Be Patient

Many of us have full lives.

The site and the active moderation is well appreciated.

Those who post constantly really need to get away from it more often.

This is a handy communication tool for discussing politics anonymously. It should not be a substitute for real-life social interaction.

There are a number of individuals here who make far too much of discussions about other posters and far too little about what is going on in the USA and the world.

Remember, people:

Great minds discuss ideas.

Average minds discuss current events.

Simple minds discuss other people.


If you learn that another poster has a different impression of politics, that is no cause to call them a name or say anything about them at all. If you disagree with what they post, then say why and post your own view. If your view makes more sense, is supported by more evidence, is more logical, it will be shown to be just that. Insulting others in no way makes your view any more believable.

If you find yourself unable to stick to the issues, and instead spend more time arguing with others for the sake of arguing, and it becomes personal? Then you are spending too much time here and you need a life.

If you find that another poster is being rude and disrespecting you, then the thing to do is simply place that poster on Ignore. Don't take the bait. Don't jump into the gutter and take up food fights. Put the disrespecting on Ignore. This will free up your experience from petty postings and have you reading more posts of substance. This will transcend you above the fray and increase your intellect. As you focus more on issues than on people, you will become smarter and better informed. There is actually a lot of very high intellect on this board, but it is interspersed with drivel. By placing the petty posters on Ignore, you filter out the drivel, leaving you with higher-quality postings and discussions.

This will phase you out of being petty, and raise your concerns and considerations away from other people and your concerns will become more issue-oriented.

You will have fewer nasty arguments, and come away from your visits here feeling better; and better informed.


There is nothing wrong or disgraceful about having a large Ignore List. That is actually logical. People who can't get along with others in person tend to gravitate to the internet where they can let loose with all their social dysfunction. Places like this tend to collect such tormented immature minds. It is not up to you to 'fix them.' It is their problem, not yours. Don't take it on. Place them all on Ignore, and don't worry about having a large Ignore List. There are no medals, prizes or awards for having nobody on Ignore. That is actually completely worthless. There is no pride in it at all.


Also, don't worry about what they might say about you. This will be difficult at first, but after just 2-3 weeks you forget all about them and simply don't care. You will find that such petty arguments with the shallow will be replaced in your mind with considerations and thoughts about issues. In such discussions, you will be forced to do searching on the internet to support what you say, or to dispute what others say. This is a fantastic way to get better informed, and to learn to allow others to have their say, even if you disagree with it.


If you wish to transform your posting experience, the tools are readily available right here on this site. All you have to do is use them. I bet if you try this for 3 weeks, you will never want to go back to the old way, and you will wonder why you wasted so much time with so much trivial garbage. And you will thank yourself for transcending.


Do you admire how some people can jump in here and post wisdom while staying above the petty bickering? Well, the truth is you can be just like that if you want to. All you have to do is want to bad enough to make positive changes in your approach here. And you will find that if you do? It will change the way you interact with others in real life as well. You will become more mature, more likeable, and with your new wisdom, you will enjoy life more.
Many of us have full lives.

The site and the active moderation is well appreciated.

Those who post constantly really need to get away from it more often.

This is a handy communication tool for discussing politics anonymously. It should not be a substitute for real-life social interaction.

There are a number of individuals here who make far too much of discussions about other posters and far too little about what is going on in the USA and the world.

Remember, people:

Great minds discuss ideas.

Average minds discuss current events.

Simple minds discuss other people.


If you learn that another poster has a different impression of politics, that is no cause to call them a name or say anything about them at all. If you disagree with what they post, then say why and post your own view. If your view makes more sense, is supported by more evidence, is more logical, it will be shown to be just that. Insulting others in no way makes your view any more believable.

If you find yourself unable to stick to the issues, and instead spend more time arguing with others for the sake of arguing, and it becomes personal? Then you are spending too much time here and you need a life.

If you find that another poster is being rude and disrespecting you, then the thing to do is simply place that poster on Ignore. Don't take the bait. Don't jump into the gutter and take up food fights. Put the disrespecting on Ignore. This will free up your experience from petty postings and have you reading more posts of substance. This will transcend you above the fray and increase your intellect. As you focus more on issues than on people, you will become smarter and better informed. There is actually a lot of very high intellect on this board, but it is interspersed with drivel. By placing the petty posters on Ignore, you filter out the drivel, leaving you with higher-quality postings and discussions.

This will phase you out of being petty, and raise your concerns and considerations away from other people and your concerns will become more issue-oriented.

You will have fewer nasty arguments, and come away from your visits here feeling better; and better informed.


There is nothing wrong or disgraceful about having a large Ignore List. That is actually logical. People who can't get along with others in person tend to gravitate to the internet where they can let loose with all their social dysfunction. Places like this tend to collect such tormented immature minds. It is not up to you to 'fix them.' It is their problem, not yours. Don't take it on. Place them all on Ignore, and don't worry about having a large Ignore List. There are no medals, prizes or awards for having nobody on Ignore. That is actually completely worthless. There is no pride in it at all.


Also, don't worry about what they might say about you. This will be difficult at first, but after just 2-3 weeks you forget all about them and simply don't care. You will find that such petty arguments with the shallow will be replaced in your mind with considerations and thoughts about issues. In such discussions, you will be forced to do searching on the internet to support what you say, or to dispute what others say. This is a fantastic way to get better informed, and to learn to allow others to have their say, even if you disagree with it.


If you wish to transform your posting experience, the tools are readily available right here on this site. All you have to do is use them. I bet if you try this for 3 weeks, you will never want to go back to the old way, and you will wonder why you wasted so much time with so much trivial garbage. And you will thank yourself for transcending.


Do you admire how some people can jump in here and post wisdom while staying above the petty bickering? Well, the truth is you can be just like that if you want to. All you have to do is want to bad enough to make positive changes in your approach here. And you will find that if you do? It will change the way you interact with others in real life as well. You will become more mature, more likeable, and with your new wisdom, you will enjoy life more.

Good lord; STFU you nutbag.
People of the Board

Summer is upon us. The moderators lead full, busy lives. We ask for your patients on actions on reported posts.

Seriously? Why do grown adults demand other grown adults halfway across the country remove words from their screens their widdle eyes don't wike?

Good fucking God, people. Grow the hell up already.

I've never understood tattle-tales. Never liked them. Not in kindergarten, not now....
Seriously? Why do grown adults demand other grown adults halfway across the country remove words from their screens their widdle eyes don't wike?

Good fucking God, people. Grow the hell up already.

I've never understood tattle-tales. Never liked them. Not in kindergarten, not now....

I'm the one who reported on several occasions. Tattle Tale; gosh, would you be okay if someone called you a child molester more than once?
Seriously? Why do grown adults demand other grown adults halfway across the country remove words from their screens their widdle eyes don't wike?

Good fucking God, people. Grow the hell up already.

I've never understood tattle-tales. Never liked them. Not in kindergarten, not now....

Reporting rule-breaking posts is every JPP citizen's responsibility.

If you see something, say something. :D