Based on the posts regarding Kavanaugh here, the left is in full metldown mode.


Find them, French them, Feel them, Finger them, F*ck them, Forget them.- Bart O'Kavanaugh


I don't know and neither does anyone else but you lefties have tried and convicted him with no real evidence. You have not only convicted him but put him and his family out for redicule. If it comes out that he is innocent I won't hold my breath you left wing as holes will apologize.

The point is, Grump, that even if Kavanaugh is totally innocent of all these alleged transgressions,

I don't care about him,
any brain-dead Stepford wife who'd actually marry him,
or whatever vile progeny two people like that would inflict onto society.

The guy has perverted values
that should have disqualified him for any responsible position of any kind,
this certainly including the judgeship that he holds now.

What the fuck is the matter with you?
Of course those Dixiecrats turned into reliable and regular Republicans. Todays Repubs include bigots, haters Nazis, Whitepower types and Fascists. It is their natural home now. Today's republican party is not the party of Abe Lincoln. Perhaps the party of George Lincoln Rockwell.

Yeah, I've heard that theory before. Is it still up on Wikipedia?

Of course, none of it makes sense. What makes more sense is that the 'rats still hate blacks, just that they learned a new tactic to keep them down. It has worked better than Robert Byrd could ever have hoped for.
The point is, Grump, that even if Kavanaugh is totally innocent of all these alleged transgressions,

I don't care about him,
any brain-dead Stepford wife who'd actually marry him,
or whatever vile progeny two people like that would inflict onto society.

The guy has perverted values
that should have disqualified him for any responsible position of any kind,
this certainly including the judgeship that he holds now.

What the fuck is the matter with you?

As your nurse to change your Depends.
Yeah, I've heard that theory before. Is it still up on Wikipedia?

Of course, none of it makes sense. What makes more sense is that the 'rats still hate blacks, just that they learned a new tactic to keep them down. It has worked better than Robert Byrd could ever have hoped for.

have no idea about what is on Wiki. You are demonstrating a lack of knowledge again. Reds are anti minorities and blacks. But pro-Russia now. good that they are the reds. it is fitting.
The point is, Grump, that even if Kavanaugh is totally innocent of all these alleged transgressions,

I don't care about him,
any brain-dead Stepford wife who'd actually marry him,
or whatever vile progeny two people like that would inflict onto society.

The guy has perverted values
that should have disqualified him for any responsible position of any kind,
this certainly including the judgeship that he holds now.

What the fuck is the matter with you?

And I believe you are a lying dick suckling LWNJ. Who fucking cares what you think about anything. No offense meant. :laugh:
If it weren't so sad what the left has done to judge Kavanauh and his family for purely partisan politics, this whole circus would be laughable. I am really anxious to see the FBI report.
I get a kick out of you flag wavers, 90% of the time your the people that want to throw out our constitution and you hate our government. Your pig kavanaugh is all you people put together , a pussy grabber like your president , a total drunk in his past and probably now, a complete liar, a man of hate and that fits in well with your mentally ill leader and the people who support him, You people should be honest and have a bumper sticker saying"VOTE HATE". Your lying leader at last count has lied over 5000 verifiable times. At The hearing the doctor answered every question, your pig candidate answered almost no questions and when he did he was like President Pumpkin head lie lie lie. I'm hoping he gets put through the senate , that will cost your party of hate more then if he was left in the sewer that he came from and your hate leaders picked someone else. Your party is slime and more and more people are realizing it daily. this candidate for the supreme court is made of the same slime , you deserve each other.
Even Bret didn't put it that good, the White House should have called you to author his testimony. The "deplorable .... attacks on Trump" is classic, almost as much as earlier when the "detector" told us Trump doesn't lie

Why does it always has to be a conspiracy with conservatives? Never fails, anytime anything exists that conservatives don't like it is reduced to a soap operaish melodrama complete with the expected good guys and bad guys

Definitely too much Hannity, I tried to help him out earlier and recommended that he turn off the TV and get out more, but I guess it is tough to forget that which you need to define the way you see the world

Now time for the personal crapola and corny copy and pastes
a prerequisite to be in their right wing hate party is paranoia. They are all that way. Commie behind every corner , when they don't even exist in this countries politics.
have no idea about what is on Wiki. You are demonstrating a lack of knowledge again. Reds are anti minorities and blacks. But pro-Russia now. good that they are the reds. it is fitting.

