Be Patient

Your daily display of inflexibility is to be pitied; you seem very old, passive-aggressive and set in your ways. A far cry from your charade of flexible diversity and "respect". Put simply, you are a fake. lol

Your assumption everyone is dying to engage such an inflexible and excessively verbose poster is laughable, at best.

I couldn't care less. Your mind is made of stone, afaic.

Hello PoliTalker.
I look at it as a public service, being a Good Neighbor, therapeutic. I don't want to single anyone out here, because it just seems ill-mannered and cruel, but since we're talking about Legina, let's use him as an example. Legina sits in his Mom's basement all day cruising the Internet and acting the Fool, crying out for attention. He pleads "Will someone PLEASE just come over and beat the shit out of me". When someone is that desperate for human interaction, most people, if they are good inside, proclaim to be a Christian, or just were brought up in a decent home, will, at a minimum, poke Legina in the eye, kick him in the balls, or just punch him in the face a few times. We're all Brothers and Sisters here on the Planet. Helping those in need isn't that difficult. Don't be mean-spirited and elitist, PoliTalker. Engage your fellow Man and give him what he wants.

Hello Jack,

Ideally, the respectful people would all ignore every disrespectful poster.

That would effectively create two boards.

The disrespectful posters would not be able to participate in any conversation among the respectful people, who would completely ignore them, and the disrespectful would only be able to talk among themselves ABOUT what the considerate people are saying. (usually calling them names, etc)

But the reality is that the division is not so clearly delimited.

There is a big gray area. Some people are able to control themselves when in civil discussions, but then also try to give the trolls a dose of their own medicine.

The urge to respond to trolls to tell them off is exactly what the trolls are hoping for.

All the trolls want to do is make provocative posts, so they get attention. It gives them an endorphin rush to know they can cause others to react to them. Sadly, it is a short lived high, like a sugar buzz. And similarly, it has a lousy after-taste. Leaves them feeling empty, wanting more. So that's what they do. It takes over their lives, becomes their life. It is used as a substitute for real life and real relationships. They get their social stimuli from chat boards, spending all their time online, because they often have no real life. It's sad. I feel sorry for them. But there is nothing we can do for them. It is a mistake to try to tell them like it is. In so doing, we slide down to their level. It's not healthy. People like that need counseling. It is a mental illness.

The best thing we can do is to place anyone like that on Ignore.

Well-adjusted mature people frequently have large Ignore Lists.

Because it is a waste of time and energy to respond to trolls.

And a political chat board is a magnet for attention-seeking trolls. Boards like this collect them.

Having a large Ignore List is only logical.
Your daily display of inflexibility is to be pitied; you seem very old, passive-aggressive and set in your ways. A far cry from your charade of flexible diversity and "respect". Put simply, you are a fake. lol

Your assumption everyone is dying to engage such an inflexible and excessively verbose poster is laughable, at best.

I couldn't care less. Your mind is made of stone, afaic.

Pretty obvious that he's an ageing hippy, whose ideas were formed around the time of Haight-Ashbury back in '69 and have never changed since. He's just a boring old fart!!
Your daily display of inflexibility is to be pitied; you seem very old, passive-aggressive and set in your ways. A far cry from your charade of flexible diversity and "respect". Put simply, you are a fake. lol

Your assumption everyone is dying to engage such an inflexible and excessively verbose poster is laughable, at best.

I couldn't care less. Your mind is made of stone, afaic.

Ocean going twat, pay him no mind!
Your daily display of inflexibility is to be pitied; you seem very old, passive-aggressive and set in your ways. A far cry from your charade of flexible diversity and "respect". Put simply, you are a fake. lol

Your assumption everyone is dying to engage such an inflexible and excessively verbose poster is laughable, at best.

I couldn't care less. Your mind is made of stone, afaic.
I've expressed those sentiments exactly.
Hello Jack,

Hello PoliTalker.
I look at it as a public service, being a Good Neighbor, therapeutic. I don't want to single anyone out here, because it just seems ill-mannered and cruel, but since we're talking about Legina, let's use him as an example. Legina sits in his Mom's basement all day cruising the Internet and acting the Fool, crying out for attention. He pleads "Will someone PLEASE just come over and beat the shit out of me". When someone is that desperate for human interaction, most people, if they are good inside, proclaim to be a Christian, or just were brought up in a decent home, will, at a minimum, poke Legina in the eye, kick him in the balls, or just punch him in the face a few times. We're all Brothers and Sisters here on the Planet. Helping those in need isn't that difficult. Don't be mean-spirited and elitist, PoliTalker. Engage your fellow Man and give him what he wants.

I used to try to mix it up with trolls. I had nobody on Ignore and I was proud of it. I could 'take it' as well as the next poster. The problem with that is they are so needy they consume a significant portion of the time I allotted to talking about politics. So instead of talking about politics I become a pro bono mental counselor. Not what I come here for.

One day, years ago, I got curious. I wondered what it was like without the trolls. I decided to run an experiment. I would place everybody who was rude to me on Ignore and just skip past their posts looking for something of more substance. I also decided that I would run my experiment for 3 weeks because that's how long it takes to modify human habits. This was in line with other habits I had consciously decided to change. I had learned of the power of habit management and how it can transform your life.

For example, if you are gaining unwanted weight and you want to adjust your diet the trick is to select a habit you would like to change and then purposely substitute a desired habit every time you have the urge to repeat the unwanted habit. So, for me, I decided that I could no longer have a soft drink with my lunch, thus saving me many calories in my diet. I decided that water was what my body really wanted, so instead of having the sugary soft drink with lunch, I simply had water. It worked. I stopped gaining unwanted weight.

