Be as smart as a Liberal... It's EASY!

Social Security....75 years and counting (...counting down to the day it will be insolvent)
Medicare....45 years and counting (...counting down to the day it will go bankrupt too)
ObamaCare.....3 year and counting (counting the days until early 2013, when it will be repealed.)

Socialism ALWAYS fails in a free capitalist society.

Thanks to HowdyDoody for posting the link referenced in the OP, which hairdoo and others want to pretend doesn't exist and I am lying about. I thought it was a nice twist to actually POST the link, and THEN chastise me for not being able to prove what I said... that's a creative FIRST, I've never seen a retard prove his own claim wrong first.

Alfalfa: This, from the person who claims there's a federal Medicaid tax.

Where did I ever say such a thing? Oh... you mean when I said that Medicaid was part of the Social Security system, and while it is mostly paid for by the state, it is implemented by the Federal government with money collected through SSI tax? Listen, it's probably best you don't try to understand how all this works, you are too stupid to grasp much of this. Suffice it to say, we pay "taxes" to fund Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.... they are NOT funded by magical fairies.
AppleTard: That explains why Liberal policies are unpopular. They definitely are not failing.

They aren't failing? Well, then why do we need to revamp our entire health care system because the government-run health care we have in place is "not enough" according to libs? Seems like, if these programs to fund health clinics and free health care to poor people, were successful, we wouldn't be having a discussion about implementing a massive new program to do the same thing.
Where did I ever say such a thing? Oh... you mean when I said that Medicaid was part of the Social Security system, and while it is mostly paid for by the state, it is implemented by the Federal government with money collected through SSI tax? Listen, it's probably best you don't try to understand how all this works, you are too stupid to grasp much of this. Suffice it to say, we pay "taxes" to fund Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.... they are NOT funded by magical fairies.
What was that Lincoln said about remaining silent, and being thought a fool?

You should probably stop now. Your Alabama education is on display.

There is NO federal tax for Medicaid.....NONE.

The fed funding for Medicaid varies continuously for each state, and comes from appropriations from the general fund.

I've told you more than twice already.

I also suggested that you read before posting, but you refuse to.

Should I post a chart of the worst states for education?

Guess where Alabama rates?
What was that Lincoln said about remaining silent, and being thought a fool?

You should probably stop now. Your Alabama education is on display.

There is NO federal tax for Medicaid.....NONE.

The fed funding for Medicaid varies continuously for each state, and comes from appropriations from the general fund.

I've told you more than twice already.

I also suggested that you read before posting, but you refuse to.

Should I post a chart of the worst states for education?

Guess where Alabama rates?

So basically, you are right and I am wrong because I am from Alabama? Got it!

You can tell me 50 million times, it isn't going to change the fact that Medicaid is covered under the 1965 Social Security Act, and SCOTUS ruled the funding for Obamacare couldn't come from it. That is the only point which really matters in the discussion, Obamacare can't use Medicaid funds.

Back to the education thing... Wasn't it your liberal democrat government who told us they could GREATLY improve the illiteracy of the dumb South by taking control of our education system? Isn't that the selling point you used when you gave us the Department of Education? Yes... I believe that was Jimma Cah-tah, from GawJa... You know, the last idiot democrat failure? But in spite of the money we dumped into your idea... we still have illiterate stupid people based on being from Alabama... I don't get it? Weren't you supposed to fix that someway?
Wow... I didn't know you were from Alabama!

Pointing at you, rube. I've never been to Alabama.

Here, rube, let me explain it really slowly for you. This symbol ^ pointing at your post where you mention illiterate stupid people from Alabama is an apt exhibit for stupid illiterate people from Alabama.

Not that we needed any more proof of the chaff Alabama produces - your posts on this thread alone serve the purpose adequately. :D
Pointing at you, rube. I've never been to Alabama.

Here, rube, let me explain it really slowly for you. This symbol ^ pointing at your post where you mention illiterate stupid people from Alabama is an apt exhibit for stupid illiterate people from Alabama.

