Barton: Second Amendment Guarantees An Individual Right To Own A Tank Or Fighter Jet

In the libertarian paradise, rational self-interest will stop corporations from poisoning our air, water and food.

I've been trying to put that into words for so long but it only works when you see it. Thanks and good video.
And you choose to submit. Maybe not as fully as grind, who welcomed house to house searches but by failing to be relevant and being absurdly unreasonable, you submit.
don't project your cowardice upon others.

Nobody is coming for your guns. You do not have a right to bombs, a tank, a jet fighter or anything to that extent. Obviously there are limits on the second but they should be narrowly tailored to suit a legitimate government interest and cannot deprive one of the right to bear arms.
again, that you can't see the conflict of interest in that is proof that you're not ready for the truth.

The real threat to liberty is in a massive standing army that many supposed advocates of the second amendment continue to support. We should be focused on reducing that instead of wasting our breath and destroying our credibility on idiotic ideas about some imagined right to a nuke.
I agree on the standing army part.

This is a tangent, but the courts are not going to suddenly wipe away the regulatory schemes of Congress. Without something to replace it that probably would not be a good thing. Any change there will have to be gradual and combined with the development of other regulatory schemes, e.g., free market mechanisms, development of tort case law, etc..
any law that violates the constitution is null and void. the courts are not always right and lately, more wrong than ever.
don't project your cowardice upon others.

again, that you can't see the conflict of interest in that is proof that you're not ready for the truth.

I agree on the standing army part.

any law that violates the constitution is null and void. the courts are not always right and lately, more wrong than ever.

You are the one who drew up the dichotomy, jackoff. You are not violently resisting. So, according to you, you are submitting. I agree.

There is a conflict of interest between a stable government and allowing any nut have a WMD. It is clear the founders never intended what you claim.

Your opinion is null and void.
just because your infantile intelligence is incapable of letting you take care of yourself doesn't mean the rest of us have to follow suit with you.

Seems I don't have a lab at home to test all my food and meds to make sure they contain the correct ingredients.

Damn, you must not have any time in your day, between posting on this board and testing everything you purchase.

Do you bring a measuring cup to the gas station to make sure the pump is accurate? You know, the govt has a weights and measures dept that does that, but since you want to take personal responsibility, you'll need to measure it yourself.

Guess I'll just have to be impolite again - You are an IDIOT if you think we don't need regulation of things that, if done wrong, could kill us. Or just cheat us.

Oh, take a scale to the grocery store too; can't trust the one at the check out counter, after all...

{shaking head}
Seems I don't have a lab at home to test all my food and meds to make sure they contain the correct ingredients.

Damn, you must not have any time in your day, between posting on this board and testing everything you purchase.

Do you bring a measuring cup to the gas station to make sure the pump is accurate? You know, the govt has a weights and measures dept that does that, but since you want to take personal responsibility, you'll need to measure it yourself.

Guess I'll just have to be impolite again - You are an IDIOT if you think we don't need regulation of things that, if done wrong, could kill us. Or just cheat us.

Oh, take a scale to the grocery store too; can't trust the one at the check out counter, after all...

{shaking head}
you fucktards crack me up with the all or nothing approach of regulation. it's like you idiots totally tune out the words basic and minimal, but whatever.

here's the stupid part about your so called regulation for safety.......if a company puts out bad food and people die, what does your government do?
Jesus fucking christ, you want to kill off all of us? Without standards around drugs, medicines, food additives, etc that's what you're doing. Companies don't care.

Another incredibly dense and laughably inept leftist claim; that without Govuhmint, companies and corporations will willingly try to kill us all.

Of course for the low information morons who elected Obama, this makes perfect sense. It never occurs to them that the people who work for corporations would never want to murder their own families and neighbors and if companies did this, they would cease to exist because they wouldn't have any customers.

What a bunch of incredibly stupid morons. No wonder and asshat like Obama can get elected.
Another incredibly dense and laughably inept leftist claim; that without Govuhmint, companies and corporations will willingly try to kill us all.

Of course for the low information morons who elected Obama, this makes perfect sense. It never occurs to them that the people who work for corporations would never want to murder their own families and neighbors and if companies did this, they would cease to exist because they wouldn't have any customers.

What a bunch of incredibly stupid morons. No wonder and asshat like Obama can get elected.

Reminds me of a chemical plant in Oklahoma, and a mine in Virginia and what was that corporations name, started with an E, all those people lost their retirement, investors lost money.

