Be Patient

We all know *that's* true! Someone doesn't like that spotlight shining on the snitch cap he's wearing.

And now the Owl has decided to show how much intelligence she hopes she has; but just like LIG isn't able to handle rules, which is probably why Amazon closed the forums.

Cuz I didn't want to. My choice. Note the distinction.

Why do you run crying to the mods? They're having to make threads explaining why they can't cater to your every whim, pronto.

OHHHHHHH, so you didn't want to; but your being a crybaby over what you want others to do, but not you.

Please show where I was mentioned in Rana's thread of patience, unless you're just a liar.

Awww, look at the widdle crybaby fag projecting about his buttplug.

I hope that dog you keep chained up bites the shit out of you one day. lmao

I am looking at the widdle crybaby bitch, projecting her concerns about her worn out vagina.

And once again you go out of your way, to show that your a liar.

Plus it's amusing to watch those who claim they embrace the homosexual's; but use homophobic comments, in a desperate attempt to denigrate someone.

That's quite a spectacular USFucktard meltdown you triggered there. Nicely done!

She trigged no one or anything; because I enjoyed addressing her hypocrisy and watching her meltdown, in front of everyone.

Especially when she let everyone peak under that faux front she's been using.

Just doing you a solid.
FYI Legion is a special kind of scum.

Do you expect me to take this information to the FBI without looking at it? I don't want to piss off you socialists!
But anyway, I'll let him answer it.
I don't recall. When was this? If I did report any post of yours, it wasn't acted upon, according to the Queen of the PMs.

Back around Christmas, give or take a few weeks. Like I said, I don't care. It was never a big deal, I did my 2 weeks and that was that.
You're certainly a ball-less wonder, also known as a pussy.

ah, you've found a place in Chrispy's heart I are old enough to realize, if you get likes from Chrispy, Owl, and Rana you are doing something wrong.......enough for me to see I don't like you....
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