Be as smart as a Liberal... It's EASY!'ve finally made it to first base. Taxpayers already foot the bill due to the disgusting profits the healthcare industry realizes.

No, taxpayer already foot the bill for the reason I stated, they are the people who have incomes and money. Doesn't matter what corporations have, doesn't matter what they do... they could all go bankrupt... taxpayers would still be the only people who pay for stuff, because that is who has money. Now, if corporations DO go bankrupt, there will be fewer taxpayers, because there are no jobs... but the taxpayer will always be the one paying for everything.
I think you need to go back and re-study history. The Republicans were instrumental in passing the Social Security Act, as well as Medicare and Medicaid, and it couldn't have passed without their support.

You do know the Republicans of those days are now Democrats today? Likewise, many Democrats of those days are Republicans today.
Of course you don't.


Again... why would a state-run, federally-subsidized health clinic, be spending unnecessary money on websites? The idea is to help the poor obtain health care, not make a pretty web site, for all the people who aren't poor and own computers. I tell you what... this morning, pick up your phone book, and look up the local health clinic in your area, I am positive you have one... call them up and ask them if they can set broken arm or stitch a cut? Then come back here and tell me what they say! If I am wrong, then I will admit I am wrong and that you were smarter than me on this matter. Fair enough?
Again... why would a state-run, federally-subsidized health clinic, be spending unnecessary money on websites? The idea is to help the poor obtain health care, not make a pretty web site, for all the people who aren't poor and own computers. I tell you what... this morning, pick up your phone book, and look up the local health clinic in your area, I am positive you have one... call them up and ask them if they can set broken arm or stitch a cut? Then come back here and tell me what they say! If I am wrong, then I will admit I am wrong and that you were smarter than me on this matter. Fair enough?

No, it's on you to prove the one in your area performs the functions you claim it does.

Exactly... so it's taken care of one way or another.

Just like any doctor's office, if it's something they can't handle, it is referred to a specialist who can.

Is there some miraculous part of Obamacare which will enable a doctor's office to perform open-heart surgery?
Exactly... so it's taken care of one way or another.

Just like any doctor's office, if it's something they can't handle, it is referred to a specialist who can.

Is there some miraculous part of Obamacare which will enable a doctor's office to perform open-heart surgery?
Does your bicycle go forward too?

You backpedal so much, I'm guessing it doesn't.

To clinics are all that's necessary for low income people, because they do everything.....for free.

Unless they can't do it, and then they refer you to a specialist.

I can imagine how that sign in will go.
Does your bicycle go forward too?

You backpedal so much, I'm guessing it doesn't.

To clinics are all that's necessary for low income people, because they do everything.....for free.

Unless they can't do it, and then they refer you to a specialist.

I can imagine how that sign in will go.

Yes, they refer you to a specialist who sees you and it is covered under Medicaid if you are poor. Even if you are not poor, they will work out a payment schedule. If Medicaid doesn't pay enough, we could have increased that amount, if it didn't help the "poor" we could have redefined "poor" ...we didn't need to create an entirely NEW MEDICAL SYSTEM to fund and support in addition to what we are already funding and supporting to do this.

And how are they funded?

"One of the top 100 RECOVERY ACT recepients"

So they're funded by the stimulus. I'm sure you storm out the door in protest!

They received stimulus money, so what? They are a public health clinic, funded... YES... by our tax dollars! Supposedly already doing what Obamacare claims to want to do! And here's a brain teaser for you... can you name something that isn't bought and paid for by the taxpayer? Go ahead, give that a shot!
due to the disgusting profits the healthcare industry realizes.

and let's get back to this little turdball you puked up...

There is absolutely NOTHING disgusting about profits. When a company realizes profit, it means they did things right, they had the right product at the right time, and people bought it and were happy to be able to. It means they told their friends and family, and they bought from the company too, and the employees all did a successful job of marketing the product and producing or providing it to the proper quality, etc. Profit is an indicator of a winning formula for success. It is not disgusting, it is AWESOME. Record-setting profits are EVEN BETTER!
Yes, they refer you to a specialist who sees you and it is covered under Medicaid if you are poor. Even if you are not poor, they will work out a payment schedule.

