to be prosecuted and locked up, OK?