Be Patient

Hello Jack,

Ideally, the respectful people would all ignore every disrespectful poster.

That would effectively create two boards.

The disrespectful posters would not be able to participate in any conversation among the respectful people, who would completely ignore them, and the disrespectful would only be able to talk among themselves ABOUT what the considerate people are saying. (usually calling them names, etc)

But the reality is that the division is not so clearly delimited.

There is a big gray area. Some people are able to control themselves when in civil discussions, but then also try to give the trolls a dose of their own medicine.

The urge to respond to trolls to tell them off is exactly what the trolls are hoping for.

All the trolls want to do is make provocative posts, so they get attention. It gives them an endorphin rush to know they can cause others to react to them. Sadly, it is a short lived high, like a sugar buzz. And similarly, it has a lousy after-taste. Leaves them feeling empty, wanting more. So that's what they do. It takes over their lives, becomes their life. It is used as a substitute for real life and real relationships. They get their social stimuli from chat boards, spending all their time online, because they often have no real life. It's sad. I feel sorry for them. But there is nothing we can do for them. It is a mistake to try to tell them like it is. In so doing, we slide down to their level. It's not healthy. People like that need counseling. It is a mental illness.

The best thing we can do is to place anyone like that on Ignore.

Well-adjusted mature people frequently have large Ignore Lists.

Because it is a waste of time and energy to respond to trolls.

And a political chat board is a magnet for attention-seeking trolls. Boards like this collect them.

Having a large Ignore List is only logical.

Can anyone make sense of this psychobabble?

You're a whining wimp, PoliTalker. You insult Trump and his supporters all the time. Is that your definition of respectful? Must be, you're a hypocritical liberal.
ah, you've found a place in Chrispy's heart I are old enough to realize, if you get likes from Chrispy, Owl, and Rana you are doing something wrong.......enough for me to see I don't like you....
And you have mistaken me for someone who gives a damn what you think.

Don't care who "likes" my posts, don't run to mods about words on my screen, don't have any socks. Fact.

The feeling is mutual. You seem like a mealy-mouthed, ass kisser type who's always had a weird looking baby for an avatar. Maybe you can demand a diaper change from the mods next.
Hello good people,

I know that the permanent nature of my PIP can appear to be unforgiving. Often, people on my Ignore List try to engage me in conversation. I never relent. Sometimes I feel badly that I have to do that, but I remain convinced it is best. I am sure that some will carry on about me, claiming how unreasonable my PIP is. But that is exactly what makes it work so well. Having people comment about how I never give in on that - works in my favor, because it let's others who are not on my Ignore List know that I mean what I say.

This causes it to be entirely effective. Those intellectuals who might be tempted to tell me off also understand that when I decide to place a poster on Ignore, that poster NEVER gets another chance.

I do, of course, understand that it is possible for a poster to create a new account and get another chance to talk with me. And I am OK with that, for a couple of reasons. First, if they want to go to that much trouble for a fresh start, it means they really do want to be able to converse with me. Secondly, they understand that once they dis me, I will simply add their new name to the Ignore List and they are right back where they started. But if they use their second chance to really change, then my PIP has accomplished it's goal.

The result is I create a wonderfully civil posting experience here for myself. And I would like to think that it sets the tone for others to follow suit.

One thing is for sure. I find plenty of very polite political discussion despite my large Ignore List. Sometimes, people try to comment that they think my policy would lead to having nobody to talk to. That is incorrect. All it does is filter out the unwanted immature comments and leave the more intellectual issue-oriented posts. The board is of such a volume that even with a large Ignore List, I can never get 'caught up.' The comments flow at such a tremendous rate, that there is *always* stirring discussion in which to become immersed, even with the undesirable trash-talk filtered OUT.

Some comment that I would be missing a lot. That is true. But everyone here misses a lot. It is simply not possible to stay current with every thread, so why would I want to waste my valuable time reading drivel about other posters when I could filter that out and skip directly to more meaningful discussion? I get all I want, and what I get is of a higher quality. I am happy to 'miss a lot,' because a lot of what is posted here is drivel.
And you have mistaken me for someone who gives a damn what you think.

Don't care who "likes" my posts, don't run to mods about words on my screen, don't have any socks. Fact.

The feeling is mutual. You seem like a mealy-mouthed, ass kisser type who's always had a weird looking baby for an avatar. Maybe you can demand a diaper change from the mods next.

Who are you and what have you done with Golden? :laugh:
Hello good people,

I know that the permanent nature of my PIP can appear to be unforgiving. Often, people on my Ignore List try to engage me in conversation. I never relent. Sometimes I feel badly that I have to do that, but I remain convinced it is best. I am sure that some will carry on about me, claiming how unreasonable my PIP is. But that is exactly what makes it work so well. Having people comment about how I never give in on that - works in my favor, because it let's others who are not on my Ignore List know that I mean what I say.

This causes it to be entirely effective. Those intellectuals who might be tempted to tell me off also understand that when I decide to place a poster on Ignore, that poster NEVER gets another chance.

I do, of course, understand that it is possible for a poster to create a new account and get another chance to talk with me. And I am OK with that, for a couple of reasons. First, if they want to go to that much trouble for a fresh start, it means they really do want to be able to converse with me. Secondly, they understand that once they dis me, I will simply add their new name to the Ignore List and they are right back where they started. But if they use their second chance to really change, then my PIP has accomplished it's goal.

The result is I create a wonderfully civil posting experience here for myself. And I would like to think that it sets the tone for others to follow suit.

One thing is for sure. I find plenty of very polite political discussion despite my large Ignore List. Sometimes, people try to comment that they think my policy would lead to having nobody to talk to. That is incorrect. All it does is filter out the unwanted immature comments and leave the more intellectual issue-oriented posts. The board is of such a volume that even with a large Ignore List, I can never get 'caught up.' The comments flow at such a tremendous rate, that there is *always* stirring discussion in which to become immersed, even with the undesirable trash-talk filtered OUT.

Some comment that I would be missing a lot. That is true. But everyone here misses a lot. It is simply not possible to stay current with every thread, so why would I want to waste my valuable time reading drivel about other posters when I could filter that out and skip directly to more meaningful discussion? I get all I want, and what I get is of a higher quality. I am happy to 'miss a lot,' because a lot of what is posted here is drivel.
Your daily display of inflexibility is to be pitied; you seem very old, passive-aggressive and set in your ways. A far cry from your charade of flexible diversity and "respect". Put simply, you are a fake. lol

Your assumption everyone is dying to engage such an inflexible and excessively verbose poster is laughable, at best.

I couldn't care less. Your mind is made of stone, afaic.