Be Patient

I can see why USFucker and Toxic have so closely bonded. They both adore being whipped, beaten, mocked, put down, laughed at, scorned and most of all -- the topic of conversation.

And here ends my distribution of ToxicAttentionWhoreChow(tm). She can happily continue to discuss me and make oblique snide remarks. It's what gets her off.
Went over you head

Evidently yours also and all in one minute.

Plus hippos are more intelligent and not obsessed with socks and certain individuals. Plus when hippos are angry or outraged, they attack in return. They don't go hide behind a group of hyenas and try to get *them* to attack.


So your "bandwagon", that you hide behind, are just a group of hyenas. :good4u:

The only ones who ever get called out are on the other side of the political aisle. Imagine if Guno or Domer or Bourbon or Phantasmal or Christiefan had talked about leaving their elderly dog outside in a "partially fenced" backyard day and night, summer and winter? Toxic would have been all over that like Trump on a cheeseburger. But since it was USFucker.... *crickets*. Oh yeah, she counseled him privately. And I'm Ivanka Trump. :laugh:

Hey, is this another "meltdown"? lol

Never any mention of a "partially fenced back yard", you missed the part he's in, and I see you finally dropped the lie, regarding him being chained.

But you keep standing on that platform and I'll continue to laugh at you. :good4u:

Because, you ugly-faced idiot, you said so. Several ppl called you out on your Toxic's So Deranged thread about his poor dog. You claimed that you counseled him via PM about the pooch.

is not your friend, and either is anyone else. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


It's easy to see when you get triggered.

It's because you forget to proofread.

I can see why USFucker and Toxic have so closely bonded. They both adore being whipped, beaten, mocked, put down, laughed at, scorned and most of all -- the topic of conversation.

And here ends my distribution of ToxicAttentionWhoreChow(tm). She can happily continue to discuss me and make oblique snide remarks. It's what gets her off.

And here I was thinking that you, Mason, Jackoff, Christie, and Jade bonded; was because you're all cunts and have just "rubbed off" on each other.

And you're not going to stop; because it is your life and without it, you would fade away.

So sorry, darling, but my AttentionWhoreOxygenTank just ran out. Maybe tomorrow?

And I'm apparently not on IA and never have been. :good4u:

If you wouldn't take such deep breaths, you wouldn't put yourself in such peril; but hopefully the WAAAAAAAmbulance can bring you another tank.

And I'm apparently not on IA and never have been. :good4u:

If you wouldn't take such deep breaths, you wouldn't put yourself in such peril; but hopefully the WAAAAAAAmbulance can bring you another tank.

you know, if you would stop quoting people I wouldn't have had to seen any of this......
So very easily triggered...all I have to do was an entire little thread that covered that syndrome...revisit it sometime...hilarious stuff ;)
(She flipped out, didn't she? ...and you've Never been on the Committee "speaks", you can be pretty sure it's not the truth...;)
Those who think the federal government is a livelihood, mailbox paychecks, those are the dumb people.

The Democrats need govt dependents to retain power and why their selling point is giveaway programs instead of jobs.

I'm pretty sure that recipients of govt. aid tend to vote all over the place. Even if you only look at metadata -- which states have the highest # of ppl living in poverty -- you'll see that most of them are "red" states.
I'm pretty sure that recipients of govt. aid tend to vote all over the place. Even if you only look at metadata -- which states have the highest # of ppl living in poverty -- you'll see that most of them are "red" states.

The Fed sets the poverty level, but you cannot just use income to determine poverty. The biggest factors in the rate of poverty are income versus cost of living. Example the average cost of a 3 bedroom home in Georgia is around $188,000 where as the cost for the same home in New York state is $324,000 and California $440,000. I believe if you compare COL in most red states versus most blue states, it is cheaper to live in the red states as there is more disposable money that doesn't have to go to essentials. So the poverty charts are inaccurate to say the least.
The Fed sets the poverty level, but you cannot just use income to determine poverty. The biggest factors in the rate of poverty are income versus cost of living. Example the average cost of a 3 bedroom home in Georgia is around $188,000 where as the cost for the same home in New York state is $324,000 and California $440,000. I believe if you compare COL in most red states versus most blue states, it is cheaper to live in the red states as there is more disposable money that doesn't have to go to essentials. So the poverty charts are inaccurate to say the least.

According to this list of the states with the most recipients on food stamps, "Households must earn less than 130% of the poverty level, or a net income amount less than 100% of the poverty level for their family size, to qualify for such assistance. This means a single person can be eligible for food stamps if his or her gross monthly income is under $1,307 ($15,684 per year), and a family of four will qualify if they earn less than $2,665 per month ($31,980 per year)."

Of the 15 states listed, I only saw two that you would consider blue states.... Illinois and Delaware. Another was the District of Columbia, which isn't really a state but still an extremely expensive area.
According to this list of the states with the most recipients on food stamps, "Households must earn less than 130% of the poverty level, or a net income amount less than 100% of the poverty level for their family size, to qualify for such assistance. This means a single person can be eligible for food stamps if his or her gross monthly income is under $1,307 ($15,684 per year), and a family of four will qualify if they earn less than $2,665 per month ($31,980 per year)."

Of the 15 states listed, I only saw two that you would consider blue states.... Illinois and Delaware. Another was the District of Columbia, which isn't really a state but still an extremely expensive area.

Food stamps mean nothing when considering COL and poverty. Most lower ranking military due to the way they are payed taxable and untaxable compensation qualify for food stamps. Red states have the majority of military bases. So that throws your data way off. But continue to believe we red state people are all rubes and rednecks. LOL
Food stamps mean nothing when considering COL and poverty. Most lower ranking military due to the way they are payed taxable and untaxable compensation qualify for food stamps. Red states have the majority of military bases. So that throws your data way off. But continue to believe we red state people are all rubes and rednecks. LOL

I don't think that getting food stamps = rubes and rednecks, nor did I imply that. I was merely observing that Life is Golden's claim that (D) voters are all waiting for their govt. aid to arrive in their mailbox is untrue -- the recipients are just as likely to vote for (R)s. Your statement that many of our military families qualify just proves my point; it's unlikely that many of them vote (D), eh?
Those who think the federal government is a livelihood, mailbox paychecks, those are the dumb people.

The Democrats need govt dependents to retain power and why their selling point is giveaway programs instead of jobs.

A livelihood? It's hardly that. I get full disability, and I sure as hell couldn't live off of it. I only have maybe little more then $17,000 for a year.
I'm pretty sure that recipients of govt. aid tend to vote all over the place. Even if you only look at metadata -- which states have the highest # of ppl living in poverty -- you'll see that most of them are "red" states.
Check the demographics of said "red" states.

People don't vote for Trump because he is promising them freebies like a universal income or "free" cell phones. Those who want that vote Democrat.
A livelihood? It's hardly that. I get full disability, and I sure as hell couldn't live off of it. I only have maybe little more then $17,000 for a year.
So you don't think any people game the system? I know for a fact, they do. There are people who collect disability and work full time getting paid under the table.