Because I will never let you lefties forget


This is a great compilation of lefty predictions from the 2016 Presidential election. There are some notable things to take away

1) The absolute hubris of the lefties was astounding
2) To a person, the lefties were all about the Electoral College in their predictions.
3) Only Watermark predicted a Trump win in the Electoral College and popular vote for Crooked Hillary
4) Jarod fell the hardest
5) I was dead on balls accurate in my predictions

Now, I want you lefties to review this as you try to predict what is going to happen with President Trump going forward.

At this point you should be looking at state polls

Look at recent CBS polls for Florida and Ohio. Very bad news inside for Crooked Hillary.

In Florida among those who have voted, they are tied. But among those voting on Election Day, Trump is up 16.

Same scenario in Ohio, but Trump is up 8

Those are landslide numbers that if true would have reverberations on Tuesday. If Trump wins Ohio by more than 5 than Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are in play.

My prediction is that the one who gets to 270 first wins

I also predict that if Crooked ILLary loses, she will not lose graciously. It will make 2000 look like a game of patty cake

I will make my prediction for the upcoming election. I reserve the right to alter this prediction as events change up until Election Day

Trump 273
Clinton 265

I believe Trump will not only win all of the Toss Ups in RCP, but he will also win Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan.

Here is why I believe Trump will win

1) He will win Ohio and Florida. Nobody in modern times has lost the Presidency if they take Ohio and Florida.
2) I believe he will win Pennsylvania for two reasons; the first is that he is pulling a high percentage of the black vote in PA which is bad for Clinton. Second he is running very competitively in Pittsburgh which is usually a blowout for democrats. This should mitigate Philadelphia and the Philly suburbs
3) By taking Ohio and Pennsylvania, Trump will bring in Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota
4) Hillary is a quasi incumbent and can't break above 45-46% in the polls. Despite what the talking heads say that is a bad sign for an incumbent. People are still not sure about her and I believe they will break for Trump in the end despite his flaws
5) An overwhelming majority of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction and don't feel good about the economy. They want change. Trump represents change. Crooked ILLary represents more of the same.
6) An overwhelming majority of Americans think illegal immigration is a problem
7) There were 6 million Republican voters that sat on their hands in 2012 that I don't believe will be sitting on their hands in 2016. Had that 6 million turned out, Romney would be President

Can you provide a link of me stating a "1980's election". I don't recall saying that.

Nevertheless what you see in APP is my official election prediction. I stand by it. I have posted links to polls. You can go find them, I feel no obligation to constantly repost things I have already posted.

I still stand by my prediction. Elections don't happen in vacuums. What happens in other states have profound effects on other states. That Clinton is actually going to Michigan today is a sure sign that it is in play. I believe Trump can win it. Remember in the democrat party primary, Hillary led Bernie by anywhere from 8-20 points and Bernie won by 1 point.

By prediction stands. If you look at the entire thread I posted in, I provided detailed, thoughtful analysis. You are free to disagree. Could I be tremendously wrong? Well, fuck yeah I could be wrong. Am I biased to some extent because I don't want to see Crooked Hillary win? Fuck yeah. Could that bias impact what I am seeing? Fuck yeah.

But, with all of that said, I stand by my original prediction.

You can ignore things all you want, but the reality is that the Clinton campaign is not acting like a campaign that is cruising to a victory. And let's not forget you were right there creaming your shorts that "The election is OVER". It clearly is not

.i believe Trumps odds are better than 50:50 nad this is before Comey. If you look at internals of polls she is bleeding support. She isn't winning as much as she should with spics and blacks. Also, their early voting numbers out of NC, FL and OH are not hitting targets.

A friend emailed me to let me know that Bubba was in NC yesterday and couldn't draw more than 250 people. There were tables of Crooked ILLary shit nobody was buying.

I still predict a Trump win. Anything can happen. But Crooked ILLary is definitely trending in the wrong direction at the wrong time

I'd like to know how? This has been one of the most boring Presidential campaigns ever. It's not even close to the hilarity of the primaries. Both candidates are quite unpopular but one far more so than the other that the one, Clinton, has a dominating lead in the electoral college.

I don't know why they do a popular poll, the only one that matters is the electoral poll and Hillary is still winning the electorate.

LOL Conventional wisdom my ass. The numbers show that Clinton has a substantial lead in the electoral college, and even without including toss up States she's already over 270 EV's. This isn't conventional wisdom. It's simple math.

