Be Patient

Damocles says his advertisers don't approve of some things and doxxing is a crime in many cases.

If you disagree, you can always leave and start your own forum, of course.
Cry me a river. Or, I can disagree, stay and voice my opinion. Not a thing you can do about it.

Maybe you can ask another adult six states away to remove my post if your widdle eyes can't take it. I surely don't gaf. :thup:
Cry me a river. Or, I can disagree, stay and voice my opinion. Not a thing you can do about it.

Maybe you can ask another adult six states away to remove my post if your widdle eyes can't take it. I surely don't gaf.

The rules are clear here. If you don't comply, you will say goodbye. :D
A better question is why do we need any rules?

We are talking about, a little box....on your screen.

And we need another adult to oversee that? *Really?*

Idk about you, but I surely don't.

Because there are such things like defamation laws and maybe just because Damo doesn't want that kind of shit on HIS BOARD.
did that long ago, but people keep quoting him........why do you stand up for he one of your socks?......
Yeah, why don't you ask the "management" here how many socks I have.

They will confirm -- ZERO.

I don't do socks or crybaby bullshit. I feel like I've landed in snowflake-land on this thread.
Sure I did. I didn't run to a mod crying for them to remove the post cuz it hwurt my widdle eyes.

Note the distinction. **channeling Eman***

I never asked you about "running to the MODs"; because you said and I repeat...Omg.....surely you jest. If I don't like something, I just keep on scrolling. Problem solved...but you didn't just "keep on scrolling"; because it was something that you FELT offended by, you bought Owl's lie about what I said, and you made numerous comments regarding it.

And yet, here you are telling others what they should do.

Care to explain your blatant disregard for your own expectations??
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