Barton: Second Amendment Guarantees An Individual Right To Own A Tank Or Fighter Jet

if you knew HOW to build a nuclear weapon or how much one costs because of the expense of building one, I can assure you that you would not want one.

How about a chemical or biological weapon?

The cost and accessibility of very dangerous weapons is going to decline.
I don't need your assurance to know that I don't want one.

Figured that out all by myself.

Other people do, however -- terrorists, for example.

And not all terrorists are foreign, you know.

So.....I'm waiting on substance....

Today on "WallBuilders Live," David Barton doubled down on his assertion that there are literally no limits on the Second Amendment, declaring that individuals not only have an inalienable right to possess guns, but also tanks, rocket launchers, fighter jets, and anything else they can get their hands on; including, presumably, even nuclear bombs:

The belief of the Second Amendment was you as a citizen have a right to defend yourself whether it be against a thug, an aggressor, a crook, or against your government.

Now this is where a lot of liberals go through the roof; are you saying that you think individual citizens have a right to own a machine gun?

Yeah. And an Abrams Tank, and a bazooka, and a F-16 because you've got a right to defend yourself with the same size of weapons that might be brought against you ... You have a right to fight back with whatever you can get your hands on to defend your life, your property, your possession, your family, your whatever.

Why would anyone believe what a Marxist partisan blog has to say? And who the hell is David Barton or WallBuilders live? Never heard of him so obviously he and his show are obscure to say the least.

As for the 2nd ammendment; I am quite certain that the founders never envisioned what a tank or f16 is. In addition, I cannot remember citizens of the day keeping artillery pieces on thei properties.

This blog you quote is about as irrelevant as David Barton which brings up two thoughts; who the fuck cares, and, what is your point?
And all the gun nuts froth at the mouth and say "YES! we need tanks, rocket launchers, nuclear bombs" and prove the stupidity of their view of the second amendment.

Got Strawmen? I haven't seen these proverbial "gun nuts". Who are they and where? Or are you claiming that anyone who owns a gun outside of Govuhmint is a gun nut?

In addition to that strawman; I haven't seen any of these proverbial gun nuts frothing about owning bombs, nukes or rocket launchers.

What we are seeing are leftist asshats who constantly froth at the mouth about these mythical gun nuts clamoring for these mythical arsenals.

The sad irony for leftist asshats who constantly froth at the mouth with their irrational nonsense is that they retardedly believe that criminals abide by gun laws.

In a time of crisis getting weapons won't be much of an issue. Any sort of widespread rebellion will likely include some States seceding and military defections along with the immediate seizing of military assets.

It's really sort of stupid to insist that our laws be tailored to your poorly thought out Red Dawn fantasies.

There will be no rebellion; it's a fools argument. There are loonies on the right, and there are loonies on the left. Trying to project those loonies as being representative of an entire population is...dumb.

There will be no rebellion; it's a fools argument. There are loonies on the right, and there are loonies on the left. Trying to project those loonies as being representative of an entire population is...dumb.


Dear moron,

I never argued one was likely. I was responding to someone else raising the point and noted that it was a dumb basis.
Got Strawmen? I haven't seen these proverbial "gun nuts". Who are they and where? Or are you claiming that anyone who owns a gun outside of Govuhmint is a gun nut?

In addition to that strawman; I haven't seen any of these proverbial gun nuts frothing about owning bombs, nukes or rocket launchers.

What we are seeing are leftist asshats who constantly froth at the mouth about these mythical gun nuts clamoring for these mythical arsenals.

The sad irony for leftist asshats who constantly froth at the mouth with their irrational nonsense is that they retardedly believe that criminals abide by gun laws.


Dear Morons,

Are you speaking as a moron or for morons? Whatever, your signatures are inconsistent.

Barton is one of your members. He is fairly well known for getting your group to believe that this was a Christian nation by quote mining the founders and taking them out of context. It 's pretty much the same thing done to make it seem as if they were arguing that the country should face constant revolution.

Right wing watch gets lots of traffic by shining the light on the crazies.

It's not a strawman. Barton said it and there are several posters here arguing that he was right. It may be that some of them are just trolling, pretending to be libertarian as grind is known to do and trying to make defense of the second look stupid. I don't know why anyone would defend the red herring.

I posted it to raise discussion and in hopes of getting these supposed defenders of the second to take a more rational approach.
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Why would anyone believe what a Marxist partisan blog has to say? And who the hell is David Barton or WallBuilders live? Never heard of him so obviously he and his show are obscure to say the least.

As for the 2nd ammendment; I am quite certain that the founders never envisioned what a tank or f16 is. In addition, I cannot remember citizens of the day keeping artillery pieces on thei properties.

This blog you quote is about as irrelevant as David Barton which brings up two thoughts; who the fuck cares, and, what is your point?

They did have artillery. It was a common thing up to around the civil war era. Citizens also had ships with cannon and were given lettera of of marque.
Dear moron,

I never argued one was likely. I was responding to someone else raising the point and noted that it was a dumb basis.

Dear dullard; no you were not. You were constructing strawmen as morons are prone to do and making yourself look... painfully stupid.

Carry on; apparently you are desperate to remove all doubt that you are an incredibly dense uninformed buffoon.
Dear Morons,

Are you speaking as a moron or for morons? Whatever, your signatures are inconsistent.

Barton is one of your members. He is fairly well known for getting your group to believe that this was a Christian nation by quote mining the founders and taking them out of context. It 's pretty much the same thing done to make it seem as if they were arguing that the country should face constant revolution.

Right wing watch gets lots of traffic by shining the light on the crazies.

It's not a strawman. Barton said it and there are several posters here arguing that he was right. It may be that some of them are just trolling, pretending to be libertarian as grind is known to do and trying to make defense of the second look stupid. I don't know why anyone would defend the red herring.

I posted it to raise discussion and in hopes of getting these supposed defenders of the second to take a more rational approach.

It is official; you're an idiot.
They did have artillery. It was a common thing up to around the civil war era. Citizens also had ships with cannon and were given lettera of of marque.

Please support this with something more credible than "because you say so."

But again, the notion that it is a good idea for citizens to have bombs, artillery and fighter aircraft is an incredibly dense one that has no rational connection with the real world.

It is just as dense as claiming that an element of the population should overthrow a Government because they didn't like the outcome of a free and fair election.
Please support this with something more credible than "because you say so."
I ASSUMED that this was common knowledge....
But sure, here. Be prepared for some reading though... Review/66-2Young.pdf

But again, the notion that it is a good idea for citizens to have bombs, artillery and fighter aircraft is an incredibly dense one that has no rational connection with the real world.
Well then an amendment would be such simple thing to pass. Except, that no. The only difference between a 120mm cannon and .22S rifle is bore diameter. And if you create the precedent that you can effectively ban one, then it remains that the others can be banned as well based on the exact same principle. In fact every shotgun in existence to this day (other than .410 shotguns) is legal only because the ATF has decided to keep it so. But do go on, please tell me that creating legal precedent like you suggest is good for society.

It is just as dense as claiming that an element of the population should overthrow a Government because they didn't like the outcome of a free and fair election.
You're assuming of course that elections will remain free and fair, in which case I must ask what the winning Powerball numbers are.