Be Patient

Pedophilia is not about words. It is about the legal ramifications. This forum has ONE main rule; don't utter words that contain anything related to child sex. I think that's a good one. When someone claims that I molest young boys; that's pretty offensive. Call me a moron or an asshole all day long; but child molester is offensive.
Is your name in real life, Truth Detector? You surely can't claim libel.
People of the Board

Summer is upon us. The moderators lead full, busy lives. We ask for your patients on actions on reported posts.


Hey. I got an idea. Why not ignore Legina and his ratting out of fellow Posters for the summer? (What's wrong with THAT idea?)
Seriously? Why do grown adults demand other grown adults halfway across the country remove words from their screens their widdle eyes don't wike?

Good fucking God, people. Grow the hell up already.

I've never understood tattle-tales. Never liked them. Not in kindergarten, not now....
We come from a long line of moderation minimalists. But 12b is 12b.
TD is a dick, but those posts are pretty blatant.

If you want to see what an ignorant twat looks like; buy a mirror. This from a hack who hopes Trump and his family get assassinated. You morons on the left have no brains and no shame.
People of the Board

Summer is upon us. The moderators lead full, busy lives. We ask for your patients on actions on reported posts.


Keep up the good work, and no explanations necessary!

In the past two decades, I think I have brought something to the attention of the mods exactly once.

Probably the other thing that needs to be highlighted is that a lot of message boarders need to whine less, and make less frivolous complaints. I suspect the majority of the frivolous whiners are teabaggers, reichwingers, trolls, and wingnuts, but that is just my guesstimate!