Be Patient

Ladies and gentlemen you have veered off subject. Trump has nothing to do with the mods taking a summer break.
But, how can it be proven he didn't actually believe those things were true? A lie is knowing something isn't true and saying it anyway.

There isn't a single politician doesn't embellish things, so it doesn't mean much. The economy is doing well, way better than in over a decade. That's what counts.

Do you recall when he spoke to the Boy Scouts assembly, and later claimed that the association's leader called him and gushed over how wonderful and yuge his speech was? Never happened. That is just *one* instance out of literally thousands. He is a pathological liar. It's quite possible that when he lies he thinks that what he's saying is true. Doesn't matter. It is still a lie.

Yes, the economy is doing very well. I hope it continues. Trump is despicable, embarrassing, and criminal -- but if his re-election means that Americans continue to do well financially, I can live with that.
See how well that was received? They'll learn;)
I'm still looking for a truthful post from one of them=re the ones they "worship" difficult to find;) When you know something isn't true and you say it anyway....the CommitteCreed;)
See how well that was received? They'll learn;)
I'm still looking for a truthful post from one of them=re the ones they "worship" difficult to find;) When you know something isn't true and you say it anyway....the CommitteCreed;)

Oh damn, my universal translator is on the fritz. Can someone translate this out of the original Klingon? :laugh:

Oh crap! You forgot to bump this today! Hurry, hurry, bump bump bump?

That's so special;) Saying good morning sends them into a rage...ah, memories;) lol
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The president has much more respect for women than the Committee does....Much, much more-just read the comments-President Trump doesn't even come close to such vile words/thoughts....:)
Do you recall when he spoke to the Boy Scouts assembly, and later claimed that the association's leader called him and gushed over how wonderful and yuge his speech was? Never happened. That is just *one* instance out of literally thousands. He is a pathological liar. It's quite possible that when he lies he thinks that what he's saying is true. Doesn't matter. It is still a lie.

Yes, the economy is doing very well. I hope it continues. Trump is despicable, embarrassing, and criminal -- but if his re-election means that Americans continue to do well financially, I can live with that.
The case can be made that Obama is a pathological liar as well, however that didn't seem to bother his supporters either.

I like Trump because he loves America and has given up a fabulous lifestyle for it. It's nice to see someone stand up for us after hearing "America sucks and you suck" for eight solid years. Having a President with blatant disdain for the country who elected him didn't sit well with a lot of people, obviously.