Be Patient


Staff member
People of the Board

Summer is upon us. The moderators lead full, busy lives. We ask for your patience on actions on reported posts.

People of the Board

Summer is upon us. The moderators lead full, busy lives. We ask for your patients on actions on reported posts.


How long does it take to moderate an obvious 12B from Bob. Good lord. They guy abuses 12B twice and not a damn thing happens to the dunce.
Bob posts this crap and for that, he gets a hand slap??? Seriously???
Does Truth Deflector molest little boys? TD, prove you don't molest little boys. I think you should go to prison for molesting little boys.
Maybe your ass should be locked up, because if you chose to molest the neighborhood young boys, you could.

According to Rana's Queen, the moderators ignore some reports.

I've had more than one private convo with mod(s) regarding Lesion reports. As is evident, they were all dismissed because Lesion=nark troll.