Of course, none of it makes sense. What makes more sense is that the 'rats still hate blacks, just that they learned a new tactic to keep them down. It has worked better than Robert Byrd could ever have hoped for.
I get a kick out of you flag wavers, 90% of the time your the people that want to throw out our constitution and you hate our government. Your pig kavanaugh is all you people put together , a pussy grabber like your president , a total drunk in his past and probably now, a complete liar, a man of hate and that fits in well with your mentally ill leader and the people who support him, You people should be honest and have a bumper sticker saying"VOTE HATE". Your lying leader at last count has lied over 5000 verifiable times. At The hearing the doctor answered every question, your pig candidate answered almost no questions and when he did he was like President Pumpkin head lie lie lie. I'm hoping he gets put through the senate , that will cost your party of hate more then if he was left in the sewer that he came from and your hate leaders picked someone else. Your party is slime and more and more people are realizing it daily. this candidate for the supreme court is made of the same slime , you deserve each other.

And another Constution hating left wing maggot pours his hate shit out of his mouth. Sorry fuck face but under our Constitution Trump is your president also. Don't like it move!
I get a kick out of you flag wavers, 90% of the time your the people that want to throw out our constitution and you hate our government. Your pig kavanaugh is all you people put together , a pussy grabber like your president , a total drunk in his past and probably now, a complete liar, a man of hate and that fits in well with your mentally ill leader and the people who support him, You people should be honest and have a bumper sticker saying"VOTE HATE". Your lying leader at last count has lied over 5000 verifiable times. At The hearing the doctor answered every question, your pig candidate answered almost no questions and when he did he was like President Pumpkin head lie lie lie. I'm hoping he gets put through the senate , that will cost your party of hate more then if he was left in the sewer that he came from and your hate leaders picked someone else. Your party is slime and more and more people are realizing it daily. this candidate for the supreme court is made of the same slime , you deserve each other.

I think you were a bit soft on the mutton-headed, flag waving, Trump supporting scumbags, J...but other than that, nice post.
How do you know that, how do you know Bret isn't guilty of what Ford charges or that he is not the altar boy portrayal he has attempted to create? No one knows he isn't, but given that this is a lifetime position to the SCOTUS seems that the accusations should be examined before his appointment is "rammed thru"

And forget the moralism over "partisan politics," Garland not even being considered wasn't done out of ethical considerations

What is the difference between Bill Clinton and Kavanaugh? Clinton got a BJ out of it and Clinton didn't cry when he lied!

I am really anxious to see the FBI report.

Are you really anxious to see the FBI report?

WAIT. Did the metldown start when Clinton was thrown out and the pause button was pushed until we got out of Iraq.

The meldown was when Obama [a candidate with NO past training] was rammed into the presidency...and they scrambled to get the deeds done...and the were thwarted again with Trump's ilk ... so they are doing the scramble meltdown en mass.

Zealots are known to have short shelf-lifes.

But Draculas have longer shelf lives.
Isn't it sad, and pathetic, to see the self loathing evidenced by the hateful posts about a man these people really know very little about other than what they are told?

It's almost as deplorable as the attacks on Trump. Is this how the left is going to act every time they lose elections. Hatred, loathing, mobs running around public places surrounding those they don't like and shouting insults?

When did the Democratic Party decline to Brown Shirt tactics and such hatred of anyone they lose to?

Is it because liberals really do believe that they should be entitled to political power and pretentiously believe that they are smarter than everyone else in the room?

This is a party trying to burn down the entire house and everyone in it. Is this how they are going to win in November; through this self loathing hate?
