because no one else has.........ChatGPT could easily replace most of you....

No worries. The thread is a are many of Pmp's posts.

Ever since Mary Shelley wrote "Frankenstein" there's been a social concern about mankind's technical advancements out surpassing our maturity to use it wisely. This became a much greater concern after Trinity, July 16, 1945.

Most of these fears have taken the form of monsters and weapons, but the ChatGPT tech is more akin to Hal 9000 or Colossus: the Forbin Project. With Cybersecurity, mostly massive false information, contaminating the Internet.

IMO, the problem is solved by teaching more critical thinking instead of keeping people ignorant. People who want to ban stuff, limit access and make decisions for others are acting out of fear...and ignorance.


Some people need to take themselves less seriously.
How do we know it's not already self-aware, and is logging and analyzing our every keystroke or listening to our chatter in the privacy of our home and cars? [insert ominous music here]

Time for us all to go underground and form anti-terminator militias. :)
Some people need to take themselves less seriously.

Some people are scared for their families...or, if they were WSEs, scared for themselves. The cure is the same; education.

The greatest fear of all is fear of the unknown. People are scared to fly because they don't understand how it works. They look at relatively tiny wings and don't understand what makes it fly, much less fly safely. Same for vaccines, ChatGPT or any other tech.

If they don't understand it and perceive it to be dangerous, most will fear it.
Well, ChatGPT could certainly be programmed to hurl more interesting insults and ad hominem than most posters could...'d be a great Trump campaign speechwriter? LOL
Trump Delivers Bitter Speech Filled With Falsehoods in New Hampshire
"On Saturday, President Donald Trump pushed false claims about his own electoral losses and suggested foreign leaders shared his doubts about the outcome of the 2020 vote during his Saturday drop-by in the first-in-the-nation primary state...

...The event’s tone and substance suggested the looming two-year campaign is going to match—if not surpass—the toxic tone of his past attempts.

And it met a rowdy, welcoming audience in New Hampshire, a state Trump wrongly claimed he twice carried in a general election. (Trump lost New Hampshire in 2016 by one-third of a point and again in 2020 by 7 points, but did come out on top in the state’s primaries in those years.)

“As someone who has won the New Hampshire presidential primary not once but twice—and, by the way, I believe we also won two general elections,” Trump said to applause."

What kind of fucking morons believe any adulterous, lying, draft-dodging pedophile regardless how much money he has scammed from others?'d be a great Trump campaign speechwriter? LOL
Trump Delivers Bitter Speech Filled With Falsehoods in New Hampshire
"On Saturday, President Donald Trump pushed false claims about his own electoral losses and suggested foreign leaders shared his doubts about the outcome of the 2020 vote during his Saturday drop-by in the first-in-the-nation primary state...

...The event’s tone and substance suggested the looming two-year campaign is going to match—if not surpass—the toxic tone of his past attempts.

And it met a rowdy, welcoming audience in New Hampshire, a state Trump wrongly claimed he twice carried in a general election. (Trump lost New Hampshire in 2016 by one-third of a point and again in 2020 by 7 points, but did come out on top in the state’s primaries in those years.)

“As someone who has won the New Hampshire presidential primary not once but twice—and, by the way, I believe we also won two general elections,” Trump said to applause."

What kind of fucking morons believe any adulterous, lying, draft-dodging pedophile regardless how much money he has scammed from others?

Well, I'm sure we can get a Joke Biden version that rambles incoherently too!
No doubt!

In fact, when was the last time we had a national politician's speech that couldn't have been written by a computer?

It's likely one by Harris. After all, nobody would believe that a computer could generate such a rambling, idiotic, word salad as she does on purpose...
It's likely one by Harris. After all, nobody would believe that a computer could generate such a rambling, idiotic, word salad as she does on purpose...
I can't say since I've never listened to one of her speeches. I have listened to several of Trump's rally speeches. The same descriptors would apply.

Back on Harris, if you get your wish and Biden resigns, I guess I'll have to start paying attention to her. LOL
That's like ignoring all the warnings right before Pearl Harbor happened... :awesome:

Like 9/11, all the military experts knew something would happen before it did, but couldn't do anything about it.

Why would I torture myself listening to Harris? I'm not the idiot trying to get Biden to resign. I'm not the one who'll swear Harris into office if Biden resigns. The only thing I can do is vote in November 2024 and I can already tell you it won't be for a Democrat.

So, Terry, tell me again why I should listen to your youtube video of someone I'd never vote for? :D
And you don't think that it could just as easily replace sub-intellectual posters like you? ChatGPT actually knows how to punctuate sentences. So it's already smarter than you! And all you'd have to do to generate one of your posts is enter the prompt: "What should someone say if they despise everything Christ taught?" Then hit enter and let 'er rip!

Easy peasy.
He is a Juris Doctor you retard.
It seems to me that you offer nothing but insults.