Be Patient


I know right?.....I've often wondered who created the Bobb sock to mock conservative Christians......seeing who's devoting so much time to defending him I expect we have found out who......
its true Mason is a cunt and a prime suspect.......we will see when we find out who disappears along with Bobb......if its Mason its probably a perma, given his ban history.......
Hello Jack,

Hey. I got an idea. Why not ignore Legina and his ratting out of fellow Posters for the summer? (What's wrong with THAT idea?)

Ideally, the respectful people would all ignore every disrespectful poster.

That would effectively create two boards.

The disrespectful posters would not be able to participate in any conversation among the respectful people, who would completely ignore them, and the disrespectful would only be able to talk among themselves ABOUT what the considerate people are saying. (usually calling them names, etc)

But the reality is that the division is not so clearly delimited.

There is a big gray area. Some people are able to control themselves when in civil discussions, but then also try to give the trolls a dose of their own medicine.

The urge to respond to trolls to tell them off is exactly what the trolls are hoping for.

All the trolls want to do is make provocative posts, so they get attention. It gives them an endorphin rush to know they can cause others to react to them. Sadly, it is a short lived high, like a sugar buzz. And similarly, it has a lousy after-taste. Leaves them feeling empty, wanting more. So that's what they do. It takes over their lives, becomes their life. It is used as a substitute for real life and real relationships. They get their social stimuli from chat boards, spending all their time online, because they often have no real life. It's sad. I feel sorry for them. But there is nothing we can do for them. It is a mistake to try to tell them like it is. In so doing, we slide down to their level. It's not healthy. People like that need counseling. It is a mental illness.

The best thing we can do is to place anyone like that on Ignore.

Well-adjusted mature people frequently have large Ignore Lists.

Because it is a waste of time and energy to respond to trolls.

And a political chat board is a magnet for attention-seeking trolls. Boards like this collect them.

Having a large Ignore List is only logical.
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