The electoral map is the only poll that counts.

Sadly for JPP's partisan Trumpkins, in too many states the number of voters who disapprove of Trump is too high and he just does not have the votes to win.

Hard to get a handle on the national polls. The state polls are where it's at.

Trump will get smoked and have the unintended consequence of signing up more Hispanics to vote so you "nationalists" will never win an election

Sorry dude, they are registering to vote against you. You have no chance bro

Unfortunately from Trumpkins, Trump ISN'T winning Florida, Colorado or Ohio.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself the polls are rigged.

Maybe it will comfort you come November after Hillary wins.

It is no longer a question of Trump losing, the question is how many states will he lose by. I am thinking George McGovern numbers.

To show the demographic, white men are the more resistant to leaving the Trump fold, but they are starting to do it.

No That is no longer true ...he is now down 12 points. People who consider themselves most moral (Buybull belters) will not vote for the obscene orange one.

Clinton has better chances in Texas than Trump has in Pennsylvania.

Chances in Texas - HRC 17%
Chances in Pennsylvania - Trump 10%

The senate is a done deal.
Democratic sights are on the house.

Looks like the Democrats will get the Presidency and the Senate... That plan to refuse to give a hearing to the Moderate Merck Garland really failed!

Who do you think would be good? Bill Clinton? Barak Obama?


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No the only interpretation that matters is that of the Justices, but we will soon have new justices, appointed by someone who disagrees with Citizens United.

What's the matter with you? I WANT this poll to be true.

Why such an extreme, vile reaction? You really have serious, serious issues.

trump is going to be blown out
of course many here will claim they never supported him and voted for someone else

The good old days of the Clinton era are returning…!

I remember what it's like when your candidate is down in the polls.

You spin anything. There is some sort of "hidden" vote, or pollsters are using outdated methodologies, or they're only getting older voters because everyone uses a cell phone.

Trump is losing in the polls. He's losing nationally, and in almost every battleground. I think Hillary gets over 300 electoral votes tomorrow, and that it's a relatively early call…

I try to stay grounded in reality, Ill generally be even more conservative about my candidates chances than reality. I am very comfortable that HRC is going to win, in fact I looked over my earlier predictions and feel good about them.

Most people live life based on a reality they wish were true, not based on what is true. I try hard not to do that.

Trump is doing worse than Romney with white voters .. the only voters Trump has.

Trump is doing worse than Romney with white voters

Add on top of that .. Clinton is doing better than Obama in the polls

Hillary Clinton Is Leading In A Greater Portion Of Polls Than Obama Was In The Last Two Elections

Doesn't look good for your side.

All the usual Trumpkins are hunkered down in their personal survival bunkers.

They are drinking heavily in anticipation of tomorrow's rout.

It's over .. it's been over for months now.

You should admit reality, it will help you tomorrow night. Just admit that Trump is very unlikely to win.

Try to get your head around reality. Trump might win, but its unlikely and not understanding that is not good for your mind.

I am basing my opinion on polls, state and national. I always expected black vote to be down because Clinton is simply not Obama and not the first black president. I think Trump gets NC, I don't think he gets Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada or New Hampshire and without at least one of those I am almost certain he cant win. How that Correlates to black and Hispanic votes, I don't know.


Lookie at the desperate Trumpkin trying so very desperately to rationalize in his tiny brain how a Trump victory might still be possible.

One last thought as I drift off to a sweet sleep....

Supreme Court!!!!!!!!!!!


My prediction is that Clinton will win with 331 EV to Trumps 207 EV.

What are your electoral college predictions?

Clinton 386
Trumpf 152

Alabama (9)
Alaska (3)
Arkansas (6)
Idaho (4)
Kansas (6)
Kentucky (8)
Nebraska (5)
North Dakota (3)
South Dakota (3)
Oklahoma (7)
Tennessee (11)
West Virginia (5)
Wyoming (3)
Montana (3)
Indiana (11)
Louisiana (8)
Mississippi (6)
South Carolina (9)
Texas (38)
Georgia (16)
Arizona (11)
Missouri (10)
Utah (6)
Ohio (18)
Iowa (6)


Iowa (6)
Minnesota (10)
Virginia (13)
Connecticut (7)
North Carolina (15)
Florida (29)
Nevada (6)
New Hampshire (4)
New Mexico (5)
Pennsylvania (20)
Maine (4)
Michigan (16)
New Jersey (14)
Oregon (7)
Washington (12)
Wisconsin (10)
California (55)
Delaware (3)
Hawaii (4)
Illinois (20)
Maryland (10)
Massachusetts (11)
New York (29)
Rhode Island (4)
Vermont (3)
Colorado (9)


My prediction, I might change it, but if I don't and get it correct it will be pretty awesome.

the orange one can not win idiot

True. Everyone might hate Hillary, but once the debates are over, Trump will be a smoldering pile of burnt orange hair.

He'll be exposed as the 'typical' tycoon who has a long history of defaulting on his personal debt, and screwing middle class contractors.

This won't even be close.

I haven't changed it yet, I'm glad I didn't. But I won't go into Election Day with a rediculously wrong prediction.

Pennsylvania, Virginia, Nevada and Colorado are not toss ups!

So, are any of you Trumpies still thinking he is going to win...

I don't know if he is even still trying to win.

Some people might learn to predict with their mind not their emotions, but I guess PIMP is not one of them.

America cant be cheated enough for the right to win elections anymore

Clinton's electoral college position is actually disadvantageous compared to trump. She has a firewall the prevents her from losing many electoral votes as she polls in the 1%-4% ahead area, but once she gets past there she loses a lot. Really she has to win the popular vote by about 1% just to break even. A Trump victory is highly likely to be an electoral college and not popular vote victory.

The entire system is rigged against the democrats.

Florida is increasingly in trumps bag. We are down to the firewall states. It's going to come down to Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Michigan/Wisconsin.

It's a real tribute to how the public views Trump that the FBI letter didn't sink Hillary.

Yesterday & today's polls look very good for her. I think she gets FL and breaks 300.

….And Trump really needs to be up about 2%, because Hillary has a huge advantage in the ground game there. Twice as many field offices and volunteers.

She definitely thinks she's winning, because she is. The states are fairly close, so she's playing it conservative. Shore up the blue wall, and no way Trump can win.

I think she gets over 300 electoral votes, and it's over early. The biggest story of election day will be the Latino vote. Trump lost the election with his 1st speech about Mexican immigrants.

Clinton 346

Racist orange swine 191

Latinos will be the deciding factor in this election.
Trumpf sealed his fate on day one when he rode down the escalator and called Mexicans rapists and drug dealers.

Aw, too bad. The Philly transit strike just ended. I know some on the right were really counting on that.

Between that & Comey's announcement yesterday, Clinton has all the momentum heading into tomorrow.

Nope, Trump does not win Michigan or Pennsylvania.

Clinton will win 335-203, with 50% of the popular vote to Trump's 44%. North Carolina will be close, but I believe Clinton will narrowly win there. I also predict that record turnout by Hispanics will hand Arizona to Clinton. Gary Johnson will receive 4.5% of the popular vote, and Evan McMullin will come in 2nd in Utah.

You are about to be whacked in the head with reality. I love watching that happen. America will not elect a corrupt, unaccomplished, sociopathic lying dunce as their next president... they will vote Trump down.
Looking at the late polls... it's clear that the undecided voters broke hard for HRC all but ensuring her victory.

Exactly. We're going to have a 7 seat court for quite some time when poor RBG finally gets to retire.
God. I love this. So nostalgic.
It's like, well, a bunch of Confederate soldiers huddling around a cracker barrel at the General Store, reliving that one battle they won and lived to tell about it. Drink up, boys. The Sasparilla is on me.
Wow, Teflon Don was amazingly accurate. Like he had a crystal ball.

I am Teflon Don and GROOT

They are my two other socks. I was using my Teflon Don alt mostly during the election. The irony is that I didn't create the alt for Trump. I created it back in the day when all the libtards on JPP were always trying to get me banned. I mean it was a cottage industry. The Mods inboxes were inundated with butthurt libtards particularly those that wear Pussy Hats imploring them to perma ban me. I have never been banned from JPP which led King Grind to dub me the Teflon Don. And that was born the new alt.

but, yes, I was dead on balls accurate in this election because I learned from my mistakes in 2012. I dug deep into internals of state polls and I avoided national polls altogether.

Jarod was spectacularly wrong. And what made this thread most gratifying was Jarod's hubris