Be Patient

I know that there are a lot of Trump supporters here, so I would like to know what they thought the President was doing when he was talking about that disabled reporter? Was that respectful and inclusive to people with disabilities?
He is animated and has made the same gestures imitating numerous people, as demonstrated in the video below.

Claiming he was making fun of the disabled is more fake news created by haters. This proves it. Watch the whole video and pay specific attention around 0.46.

He is animated and has made the same gestures imitating numerous people, as demonstrated in the video below.

Claiming he was making fun of the disabled is more fake news created by haters. This proves it. Watch the whole video and pay specific attention around 0.46.

Oh, so he uses those gestures to make fun of EVERYONE, then. :thinking:
He is animated and has made the same gestures imitating numerous people, as demonstrated in the video below.

Claiming he was making fun of the disabled is more fake news created by haters. This proves it. Watch the whole video and pay specific attention around 0.46.

I have disabilities, and see that as mocking disabilities, even if he doesn't think it is, or even meant to. People with disabilities have been mocked or belittled before, and often on that side of the aisle. Never in such brash, and open ways though.
I have disabilities, and see that as mocking disabilities, even if he doesn't think it is, or even meant to. People with disabilities have been mocked or belittled before, and often on that side of the aisle. Never in such brash, and open ways though.
Yet he makes the same gestures about able-bodied, strapping adults, which destroys the "mocking disabled" hoax.
Oh, so he uses those gestures to make fun of EVERYONE, then. :thinking:
Hi one should use those gestures to mock anyone...No president should mock Special Olympics....but one did....No one should use the "R" word to mock anyone....but, it's certainly thrown around here quite often, in all kinds of variations, by Many....and very rarely condemned....often applauded...
It's just never acceptable....period...
You know how I feel about that....
(Did you see the link I posted to Al Roker talking about his son and Special Olympics? If not, I'll repost it...;)
Hi one should use those gestures to mock anyone...No president should mock Special Olympics....but one did....No one should use the "R" word to mock anyone....but, it's certainly thrown around here quite often, in all kinds of variations, by Many....and very rarely condemned....often applauded...
It's just never acceptable....period...
You know how I feel about that....
(Did you see the link I posted to Al Roker talking about his son and Special Olympics? If not, I'll repost it...;)
Top, do you condemn it when Grind says it? Because I see him writing it all the time.
Hello and happy first day of summer TOP,

Hollywood Access.


"You look just like my daughter. Now take your clothes off."



These people could write a book on trump's "respect for women."

Rosie O'Donnell, Alicia Machado, Carly Fiorina, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Heidi Cruz, Mika Brzezinski, Megyn Kelly, Gail Collins, Maureen Dowd, Angelina Jolie, Cher, Arianna Huffington, and Heidi Klum.
The silence is deafening!

So you're just another liberal with an attention disorder, where 1 minute seems like forever.

Hi one should use those gestures to mock anyone...No president should mock Special Olympics....but one did....No one should use the "R" word to mock anyone....but, it's certainly thrown around here quite often, in all kinds of variations, by Many....and very rarely condemned....often applauded...
It's just never acceptable....period...
You know how I feel about that....
(Did you see the link I posted to Al Roker talking about his son and Special Olympics? If not, I'll repost it...;)

I know, it's so frustrating. Al Roker is awesome! Matt did really well this year. He got first place in the Standing Long Jump!

I hate the R-word. Whenever I hear it, it makes me use the fuck-word, amongst others. :| I know I will get shot down for this, but special needs is the last accepted bigotry.
Top, do you condemn it when Grind says it? Because I see him writing it all the time.

I have called people out on both sides of the aisle, but I just get called that word, too. I also get called a snowflake, as well. It wasn't here, but I have also had people make fun of my son for having autism, and then get called a snowflake for calling them out on it. Asking people to stop most of the time just makes it worse. People don't care to be nice anymore, sadly.
I know, it's so frustrating. Al Roker is awesome! Matt did really well this year. He got first place in the Standing Long Jump!

I hate the R-word. Whenever I hear it, it makes me use the fuck-word, amongst others. :| I know I will get shot down for this, but special needs is the last accepted bigotry.
Al is awesome....loved the article....everyone should read it. I posted it, so I hope the ones who need to did....
I'm so proud of Matt...and you....You are a dream MOM....really...;) Not the first time I've said that;)
You will not get shot down- because you are right...Shame on the people who use it here...and celebrate any form....
Al is awesome....loved the article....everyone should read it. I posted it, so I hope the ones who need to did....
I'm so proud of Matt...and you....You are a dream MOM....really...;) Not the first time I've said that;)
You will not get shot down- because you are right...Shame on the people who use it here...and celebrate any form....

Thank you so much! I am very proud of him, too! He's amazing! Thank you. I try very hard to be a good mom.
Thank you so much! I am very proud of him, too! He's amazing! Thank you. I try very hard to be a good mom.
You are very a teacher, you would have been my dream mom....:) You are simply amazing...never forget that;)
Matt is one lucky guy....the future is bright for that young man...
(Having an awesome system helps, of course....I'm so impressed by what they do:)
You are very a teacher, you would have been my dream mom....:) You are simply amazing...never forget that;)
Matt is one lucky guy....the future is bright for that young man...
(Having an awesome system helps, of course....I'm so impressed by what they do:)

Thank you! I am a very lucky Mom! He's incredible! He's now officially an 8th grader!

Our school system is awesome! Now, if we could only say the same for the place where we have our in-home supports from. LOL!
I have called people out on both sides of the aisle, but I just get called that word, too. I also get called a snowflake, as well. It wasn't here, but I have also had people make fun of my son for having autism, and then get called a snowflake for calling them out on it. Asking people to stop most of the time just makes it worse. People don't care to be nice anymore, sadly.
Ignore the haters. Some people can only feel worthy by tearing others down. Says a lot more about them than it does you.
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