Be Patient

Do you admit Obama was a pathological liar?

Because there are plenty of statements he made which makes that case, if you're using the same standards you are judging Trump with....

Big difference!One,I'm not a Democrat,Two Obama is a private citizen,so that's water under the dam!
THree,Trump is President now!
He is animated and has made the same gestures imitating numerous people, as demonstrated in the video below.

Claiming he was making fun of the disabled is more fake news created by haters. This proves it. Watch the whole video and pay specific attention around 0.46.

You're lying,like Trump!
These people could write a book on trump's "respect for women."

Rosie O'Donnell, Alicia Machado, Carly Fiorina, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Heidi Cruz, Mika Brzezinski, Megyn Kelly, Gail Collins, Maureen Dowd, Angelina Jolie, Cher, Arianna Huffington, and Heidi Klum.

Christie,you forgot Mrs Trump 1,and Mrs Trump 2
So you're just another liberal with an attention disorder, where 1 minute seems like forever.


Went over you head
You are very a teacher, you would have been my dream mom....:) You are simply amazing...never forget that;)
Matt is one lucky guy....the future is bright for that young man...
(Having an awesome system helps, of course....I'm so impressed by what they do:)

If only you had been a teacher
Thread and post where you called out Grind.

She doesn't. She's terrified of Grind.

She also whines about the use of the c-word, yet I have seen her put "thanks" on posts where someone is using it to attack me or another leftie female... and males as well. Puts the hippo in "hypocrite." lol
She doesn't. She's terrified of Grind.

She also whines about the use of the c-word, yet I have seen her put "thanks" on posts where someone is using it to attack me or another leftie female... and males as well. Puts the hippo in "hypocrite." lol

In her defense,no one would confuse her skinny flat bony ass with a Hippo
Do you admit Obama was a pathological liar?

Because there are plenty of statements he made which makes that case, if you're using the same standards you are judging Trump with....

Obama was not a pathological liar. I would dearly love to see a compilation of his alleged lies from a credible source, though.

Oh, and Obama isn't POTUS now. lol
Yes. He uses those gestures to mock non-disabled people.

Don't you find that --at the very least -- extremely undignified and not in comporting with someone who represents our country on the world stage? It's the kind of thing that an angry third-grader might do. You should expect more of your glorious leader.
More lies....shocking, I now...right? ....and simply hilarious :laugh:
(TDS at it's finest;) Is anyone "terrified" of Grind? I don't think so...;)
In her defense,no one would confuse her skinny flat bony ass with a Hippo

Plus hippos are more intelligent and not obsessed with socks and certain individuals. Plus when hippos are angry or outraged, they attack in return. They don't go hide behind a group of hyenas and try to get *them* to attack.

Plus hippos are more intelligent and not obsessed with socks and certain individuals. Plus when hippos are angry or outraged, they attack in return. They don't go hide behind a group of hyenas and try to get *them* to attack.

That's the most hilarious meltdown yet..worth the repost;)