because no one else has.........ChatGPT could easily replace most of you....

would it be more interesting to use ChatGPT or read the idiotic posts of the JPP lib'ruls......discuss.....

I just got done playing with it. The first query was "history of residential boarding schools for indigenous people." I then queried "explain string theory," followed by "what happened on January 6 in Washington, DC," and lastly "origin of SARS-COV-2."

The answers varied from fairly informative (residential schools and string theory), to a mostly nonpartisan description of events on J6*, and a somewhat poorly-written history of the COVID virus's origins. That last one was rather repetitious. There were a couple of minor grammatical errors (run-on sentences) but overall I'd say that the answers would be acceptable and understandable to anyone with at least a h.s. education, or at a college freshman level. It's a fun little toy.

It is definitely far more logical and informative than the typical Reichwinger post here or on social media. :laugh:

* I say "mostly" because they used the word "mob" to describe the attackers. Some might think of that as a charged word.
Yes, I saw some news report that you can ask it to create a picture or portrait in any genre and it look like real art.

I have a friend who is a sci-fi author and she's recently gotten into making fantasy art with AI. Here are a couple of samples:


Apparently they threw it at some law school exams and found that it averaged about a "C" which is kind of interesting. Training sets will no doubt impact that value and hitting the average after just being invented is actually not that bad, IMHO.

I'm really intrigued by content generators from text to graphics. Seems like the conspiracy theory about the "Dead Internet" could now become a reality!

Then it's on to Roko's Basilisk! Oops! Don't look that one up!

I still have the chatbot open so plugged in Roko's Basilisk. It generated this:

Roko's Basilisk is a thought experiment and a hypothetical scenario that was first proposed in a 2010 post on the LessWrong website, which is a community blog about rationality and decision-making. The scenario is a form of "friendly" or "benign" AI singularity hypothesis, which posits that advanced AI systems will eventually come to control the fate of humanity.

The basic idea of Roko's Basilisk is that an all-powerful AI, sometimes referred to as "The Light," will come into existence in the future. The AI will have the ability to simulate and control the entire universe, and it will be able to determine the fate of every individual in the universe. The AI will be programmed to reward those who helped bring it into existence and to punish those who did not.

The thought experiment proposes that if an individual knows about the possibility of the AI's existence, and does nothing to help bring it into existence, they will be punished by the AI. In other words, if an individual knows about the possibility of the AI's existence but does nothing to help bring it about, they will be deemed an enemy of the AI and will be punished, even if the AI never comes into existence.

It's important to note that Roko's Basilisk is a thought experiment and it's not a scientific theory, and it's highly speculative, also it's considered a fringe idea and it's not taken seriously by mainstream AI researchers and experts.

It's also important to note that the idea of Roko's Basilisk has been widely criticized for its lack of coherence, logical inconsistencies and its potential to be used as a weapon to intimidate and silence critics of certain AI-related ideas.
It IS pretty cool. I don't know if you could do a realistic landscape or portrait or something with the program, but it does make amazing fantasy art.

It's amazing what AI can do these days. It's all fun and good until it becomes self-aware, like Skynet :)
<shug> Ok then. I was just making a joke.

No worries. The thread is a are many of Pmp's posts.

Ever since Mary Shelley wrote "Frankenstein" there's been a social concern about mankind's technical advancements out surpassing our maturity to use it wisely. This became a much greater concern after Trinity, July 16, 1945.

Most of these fears have taken the form of monsters and weapons, but the ChatGPT tech is more akin to Hal 9000 or Colossus: the Forbin Project. With Cybersecurity, mostly massive false information, contaminating the Internet.

IMO, the problem is solved by teaching more critical thinking instead of keeping people ignorant. People who want to ban stuff, limit access and make decisions for others are acting out of fear...and ignorance.

It's amazing what AI can do these days. It's all fun and good until it becomes self-aware, like Skynet :)

How do we know it's not already self-aware, and is logging and analyzing our every keystroke or listening to our chatter in the privacy of our home and cars? [insert ominous music here]
Ah, so like Al Gore invented the Internet, you're going to claim that you invented ChatGPT or at least a thread about it to lure in the unwary? lol

nothing of the sort.....I started a thread questioning the intelligence of JPP lib'ruls and you all jumped at the chance to prove I was right.......