Not that we needed any more proof of the chaff Alabama produces - your posts on this thread alone serve the purpose adequately. :D

Really? That's what the ^ means? And here I thought it meant 'caret' and denoted exponentiation in complex math formulas... dang, where did I become so ignorant?

You've never been to Alabama, yet you an 'authority' on the general intelligence of the whole place, and everyone who lives there? Wow... amazing! How did you get to be so brilliant? Northern schools, I guess?

This reminds me of something that happened a few years back, the small Georgia town I was living in, had acquired a new industry from up north, and they sent about 400 advance team employees down, to start the factory up and whatnot... and our chamber of commerce was handling the calls to assist the families moving there. I was friends with the woman who talked to them, and she said it was amazing how ignorant they were of the South... they were asking her if we had indoor bathrooms!
:rofl2: Speaking of Alabama...

Alabama Pastor Holds ‘Whites Only’ Conference


All loving Christians are invited to celebrate the word of God at Rev. William Collier’s annual conference — that is, as long and they are white.

Collier’s Alabama town is outraged over the flyer for his pastors’ conference, which specifies “All White Christians Invited.” The town’s mayor is renouncing the Reverend, saying that such hate speech is unwelcome in the town. But Collier defended the flyer this week, saying that he isn’t a racist — just that “the white race is God’s chosen people”:

The organizer of the event, Rev. William C. Collier says that his Church of God’s Chosen (Christian Identity Ministries) is not a hate group but adds that he believes “the white race is God’s chosen people.”

Collier defends why only white Christians are invited.

“We don’t have the facilities to accommodate other people. We haven’t got any invitations to black, Muslim events. Of course we are not invited to Jewish events and stuff,” Collier said.

Collier does not specify what sort of special “facilities” people of color may need, but the line harkens back to old southern segregation, when water fountains and bathrooms had “whites only” signs similar to Collier’s flyer.

The church hosting the conference is named Christian Identity Ministries. This is the third annual conference — and the Ku Klux Klan is among the attendees this year. The founder of the church, Rev. Mel Lewis, complained that this year’s uproar shows a disrespect for religious liberty.
Really? That's what the ^ means? And here I thought it meant 'caret' and denoted exponentiation in complex math formulas... dang, where did I become so ignorant?

You've never been to Alabama, yet you an 'authority' on the general intelligence of the whole place, and everyone who lives there? Wow... amazing! How did you get to be so brilliant? Northern schools, I guess?

This reminds me of something that happened a few years back, the small Georgia town I was living in, had acquired a new industry from up north, and they sent about 400 advance team employees down, to start the factory up and whatnot... and our chamber of commerce was handling the calls to assist the families moving there. I was friends with the woman who talked to them, and she said it was amazing how ignorant they were of the South... they were asking her if we had indoor bathrooms!

So do you have indoor bathrooms?
whites are god's chosen people? what god and what bible told him this?

You are so totally missing the point, yurt! That point being, that an insignificant nutbag who is part of an insignificant nutbag religious sect, represents everyone who lives in Alabama and the South, and we should all be treated as if his nutbag views are ours, because this has to be how we all think and believe down here. Now... this principle of determining collective intellect by geographical region, must not apply to places like California, because we have nutbags like Tom Cruise and that Heaven's Gate guy... but the liberal pinheads in California are among our most brilliant people! I mean, Alec Baldwin's brain alone, is like TWO of our brain! So..... this theory only apparently applies to religious nutbags in Alabama.
it isn't going to change the fact that Medicaid is covered under the 1965 Social Security Act

They are two completely different programs established under the Act:

1965—Medicare and Medicaid were enacted as Title XVIII and Title XIX of the Social Security Act, extending health coverage to almost all Americans age 65 or over (e.g., those receiving retirement benefits from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board), and providing health care services to low-income children deprived of parental support, their caretaker relatives, the elderly, the blind, and individuals with disabilities.