At first, your habit drives you to select the old behavior. You have to consciously tell yourself no, and substitute the desired behavior instead. So I had my water. It wasn't fun at first, but I forced myself. But it doesn't stay like that. After 2-3 weeks of consciously forcing yourself to do the new behavior, you begin to look forward to it. Your mind and body adjust to the new way of doing things. Gradually, you no longer even want to do the old habit. That's when you are over the hump. The new behavior becomes your new habit.

That's why I selected 3 weeks to Ignore trolls.

Well, you know how the story comes out, now. After 3 weeks of posting without the nuisance of trolls, and enjoying more meaningful substance posting, I didn't want to go back to mixing it up with the trolls. That's when I hit on the idea of making my Ignore List permanent. I can truly say I love it and have zero desire to go back to the old way. I have transcended above that.

That is why I advise anyone considering this to just try it for 3 weeks.

You can control your life. You can control your habits. You can control your posting experience. It's a wisdom that is really a whole lot more powerful than just posting style. Most people don't understand or utilize this awesome power. But it is there for anyone who wishes to take control of their life.


Do you control your habits?

Or do they control you.
I'll share another habit I changed with that method.

I used to do a lot of name-calling. I was really good at it. I came up with some real doozies. I thought I was so funny. The board I was on had a rule that you couldn't make a personal attack on another poster, but said nothing about public figures. Oh, I came up with some choice stuff. I really did amuse myself. A lot of other posters liked my stuff, too. And a lot of other posters were horrified by it. But I wasn't breaking the rules, so I never got banned.

Along the way a conservative sent me a PM. He said I was a good writer and I would come across better if I just dropped the name-calling. He was earnest and convincing. And he was popular on that board. I thought about what he said. I decided he might be right. I am convinced of it now. So I used my trick. I changed that habit. I decided how I wanted to come across and set out to transform my style to be what I wanted to be. I look at other posters and realize most never even think about anything like that. I used to have favorites I wanted to emulate. Sometimes I wasn't proud of the things I said. Now, I always try to avoid hurting anybody's feelings. I see no point in it. Making others feel miserable does nothing for me. It's really win/lose philosophy. You don't win a race by holding others back. You do it by being faster. Hurting others doesn't help you. Self-improvement does.

Now, there isn't anybody else on this board I would aspire to be like. I am what I want to be. And if I decide I want to make changes I have the power to do that. It's a truly awesome power. You just have to want the results bad enough to do it. I have no problem answering the question:

Do your habits control you or do you control your habits.
Very good and thoughtful reply. More than I deserve. Thanks.

Hello Jack,

I used to try to mix it up with trolls. I had nobody on Ignore and I was proud of it. I could 'take it' as well as the next poster. The problem with that is they are so needy they consume a significant portion of the time I allotted to talking about politics. So instead of talking about politics I become a pro bono mental counselor. Not what I come here for.

One day, years ago, I got curious. I wondered what it was like without the trolls. I decided to run an experiment. I would place everybody who was rude to me on Ignore and just skip past their posts looking for something of more substance. I also decided that I would run my experiment for 3 weeks because that's how long it takes to modify human habits. This was in line with other habits I had consciously decided to change. I had learned of the power of habit management and how it can transform your life.

For example, if you are gaining unwanted weight and you want to adjust your diet the trick is to select a habit you would like to change and then purposely substitute a desired habit every time you have the urge to repeat the unwanted habit. So, for me, I decided that I could no longer have a soft drink with my lunch, thus saving me many calories in my diet. I decided that water was what my body really wanted, so instead of having the sugary soft drink with lunch, I simply had water. It worked. I stopped gaining unwanted weight.

At first, your habit drives you to select the old behavior. You have to consciously tell yourself no, and substitute the desired behavior instead. So I had my water. It wasn't fun at first, but I forced myself. But it doesn't stay like that. After 2-3 weeks of consciously forcing yourself to do the new behavior, you begin to look forward to it. Your mind and body adjust to the new way of doing things. Gradually, you no longer even want to do the old habit. That's when you are over the hump. The new behavior becomes your new habit.

That's why I selected 3 weeks to Ignore trolls.

Well, you know how the story comes out, now. After 3 weeks of posting without the nuisance of trolls, and enjoying more meaningful substance posting, I didn't want to go back to mixing it up with the trolls. That's when I hit on the idea of making my Ignore List permanent. I can truly say I love it and have zero desire to go back to the old way. I have transcended above that.

That is why I advise anyone considering this to just try it for 3 weeks.

You can control your life. You can control your habits. You can control your posting experience. It's a wisdom that is really a whole lot more powerful than just posting style. Most people don't understand or utilize this awesome power. But it is there for anyone who wishes to take control of their life.


Do you control your habits?

Or do they control you.
I'll share another habit I changed with that method.

I used to do a lot of name-calling. I was really good at it. I came up with some real doozies. I thought I was so funny. The board I was on had a rule that you couldn't make a personal attack on another poster, but said nothing about public figures. Oh, I came up with some choice stuff. I really did amuse myself. A lot of other posters liked my stuff, too. And a lot of other posters were horrified by it. But I wasn't breaking the rules, so I never got banned.

Along the way a conservative sent me a PM. He said I was a good writer and I would come across better if I just dropped the name-calling. He was earnest and convincing. And he was popular on that board. I thought about what he said. I decided he might be right. I am convinced of it now. So I used my trick. I changed that habit. I decided how I wanted to come across and set out to transform my style to be what I wanted to be. I look at other posters and realize most never even think about anything like that. I used to have favorites I wanted to emulate. Sometimes I wasn't proud of the things I said. Now, I always try to avoid hurting anybody's feelings. I see no point in it. Making others feel miserable does nothing for me. It's really win/lose philosophy. You don't win a race by holding others back. You do it by being faster. Hurting others doesn't help you. Self-improvement does.

Another very conscientious reply. :thumbsup: