because no one else has......Willis, Fulton County Prosecutor..

can you prove abuse?


Who IS Fani Willis anyway? She is a radical Marxist who is part of the Soros cartel. The Open Society Foundation funded law school for Willis. Then the Soros gang funded her run for DA as part of the Soros plan to destroy American Jurisprudence. A plan, a conspiracy really - which has been highly successful and has left the once most respected legal system in the world and smoldering heap.

Willis campaigned on the promise that she would "put Donald Trump in prison." This alone is prosecutorial misconduct. No investigation had been done, and the Soros cartel announced intent to corrupt and pervert the law to imprison their political enemy.

Beyond this, of the 41 counts Soros lodged against the last legitimate president, 11 of them are unquestionably federal - Willis is committing a federal misdemeanor by illegally usurping federal authority. Merrick Himmler is just as corrupt as Willis, and in collusion with the Soros Cartel to attack the political opponent of the democrat Reich. As such, he will not charge Willis - the law does not apply to democrats.
So there's a conspiracy between the DoJ,the state of NY,Georgia all against Trump!?
Or you have bullshitted yourself that Trump is a victim!

Yes - an open conspiracy coordinated in the Reich media every single day.

Two weeks ago, the Nazi party said that our claims that these faux indictments we nothing but election interference to block Trump from running was a "conspiracy theory."

Now your Reich has moved on this and guess what? It was a conspiracy coordinated by Garland, Smith, and Willis to subvert our electoral system. A desperate measure by third world tyrants to keep the opposition candidate from running - since he is well ahead of the Reich candidate, Quid Pro.
The more the left file the more you victimize Trump and drive up his popularity.

I'm surprised that democrats don't see this.

They are essentially handing Trump the presidency.

The conspiracy the various factions among the Nazi democrats are involved in is to disqualify Trump from running.

They KNOW they can't win on these outlandish accusations in a court of law - at least not if an honest judge is involved. What they seek to do is pervert a provision of the 14th amendment to bar Trump from winning.

Palin is right, the left need to be stopped before this civil war gets violent.
Trump has 77 indictments,because there's evidence of 77crimes!

Trump has 77 indictments because the fascist democrat Reich knows he is unbeatable in a free and fair election, and is uncertain they can rig the election to the extent that you did in 2020. Hence you are attempting to prohibit Trump from running. This is just another way democrats are rigging the election.

Who IS Fani Willis anyway? She is a radical Marxist who is part of the Soros cartel. The Open Society Foundation funded law school for Willis. Then the Soros gang funded her run for DA as part of the Soros plan to destroy American Jurisprudence. A plan, a conspiracy really - which has been highly successful and has left the once most respected legal system in the world and smoldering heap.

Willis campaigned on the promise that she would "put Donald Trump in prison." This alone is prosecutorial misconduct. No investigation had been done, and the Soros cartel announced intent to corrupt and pervert the law to imprison their political enemy.

Beyond this, of the 41 counts Soros lodged against the last legitimate president, 11 of them are unquestionably federal - Willis is committing a federal misdemeanor by illegally usurping federal authority. Merrick Himmler is just as corrupt as Willis, and in collusion with the Soros Cartel to attack the political opponent of the democrat Reich. As such, he will not charge Willis - the law does not apply to democrats.

One lie after another, should we expect anything else?
One lie after another, should we expect anything else?

No. Underscore is clearly an abusive idiot with anger-management issues. I have no doubt he's had the police called on him for domestic violence. His posts and reactions to questions confirm it.

The good news, at least for his family, is that he now takes out his anger and heaps abuse on Internet strangers, not them....maybe.
One lie after another, should we expect anything else?

So, you offer the ubiquitous Nazi rebuttal of


Who IS Fani Willis anyway? She is a radical Marxist who is part of the Soros cartel. The Open Society Foundation funded law school for Willis. Then the Soros gang funded her run for DA as part of the Soros plan to destroy American Jurisprudence. A plan, a conspiracy really - which has been highly successful and has left the once most respected legal system in the world and smoldering heap.

Willis campaigned on the promise that she would "put Donald Trump in prison." This alone is prosecutorial misconduct. No investigation had been done, and the Soros cartel announced intent to corrupt and pervert the law to imprison their political enemy.

Beyond this, of the 41 counts Soros lodged against the last legitimate president, 11 of them are unquestionably federal - Willis is committing a federal misdemeanor by illegally usurping federal authority. Merrick Himmler is just as corrupt as Willis, and in collusion with the Soros Cartel to attack the political opponent of the democrat Reich. As such, he will not charge Willis - the law does not apply to democrats.

All opinion, supposition and conjecture. No documentation from valid sources.

This guy hasn't been right since Obama whupped his leaders butts TWICE. Since then, it's all uncensored stupidity from him.
Yes - an open conspiracy coordinated in the Reich media every single day.

Two weeks ago, the Nazi party said that our claims that these faux indictments we nothing but election interference to block Trump from running was a "conspiracy theory."

Now your Reich has moved on this and guess what? It was a conspiracy coordinated by Garland, Smith, and Willis to subvert our electoral system. A desperate measure by third world tyrants to keep the opposition candidate from running - since he is well ahead of the Reich candidate, Quid Pro.

Or! Trump committed crimes got indicted 91 times and you're batshit crazy
Trump has 77 indictments because the fascist democrat Reich knows he is unbeatable in a free and fair election, and is uncertain they can rig the election to the extent that you did in 2020. Hence you are attempting to prohibit Trump from running. This is just another way democrats are rigging the election.

91 indictments now
But you can't quite come up with an actual crime.


The "crimes" of Martin Luther King.

January 26, 1956 -- He was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama as part of a “Get Tough” campaign to intimidate the bus boycotters. Four days later, on January 30, his home was bombed.

March 22, 1956 -- King, Rosa Parks and more than 100 others were arrested on charges of organizing the Montgomery Bus Boycott in protest of Parks' treatment.

September 3, 1958 -- While attempting to attend the arraignment of a man accused of assaulting Abernathy, King is arrested outside Montgomery’s Recorder’s Court and charged with loitering. He is released a short time later on $100 bond.

September 5, 1958 -- King was convicted of disobeying a police order and fined $14. He chooses to spend 14 days in jail, but is soon released when Police Commissioner Clyde Sellers pays his fine.

October 19, 1960 -- He was arrested in Atlanta, Georgia during a sit-in while waiting to be served at a restaurant. He was sentenced to four months in jail, but after intervention by then presidential candidate John Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy, he was released.
May 4, 1961 -- He was arrested in Albany, Georgia for obstructing the sidewalk and parading without a permit.

July 27, 1962 -- He was arrested again and jailed for holding a prayer vigil in Albany, Georgia.

April 12, 1963 -- He and Ralph Abernathy were arrested in Birmingham, Alabama for demonstrating without a permit. During his time in jail, he he wrote what is now known as his historic “Letter from Birmingham Jail.”

June 11, 1964 -- He was arrested for protesting for the integration of public accommodations in St. Augustine, Florida.

February 2, 1965 -- He was arrested in Selma, Alabama during a voting rights demonstration, but the demonstrations continued leading to demonstrators being beaten at the Pettus Bridge by state highway patrolmen and sheriff’s deputies.

A Guide to All of Trump's Indictments—and Where Each Case Stands

Fifty years of investigations on Trump, visualized