Be Patient

I never asked you about "running to the MODs"; because you said and I repeat...Omg.....surely you jest. If I don't like something, I just keep on scrolling. Problem solved...and you didn't just "keep on scrolling"; because it was something that you FELT offended by, you bought Owl's lie about what I said, and you made numerous comments regarding it.

And yet, here you are telling others what they should do.

Care to explain your blatant disregard for your own expectations??
Read the OP, dumbass.

I don't run to mods. Sorry you can't say the same, snowflake.
Then why in the fuck are you being a crybaby, about what someone else is doing; when you could just ignore it??
Not running to the mods, snowflake, which is germane to the OP.

I will comment on anything I want whether I approve of it or not. But I will not run to another grown-up crying for them to remove a little box of words from my computer screen.

Read and learn.
Yeah, why don't you ask the "management" here how many socks I have.

They will confirm -- ZERO.

I don't do socks or crybaby bullshit. I feel like I've landed in snowflake-land on this thread.

You're doing "crybaby bullshit", throughout this whole thread and yet you want to tell others what they should be or shouldn't be doing.

You're doing "crybaby bullshit", throughout this whole thread and yet you want to tell others what they should be or shouldn't be doing.


If you want to run to mods making "weeports", knock yourself out. I'm not telling you not to, I'm just saying it's pathetically snowflake-like. And it is. Now go wee-port me.
Like they say, the hit dog always hollers.

Guess you're another tattletale crybaby who runs to "mods" 24/7.

I'd be embarrassed too.


But you seem to be the one who's doing all the hollering, so it looks like you got hit, and maybe you should stop trying to tell people to stop doing exactly what your bitching about.

Repeat after me -- Lead by example.

Or do you believe that it's just easier for people other then you?

But you seem to be the one who's doing all the hollering, so it looks like you got hit and maybe you should stop trying to tell people to stop doing exactly what your bitching about.

Repeat after me -- Lead by example.

Or do you believe that it's just easier for people other then you?

You're the one trying to justify adults running to other adults because they don't like words on their screen. Not me.

Did you even read the OP, ffs?
Read the OP, dumbass.

I don't run to mods. Sorry you can't say the same, snowflake.

You said what you said, so don't run away now; because words have meaning and you just showed that you aren't even able to do, what you expect others to do.

Does your hypocrisy have limits or do you just let it run amok?
You said what you said, so don't run away now; because words have meaning and you just showed that you aren't even able to do, what you expect others to do.

Does your hypocrisy have limits or do you just let it run amok?
No wee-ports have been made by me.

Bet you can't say the same.