BE Advised!

No, it doesn't rely on Parties at all. Does the Constitution mention Parties?

BTW, I can save you some time. No, it doesn't.

Why should it? The Constitution itself was written based upon compromise (slavery issue as one example), and parties. Federalists on one side, anti-federalists on the other.

BTW, if the Constitution addressed everything you right wingers seem to feel it should (e.g "Does the Constitution mention Parties?") in order for it to be relevant it would be 10,000 pages long.
Why should it? The Constitution itself was written based upon compromise (slavery issue as one example), and parties. Federalists on one side, anti-federalists on the other.

BTW, if the Constitution addressed everything you right wingers seem to feel it should (e.g "Does the Constitution mention Parties?") in order for it to be relevant it would be 10,000 pages long.

Bullshit. The Constitution was not a negotiation between political parties.
The ignorance you right wingers consistently demonstrate is amazing, and yet you seem to feel intellectually superior while lacking the IQ of a piss ant:

Oh OK, let me dumb it down for you since you apparently can't follow such a simple line of thought.

1. Your assertion that one must be in a political party in order to have an opinion is asinine. You think with two major political parties, who cooperate with each other by the way, we're going to have diversity of thought? That's stupid. Not only does it not make sense from a theoretical viewpoint we've had your preferred system in place for over 200 years and know for a fact it doesn't result in what you think it does. Scrape the fringe elements off of each party and look at what's you see diversity of thought there? I don't, they look alike to me.

2. Not only is your take on this asinine, it's also insulting. Some of the most out-of-the-box thinking we're getting right now is from people who aren't members of those two parties but because the D's and R's legislated themselves as many poll advantages as possible we don't get to see those ideas implemented. You dismiss all of that by saying that people won't have an opinion without a Party. Maybe you won't but that's not on the rest of us, it's on you and only you. Just because you can't think on your own doesn't mean the rest of us can't.

3. Payola. Centralized Party structures are good for two things and two things only...distributing payola and issuing marching orders.

Keep thinking you've got it all figured out but I think people who think like you are a cancer.
Robo is a typical drooling right-wing halfwit who should be ignored at all costs.
Stay stupid, it suits you and goes along with your posting.

I don't post juvenile insults at you. Have you a credible reason to do it at me?

Fact is he was given a fair and equal chance to present his case. Did you not see that?

You do agree it was a "criminal prosecution," right?

He had 11 senators, a majority., suck up and back him. Missed that too, didn't you?

Actually no, I saw a female prosecutor who's expertise is prosecuting sexual crimes in a over-the-top sensitivity for the feelings of the accuser. The Republican Senators only took over when the Democrats arrogance and vile toward the judge was so appalling that to NOT speak up for the judge would have been watching a pure lynching of his good name and personality.

they even brought in a prosecutor to hammer Ford.

Even you had to be laughing when you wrote that! If that was "hammering" I'd be interested in your definition what you determine the Democrats were doing to Kavanaugh and Ford. Type that out for me please.

Kavanaugh got everything a person could possibly want. When he went on his drunken tirade, in court, ,he would have been told to sit down and shutup.This was not a criminal prosecution. He got deference that he did not deserve.

Well friend, we saw two different things. I saw an attempted lynching and outrageous contempt of a judge by a gang of snobbish partisan evil Democrat hypocrites hell bent on delay, delay, delay of the conformation of this judge and all without a smidgen of actual evidence to deny him a seat on the court.
False equivalency is but another form of stupidity, Kacper.
The idiots who voted for Obama but not Secretary Clinton will get a fascist supreme court for their efforts.
The other fence sitters never had any balls.
People with balls can't straddle a fence. It's too anatomically difficult.

Voting for a non-viable third party with no congressional seats and no state legislature seats is the same as tattooing "I'm Clueless" on one's forehead.

Not voting for a third party because they can't win because you don't vote for them is like tattooing "I'm the definition of insane" on your forehead.
Be advised!

Fact is the League of Women voters has a lot of culpability in that. They run the presidential debates. We used to have more than 2 parties in the debates, but they made rules that took the 3rd parties out. They wanted a certain percentage of primary votes to be allowed. It was impossible to reach. Third parties do not have the funding for national politics, but they still have good ideas.Third parties platforms do not reach the mass of voters.

Third parties have little funding because the duopoly Ds & Rs have a corner on every dime of special interest loot. Their corner is facilitated by the "BRIBERY" system they have created to keep them in power As long as they hold the power they control the bribery and thus the loot, no others need apply.
And where would you ideologically situate this third party?
A third party can be anything.

Would it be a "Seinfeld party.

We already have the Seinfeld party, we call it the Republicans. We also have the Stalin party, it's called Democrats.
The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing is not a judicial procedure.

When it turns into a sexual prosecution, it's unconstitutional and thereby illegal. Criminal prosecution demand "DUE PROCESS" by constitutional authority. The Kavanaugh hearings became a Kabuki Theater lynching by Democrats.