Yeah corporations have consciences, lol
Reminds me of a chemical plant in Oklahoma, and a mine in Virginia and what was that corporations name, started with an E, all those people lost their retirement, investors lost money.

Yeah corporations have consciences, lol

And remember toys from China with lead in the paint? TOYS? without regulation, our kids would be dumber.

Companies do what is cheapest. Without regulation, they would take fewer safety precautions, and yes, they would end up hurting or killing more people.

Even with regulation, corporations screw up; would be much worse without the regs, and with the regs we can punish the corporations who screw up.
you fucktards crack me up with the all or nothing approach of regulation. it's like you idiots totally tune out the words basic and minimal, but whatever.

here's the stupid part about your so called regulation for safety.......if a company puts out bad food and people die, what does your government do?

Huh? Seems you are the fucktard arguing all or nothing. For you, it's either we must allow citizens to own nukes and WMDs or it's a short step to the government taking all of our guns.
Reminds me of a chemical plant in Oklahoma, and a mine in Virginia and what was that corporations name, started with an E, all those people lost their retirement, investors lost money.

Yeah corporations have consciences, lol

If you think that the Govuhmint can prevent accidents from happening; you're even dumber than I thought.
And remember toys from China with lead in the paint? TOYS? without regulation, our kids would be dumber.

Companies do what is cheapest. Without regulation, they would take fewer safety precautions, and yes, they would end up hurting or killing more people.

Even with regulation, corporations screw up; would be much worse without the regs, and with the regs we can punish the corporations who screw up.
your failure to follow economic theory is predictable. companies do what is cheapest because YOU demand the lowest price on everything. they are simply trying to compete for our money.
your failure to follow economic theory is predictable. companies do what is cheapest because YOU demand the lowest price on everything. they are simply trying to compete for our money.

Well, *I* don't, but again - that's a reason for regulations. To level the playing field so all companies have the same costs for safety.

Exxon tanker that spilled the oil in Alaska - it wasn't double-hulled, which would have kept the spill from happening. They said they couldn't afford to do double-hulled unless all their competitors did as well; they wanted a regulation to mandate it, so all had the same costs.

Do you really think there is no role for regulation? Wow. Considered moving to Somalia?
your failure to follow economic theory is predictable. companies do what is cheapest because YOU demand the lowest price on everything. they are simply trying to compete for our money.

oh, and by the way - companies try to maximize their profits, one way or another. If that means they don't have to clean out the containers in their food processing plants as often, they would do that.
oh, and by the way - companies try to maximize their profits, one way or another. If that means they don't have to clean out the containers in their food processing plants as often, they would do that.
and like i've always said.....nobody is for NO regulation, despite the accusations you mainstreamers push on us Libertarians, but over regulation kills the economy, period. and can you answer the question I posed earlier?
don't project your cowardice upon others.

I don't know what baxter means by saying I support house to house searches? what does that even mean?

If he's referring to the whole boston bombing incident (the only one I can think of where I ever commentated on house searches), then baxter is blatantly lying about that and is one of the reasons he's on ignore. I don't know if he's just stupid or really that malicious, but I even confirmed in that very thread that showed the house to house searches that I did not agree with it or those actions. This is why I hate baxter so much, because in principle he isn't a drooler like desh, he has sentience, but then he just blatantly makes shit up.

To refresh everyones memory, tom started a thread trolling us a week after the boston bombings saying all of boston was mad or pissed off or something, and I said, actually no tom, you don't know what you are talking about. Most of mass had no problem with BPD. Just a statement of fact.


darla asks:
"Well, wait a minute, are you guys (DH and Grind) saying that this video is okay? (of police busting into homes) I understand going door to door, but forcing everyone out of the house with their hands over their heads, at gunpoint , and making them run down the street while yelling at them is okay?"


"no i said that stuff before the sty video. That stuff isn't ok.but that may not be the full story. A lot of times cops will try to get people complacent and people will just step aside. I wonder if it would have gone down different if the guy stood his ground and said he does not consent to them being in his house."

Please remember, Baxter is an idiot, a liar, and a fake libertarian. he is not to be trusted.
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oh, and by the way - companies try to maximize their profits, one way or another. If that means they don't have to clean out the containers in their food processing plants as often, they would do that.

Yep, companies in the US always believe that killing their customers is the best way to maximize their profits.

Wrong again dipshit; you gave examples of companies that had accidents.


Apparently you don't know the stories behind these accidents!

The chemical company had chemicals stored that they should not have had on site, so near a town. They apparently did not care and it lead to the horrible explosion.