Be Patient

I'm the one who reported on several occasions. Tattle Tale; gosh, would you be okay if someone called you a child molester more than once?
You know, I don't really gaf. I know I'm not one. I'm not going to spend time bugging these mods about it. Although if it's going to be enforced so stringently, it should be done so consistently - or not at all.
I can only speculate; but Billy probably felt that a warning was appropriate, until they looked back and realized that he had already had a Rule 12b ban on 12/16.

I don't know how long that one was for; because the announcement doesn't say.

Seriously? Why do grown adults demand other grown adults halfway across the country remove words from their screens their widdle eyes don't wike?

Good fucking God, people. Grow the hell up already.

I've never understood tattle-tales. Never liked them. Not in kindergarten, not now....

This begs the question of:
Then why can't grown adults follow the rules that are spelled out for everyone to see?
This begs the question of:
Then why can't grown adults follow the rules that are spelled out for everyone to see?
A better question is why do we need any rules?

We are talking about, a little box....on your screen.

And we need another adult to oversee that? *Really?*

Idk about you, but I surely don't.
Sure I did. I didn't run to a mod crying for them to remove the post cuz it hwurt my widdle eyes.

Note the distinction. **channeling Eman***

Pedophilia is not about words. It is about the legal ramifications. This forum has ONE main rule; don't utter words that contain anything related to child sex. I think that's a good one. When someone claims that I molest young boys; that's pretty offensive. Call me a moron or an asshole all day long; but child molester is offensive.
Seriously? Why do grown adults demand other grown adults halfway across the country remove words from their screens their widdle eyes don't wike?

Good fucking God, people. Grow the hell up already.

I've never understood tattle-tales. Never liked them. Not in kindergarten, not now....

nobody is asking anyone to remove words from our screens........we are asking them to remove Bobb from our lives.......