Be Patient

So you don't think any people game the system? I know for a fact, they do. There are people who collect disability and work full time getting paid under the table.

If they get,caught they have to pay back ever cent,and can never get help again.
Stores caught in foodstamp fraud go to prison.
You're talking of a very small minority.
Check the demographics of said "red" states.

People don't vote for Trump because he is promising them freebies like a universal income or "free" cell phones. Those who want that vote Democrat.

I don't know a single person who votes for (D) candidates for those reasons. BTW, the "free cell phones" program started under W. I do believe that he came with an (R) after his name. Oops. lol
So you don't think any people game the system? I know for a fact, they do. There are people who collect disability and work full time getting paid under the table.

For sure. I've known a few of them in my life. Then there's guys like my nephew, who got laid off a few years back. He happily sat at home collecting unemployment, "welfare" (they had two small kids), and food stamps, and were on Medicaid as well. Both of them -- the adults not the kids -- were able-bodied. He has a degree in engineering project management even; she has a CNA cert. They lived for free in his other uncle's house in rural Illinois. He bragged on Facebook all the time how cool it was to not have to "work my ass off" and traded tips with his buddies about how to game the system. His wife finally got a PT waitressing job and he cried tears of outrage that "Obama cut our food stamps just because she got a job" boo-hoo-hoo. Then the uncle wanted his house back and so they moved in with her mother. He eventually got a job, and to this day complains bitterly about how high his taxes are so that "those lazy slackers in Chicago can sit around off my dime." !!! He loves the Toadstool, as you might have guessed.

It's a mistake to assume that just because someone is on the dole, as they used to put it, that they are automatically going to vote (D). It has far more to do with where they live than it does their income or lack thereof, who they vote for.
If they get,caught they have to pay back ever cent,and can never get help again.
Stores caught in foodstamp fraud go to prison.
You're talking of a very small minority.

You're right.

"While critics still like to use old arguments of rampant abuse to lambast a program that feeds millions of Americans, the fraud rate has decreased from “about 4 cents on the dollar in 1993 to about 1 cent” by 2006.

"And this decline has only continued, with the 3.5% rate of fraud in 2012 reducing to less than 1.5% today."
You're right.

"While critics still like to use old arguments of rampant abuse to lambast a program that feeds millions of Americans, the fraud rate has decreased from “about 4 cents on the dollar in 1993 to about 1 cent” by 2006.

"And this decline has only continued, with the 3.5% rate of fraud in 2012 reducing to less than 1.5% today."

How about the rate of tax fraud for Corporate Capitalist?
I don't think that getting food stamps = rubes and rednecks, nor did I imply that. I was merely observing that Life is Golden's claim that (D) voters are all waiting for their govt. aid to arrive in their mailbox is untrue -- the recipients are just as likely to vote for (R)s. Your statement that many of our military families qualify just proves my point; it's unlikely that many of them vote (D), eh?

Oh living off the government teat is not strictly a party issue. I believe what LIG is referring to is many lower class people are swayed to vote Democrat based on promises and dire warnings that Republicans want to cut their aid. But to be honest the Republicans do the same thing to a lesser extent from my view point.
Oh living off the government teat is not strictly a party issue. I believe what LIG is referring to is many lower class people are swayed to vote Democrat based on promises and dire warnings that Republicans want to cut their aid. But to be honest the Republicans do the same thing to a lesser extent from my view point.

Most lower class people don't vote.
For sure. I've known a few of them in my life. Then there's guys like my nephew, who got laid off a few years back. He happily sat at home collecting unemployment, "welfare" (they had two small kids), and food stamps, and were on Medicaid as well. Both of them -- the adults not the kids -- were able-bodied. He has a degree in engineering project management even; she has a CNA cert. They lived for free in his other uncle's house in rural Illinois. He bragged on Facebook all the time how cool it was to not have to "work my ass off" and traded tips with his buddies about how to game the system. His wife finally got a PT waitressing job and he cried tears of outrage that "Obama cut our food stamps just because she got a job" boo-hoo-hoo. Then the uncle wanted his house back and so they moved in with her mother. He eventually got a job, and to this day complains bitterly about how high his taxes are so that "those lazy slackers in Chicago can sit around off my dime." !!! He loves the Toadstool, as you might have guessed.

It's a mistake to assume that just because someone is on the dole, as they used to put it, that they are automatically going to vote (D). It has far more to do with where they live than it does their income or lack thereof, who they vote for.
That's why so many young people support Bernie Sanders and his insane views, they have no real life experience and too dumb to realize there is no free ride, someone pays. Once they have to pick up the tab, they want no part of it.

Again, if you want a clue about red states and "welfare" stats, checks the demographics between say, South Carolina and Vermont. lol
Oh living off the government teat is not strictly a party issue. I believe what LIG is referring to is many lower class people are swayed to vote Democrat based on promises and dire warnings that Republicans want to cut their aid. But to be honest the Republicans do the same thing to a lesser extent from my view point.

I will agree with your POV because we mostly share it. (R)s are very good at whipping up xenophobia and convincing their base that there is a huge # of ppl living off the government and "that's why your taxes are so high." As you pointed out in another post, many of our active service families get food stamps to make ends meet. However, *that* isn't often mentioned when an (R) politician is pointing a finger of blame at "the poor" who they somehow manage to portray as being non-white. They never state that directly, of course. Instead, they insinuate that most recipients of govt. aid are "urban." Turns out that's not true:


So you don't think any people game the system? I know for a fact, they do. There are people who collect disability and work full time getting paid under the table.

Making money under the table isn't against any rules. You're even allowed to get a job if need be. If you get a paycheck it will be counted as assets, and effect your received income, but money for simple jobs under the table won't. Ton's of things people get picky about aren't gaming the system.
Most lower class people don't vote.

I don't know the official stats for that, but I suspect that it is at least somewhat true. Most of the lower-income ppl I've lived by and worked with don't register because they believe (falsely, as it turns out) that registering to vote puts you into a potential jury pool. They can't afford to take off work to serve on a jury, so they think that they're going to escape by not registering. That is a big problem in places like Ferguson MO and other urban/suburban majority-black areas. They don't vote so have no representation in their local government, and then they get what they get.
That's why so many young people support Bernie Sanders and his insane views, they have no real life experience and too dumb to realize there is no free ride, someone pays. Once they have to pick up the tab, they want no part of it.

Again, if you want a clue about red states and "welfare" stats, checks the demographics between say, South Carolina and Vermont. lol

Lot of blacks in Vermont?
I don't know the official stats for that, but I suspect that it is at least somewhat true. Most of the lower-income ppl I've lived by and worked with don't register because they believe (falsely, as it turns out) that registering to vote puts you into a potential jury pool. They can't afford to take off work to serve on a jury, so they think that they're going to escape by not registering. That is a big problem in places like Ferguson MO and other urban/suburban majority-black areas. They don't vote so have no representation in their local government, and then they get what they get.

I lived in the hood for decades,voting isn't a priority.
Making money under the table isn't against any rules. You're even allowed to get a job if need be. If you get a paycheck it will be counted as assets, and effect your received income, but money for simple jobs under the table won't. Ton's of things people get picky about aren't gaming the system.
