Be Patient

Just going by the example(s) from my Uncle and others.

Where do you disagree with what I've said?

With every point. People should marry when they are ready. You me no one can advise someone when the time is right. It makes no difference if one is a janitor or a CEO a E-1 or a Gen.
As to children again that is a personal call. Just because 6 kids was rough on your uncle I have known E-5's with 6 kids and they did just fine and gave their children more as they climbed the promotion ladder.
Lastly buying a house is a risk for anyone civilian or military. I was stationed in Phoenix. I bought a house that had not been built I got orders and sold it back to the developer for a $3,000.00 profit. I worked for an E-9 who owned 10 homes most paid off by renters. But I have also known people who lost their shirts when a base closed.
So civilian or military there are risks and rewards to every endeavor.
With every point. People should marry when they are ready. You me no one can advise someone when the time is right. It makes no difference if one is a janitor or a CEO a E-1 or a Gen.
As to children again that is a personal call. Just because 6 kids was rough on your uncle I have known E-5's with 6 kids and they did just fine and gave their children more as they climbed the promotion ladder.
Lastly buying a house is a risk for anyone civilian or military. I was stationed in Phoenix. I bought a house that had not been built I got orders and sold it back to the developer for a $3,000.00 profit. I worked for an E-9 who owned 10 homes most paid off by renters. But I have also known people who lost their shirts when a base closed.
So civilian or military there are risks and rewards to every endeavor.

I never said they shouldn't; because what I did say it would be a mistake.
And I never said that they couldn't provide for their family.
I also said buying a house, with the expectation of being able to sell it, would be a mistake.

Why are you being so defensive?
I never said they shouldn't; because what I did say it would be a mistake.
And I never said that they couldn't provide for their family.
I also said buying a house, with the expectation of being able to sell it, would be a mistake.

Why are you being so defensive?

1st dependents cannot use the chow hall and unless the mate has an ID card they cannot use the commissary.
Single troops do not get a housing allowance nor rations that married personel get. So not being married is generally not an option. Oh btw then there is the medical.

Plus if the SO is injured or gods forbid, killed while on duty, there is no insurance, compensation, or help for the one left behind (and any children) unless they were legally married.

Thanks for admitting that you are a troll and know the greeting call.

I know that there are a lot of Trump supporters here, so I would like to know what they thought the President was doing when he was talking about that disabled reporter? Was that respectful and inclusive to people with disabilities?

I am quite certain he didn't know the moron reporter was disabled. What I would like to know is why you believe a moron reporter is entitled to impugn the President without retaliation? Is it because he is in a wheel chair that you stupidly believe he should be untouchable?

I have the same question about the "Gold Star" family the Party of the Jackass dragged on stage to make a mockery of their son's service. Are they immune from criticism when they attack a President?
You mean the pussy grabber who fucks porn stars while his third wife was pregnant?

Beats the pussy grabber who bangs interns in the White House and whose wife refers to all the women he assaulted as bimbos.

Hillary disparagingly refers to the numerous women her husband was involved with as “bimbos."
I have disabilities, and see that as mocking disabilities, even if he doesn't think it is, or even meant to. People with disabilities have been mocked or belittled before, and often on that side of the aisle. Never in such brash, and open ways though.

No one gives a shit what you see snowflake. You're a dishonest lying partisan hack on steroids.
Hello MASON,

How about the rate of tax fraud for Corporate Capitalist?

That has increased.

It was becoming a big media story by the summer of 2001. The FBI had assigned hundreds of agents to track white collar crime after the ENRON scandal and the 2001 dot com bubble burst. After 9/11/01, virtually all of those agents were pulled from that effort and reassigned to the terrorism beat, never to return to white collar crime busting efforts.

After the 2008 Great Recession, Democrats under President Obama created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the brainchild of Senator Elizabeth Warren. The CFPB returned to consumers over $14 billion in illegally acquired funds which were confiscated in the form of penalties from big banks the loan business and credit card companies due to illegal practices. Since President Trump fired the CFPB chief and installed his own appointee, nothing has been returned, but big Wall Street financial corporations profits have gone way up, and the predatory practices have returned.
Hello MASON,

That has increased.

It was becoming a big media story by the summer of 2001. The FBI had assigned hundreds of agents to track white collar crime after the ENRON scandal and the 2001 dot com bubble burst. After 9/11/01, virtually all of those agents were pulled from that effort and reassigned to the terrorism beat, never to return to white collar crime busting efforts.

After the 2008 Great Recession, Democrats under President Obama created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the brainchild of Senator Elizabeth Warren. The CFPB returned to consumers over $14 billion in illegally acquired funds which were confiscated in the form of penalties from big banks the loan business and credit card companies due to illegal practices. Since President Trump fired the CFPB chief and installed his own appointee, nothing has been returned, but big Wall Street financial corporations profits have gone way up, and the predatory practices have returned.

I'm sure though that those huge profits will trickle their way down to us. <rolls eyes till they stick that way>
This shit should not be in announcements.

I actually read this section for real announcements, not war zone shit.
Congratulations on your promotion to moderator

I would never want to be a moderator on any board. If you can't handle your neighbor telling you to knock it off, get the the fuck out. Or bring it big boy.

This board is seriously getting out of control.

Fight me.
I would never want to be a moderator on any board. If you can't handle your neighbor telling you to knock it off, get the the fuck out. Or bring it big boy.

This board is seriously getting out of control.

Fight me.

Congratulations on your promotion to moderator