I'm sure they would. Add a bill of $15,000 to $20,000 on the back of a family scrapping by on $25,000/yr because they're too rich to qualify for Medicaid. What saintly folks those specialists are.

If Medicaid doesn't pay enough, we could have increased that amount, if it didn't help the "poor" we could have redefined "poor" ...we didn't need to create an entirely NEW MEDICAL SYSTEM to fund and support in addition to what we are already funding and supporting to do this.

Of course. Why didn't someone think of that before? Hmmm, maybe because we saw the Repub reaction to unemployment benefits. To hell with the unemployed. Let them starve.

They received stimulus money, so what? They are a public health clinic, funded... YES... by our tax dollars! Supposedly already doing what Obamacare claims to want to do! And here's a brain teaser for you... can you name something that isn't bought and paid for by the taxpayer? Go ahead, give that a shot!

You've been given examples of people who died because they couldn't get help from the free clinics. That's what Obama is changing. Besides, think of all the money that will be saved by getting rid of many of the free clinics as more and more people obtain medical insurance. Don't you like saving tax dollars? :)
I'm sure they would. Add a bill of $15,000 to $20,000 on the back of a family scrapping by on $25,000/yr because they're too rich to qualify for Medicaid. What saintly folks those specialists are.

Someone has to pay the bill, whether it is the family or the taxpayer, the bill has to be paid by someone. Specialists don't work for free, and they won't work for free under Obamacare, that's for certain. Again, if you want Medicaid to include people who scrape by on $25k, we can do that.. we don't have to implement and pay for any new plan to do so.

Of course. Why didn't someone think of that before? Hmmm, maybe because we saw the Repub reaction to unemployment benefits. To hell with the unemployed. Let them starve.

Again, Republicans suggested a number of reforms that needed to be made, Democrats gagged them and bound them with duct tape during the committee hearings. Obama shook his finger at John McCain and told him the election was over, and doe-eyed Nancy finagled enough votes to get it through the Senate with a rules change to prevent a supermajority (something all taxation requires, btw) and it was passed without a single supporting Republican vote. You didn't WANT to include any of our ideas, you had your own.

You've been given examples of people who died because they couldn't get help from the free clinics.

No I have not! You have given examples of people who didn't USE the free clinics which were right there, available to them! You have failed to explain WHY they didn't use this resource that our tax dollars already pay for!

That's what Obama is changing. Besides, think of all the money that will be saved...

Please... close your pie hole. No money will be saved. You don't care about saving money. This has nothing to do with saving money. We all know it won't save money. We all know it will cost MASSIVE amounts of money. So please.... JUST FUCKING STOP!
Someone has to pay the bill, whether it is the family or the taxpayer, the bill has to be paid by someone. Specialists don't work for free, and they won't work for free under Obamacare, that's for certain. Again, if you want Medicaid to include people who scrape by on $25k, we can do that.. we don't have to implement and pay for any new plan to do so.

That would have been the public option, fought tooth and nail by the GOP.

Again, Republicans suggested a number of reforms that needed to be made, Democrats gagged them and bound them with duct tape during the committee hearings. Obama shook his finger at John McCain and told him the election was over, and doe-eyed Nancy finagled enough votes to get it through the Senate with a rules change to prevent a supermajority (something all taxation requires, btw) and it was passed without a single supporting Republican vote. You didn't WANT to include any of our ideas, you had your own.

The GOP solutions would help the insurance companies, not health care consumers.

No I have not! You have given examples of people who didn't USE the free clinics which were right there, available to them! You have failed to explain WHY they didn't use this resource that our tax dollars already pay for!

Show these free clinics. So far you have declined to prove they exist. In Mass, the ONLY free care is offered in emergency rooms.

Please... close your pie hole. No money will be saved. You don't care about saving money. This has nothing to do with saving money. We all know it won't save money. We all know it will cost MASSIVE amounts of money. So please.... JUST FUCKING STOP!

It has everything to do with saving money, moron. Present day health care dollars are consumed by for profit insurance companies at a rate
of 30% for administrative costs alone. A single payer plan such as Medicare consumes 6% for administative costs. Our health care costs are twice as high as any other developed nation and growing, a cost we can no longer afford.