Be Patient

Obama was not a pathological liar. I would dearly love to see a compilation of his alleged lies from a credible source, though.

Oh, and Obama isn't POTUS now. lol
No, but he was POTUS and the author of such gems as "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it"

A pathological liar, hands down. He preyed on the dumbest among us.
Don't you find that --at the very least -- extremely undignified and not in comporting with someone who represents our country on the world stage? It's the kind of thing that an angry third-grader might do. You should expect more of your glorious leader.
No, I think he's funny. I love his realness. You just hate him so it wouldn't matter if he cured cancer, you'd still be hating. Obama, on the other hand, was ginning up hatred for cops and stood back and grinned while his bros, BLM, assassinated them.

He was truly a despicable POS.
Plus hippos are more intelligent and not obsessed with socks and certain individuals. Plus when hippos are angry or outraged, they attack in return. They don't go hide behind a group of hyenas and try to get *them* to attack.


She was nice enough to tell me I had a new sock!
Then when I got back from the pool,I saw who it was on introductions
No, but he was POTUS and the author of such gems as "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it"

A pathological liar, hands down. He preyed on the dumbest among us.

So... you have no evidence to back up your claim that he is a pathological liar, other than the oft-repeated (and debunked as well) "you can keep your doctor" statement. Check.

Your comment about the "dumbest among us" is hysterically funny! That's what WE think about the Trumpanzees who continue to kiss his ass while he systematically dismantles the very things that keep them going.... like social welfare programs.
No, I think he's funny. I love his realness. You just hate him so it wouldn't matter if he cured cancer, you'd still be hating. Obama, on the other hand, was ginning up hatred for cops and stood back and grinned while his bros, BLM, assassinated them.

He was truly a despicable POS.

Wow. You've drank deeply of the TrumpBrand(tm) Koolaid. What flavor was it? Orange Ass? :laugh:
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She was nice enough to tell me I had a new sock!
Then when I got back from the pool,I saw who it was on introductions

Who is it? I'm still waiting to learn the names of all of my own alleged socks. I've seen some hints, but nothing close to reality so far.

Maybe "True Companion" will show up by and by and post the list. lol
Yet another meltdown...I do wish Grind would let them know who "True Companion" is...perhaps I'll ask him to fill them in...when I assure him I'm not terrified of him, but I don't like his use of the R word;)
Who is it? I'm still waiting to learn the names of all of my own alleged socks. I've seen some hints, but nothing close to reality so far.

Maybe "True Companion" will show up by and by and post the list. lol

Some new person that introduced himself on introduction thread this morning.
Poor guy,gets called Mason by Jack right away!