Be Patient

That's why so many young people support Bernie Sanders and his insane views, they have no real life experience and too dumb to realize there is no free ride, someone pays. Once they have to pick up the tab, they want no part of it.

Again, if you want a clue about red states and "welfare" stats, checks the demographics between say, South Carolina and Vermont. lol

Actually, you would be very wrong about that. All three of my daughters, for instance, are college-educated FT workers with solidly middle-class incomes, who support Bernie. When I've pointed out that if his various schemes were put into reality, our taxes will go up, they are okay with that. They understand that when we help each other out, we ALL prosper. As an elder I try to curb their enthusiasm by pointing out that some of what he espouses is unworkable in real life. But that's okay. That's why we have the system of government that has worked so well for a couple of centuries now. President Sanders can propose many things, but he's got to get it through both Houses first.

If he gets the nomination for 2020, and the <40-year-olds come out to vote in droves, you can kiss that orange ass in the WH goodbye. lol
Actually, you would be very wrong about that. All three of my daughters, for instance, are college-educated FT workers with solidly middle-class incomes, who support Bernie. When I've pointed out that if his various schemes were put into reality, our taxes will go up, they are okay with that. They understand that when we help each other out, we ALL prosper. As an elder I try to curb their enthusiasm by pointing out that some of what he espouses is unworkable in real life. But that's okay. That's why we have the system of government that has worked so well for a couple of centuries now. President Sanders can propose many things, but he's got to get it through both Houses first.

If he gets the nomination for 2020, and the <40-year-olds come out to vote in droves, you can kiss that orange ass in the WH goodbye. lol

A story for every occasion.

I will agree with your POV because we mostly share it. (R)s are very good at whipping up xenophobia and convincing their base that there is a huge # of ppl living off the government and "that's why your taxes are so high." As you pointed out in another post, many of our active service families get food stamps to make ends meet. However, *that* isn't often mentioned when an (R) politician is pointing a finger of blame at "the poor" who they somehow manage to portray as being non-white. They never state that directly, of course. Instead, they insinuate that most recipients of govt. aid are "urban." Turns out that's not true:



I notice the area in Michigan I live in is green. Very understandable, as in the city, and around have a a little bit of an affluent nature in certain areas. You can't live there if you need funding assistance, that's for sure.
No chip but we don't like being treated like the red headed step child by a bunch of snobish blue staters.

Understandable, and pretty stupid on the part of (D)s who do so. This is the first time in *my* life where I've lived in a mostly-blue state. So far I haven't seen anyone in real life with that attitude. But for sure there are plenty just on this forum who think you guys are all a bunch of rednecks.

Personally I feel sad for the south and its high poverty rate in far too many areas. I'm puzzled as to why. It's not because of the Civil War, or as some refer to it, "that unpleasantness in the mid-60s." lol One reason the South lost was its lack of industrial capacity and its over-balanced economy where a few were very wealthy, a few more middle-class, but most lived in what was considered poverty. It hasn't changed much to this day, except in some urban areas like Atlanta and Charleston. I don't have an understanding as to why this is. Do you?
I notice the area in Michigan I live in is green. Very understandable, as in the city, and around have a a little bit of an affluent nature in certain areas. You can't live there if you need funding assistance, that's for sure.

I can see from this map that the areas in the U.P. that have a higher usage are where the reservations are. Same with our neighbors MN and Wisconsin. If you look further to the west of us, across the Dakotas and into western Washington, same thing.