Be Patient

Not running to the mods, snowflake, which is germane to the OP.

I will comment on anything I want whether I approve of it or not. But I will not run to another grown-up crying for them to remove a little box of words from my computer screen.

Read and learn.

Your comment had nothing included about running to the MODs; but you did say you just scroll past, so why didn't you do what you want others to do??

I've got a great solution to your angst and that would be to find a board that suits you better; but DAMN, they closed the ones on Amazon HUH!!

Is this a preview as to why maybe Amazon closed them??

Your comment had nothing included about running to the MODs; but you did say you just scroll past, so why didn't you do what you want others to do??

I've got a great solution to your angst and that would be to find a board that suits you better; but DAMN, they closed the ones on Amazon HUG!!

Is this a preview as to why maybe Amazon closed them??

You go with that, snowflake. Go cry some more to the mods. lmao
If you want to run to mods making "weeports", knock yourself out. I'm not telling you not to, I'm just saying it's pathetically snowflake-like. And it is. Now go wee-port me.

And you still are completely avoiding your own behavior and want to continue expecting others to do, what you yourself don't do; ie. refusing to scroll past something that hurt your widdle eyes.

Projecting your snowflake behavior on me, has no affect; because anyone with cognitive thought and intelligence can see that you're the one who melted down and is now triggered.

This is Damo's board and the MODs serve at his discretion, so why aren't you asking them if you're correct; but I know you won't, because they might just tell you to stop being a crybaby.

And you still are completely avoiding your own behavior and want to continue expecting others to do, what you yourself don't do; ie. refusing to scroll past something that hurt your widdle eyes.

Projecting your snowflake behavior on me, has no affect; because anyone with cognitive thought and intelligence can see that you're the one who melted down and is now triggered.

This is Damo's board and the MODs serve at his discretion, so why aren't you asking them if you're correct; but I know you won't, because they might just tell you to stop being a crybaby.

I know for a fact you're a wee-port making crybaby.

Sit on it and spin while you wait on the waaahmbulance.
You're the one trying to justify adults running to other adults because they don't like words on their screen. Not me.

Did you even read the OP, ffs?

I'm not justifying a fucking thing; but I am having fun pointing out your hypocrisy, seeing as how you don't have the ability to "scroll past" the posts that hurt your feelings.

You go with that, snowflake. Go cry some more to the mods. lmao

And you continue to cry about things you can't scroll past and yet, you want others to do so.

Why not ask the MODs if your correct??

Unless your widdle feewings can't handle being laughed at and you'll need your safe place to recover.

I know for a fact you're a wee-port making crybaby.

Sit on it and spin while you wait on the waaahmbulance.

C'mon Miss hypocrite, why not put your widdle feewings to rest and ask the MODs.

To occupy your time, why don't you just kick start that vibrator of yours, mount it, and shake the dust out of your barren vagina. :D

But you aren't able to scroll past something that hurt your feelings, HUH, and then you continued to promote the lie that Owl created.

So why didn't you just "scroll past" it??
Cuz I didn't want to. My choice. Note the distinction.

Why do you run crying to the mods? They're having to make threads explaining why they can't cater to your every whim, pronto.
C'mon Miss hypocrite, why not put your widdle feewings to rest and ask the MODs.

To occupy your time, why don't you just kick start that vibrator of yours, mount it, and shake the dust out of your barren vagina. :D


Awww, look at the widdle crybaby fag projecting about his buttplug.

I hope that dog you keep chained up bites the shit out of you one day. lmao