You are one of the totally dishonest fucks. You simply repeated the absurd narrative that your ilk is required to believe. Let me know when you actually fool someone.
Summary of the stolen election:
1. Trump over-filled every venue wherever he held one of his many rallies across the nation, by people pouring in from surrounding States who were willing to simply watch on a big screen nearby.
2. Biden managed to get double digits at his handful of rallies if eight people were bused in.
3. The Democrat Party, realizing that the election was a lost cause, decided to steal the election via mail-in fraud, fighting tooth-and-nail for all safeguards to be removed lest "Americans be disenfranchised."
4. In the days/hours before the election, Democrats had millions of Biden votes pre-printed for the various precincts that would later become the obvious crime scenes. These votes were shipped via commercial trucking to the voting locations to be pulled out and "counted" after the polls had closed. This was forthwith testified in many sworn affidavits by truckers who checked their cargo, by polling station workers who observed the additional votes either when brought in or where they were stored, and in the famous video that sealed this deal. Along with the counterfeit votes, Democrats also had shredder trucks stationed at the polling locations to shred Trump votes, accounting for Tump's vote count consistently and substantively decreasing in the days after the polls closed, also forthwith testified in sworn affidavits by many witnesses to the shredder trucks that had never been at polling places previously.
5. Trump won in a landslide victory unmatched by even Reagan, winning with an historic
record number of votes received for any US President ever, ... but unlike any other election, the media (who was in on the steal) refused to call the election for the obvious winner. That was the tip-off to We the People the the steal was on. All rational adults knew at that moment what was going on. The election stealers were going to keep "counting" and "counting" and "counting" until enough Biden votes had been fabricated and run through the machines in the precincts in question, and then Biden would be declared the winner in what would absurdly be called "a very close race."
6. Despite polls revealing that record numbers of Democrat voters simply did not vote, the election stealers needed to come up with a new historic record number of votes for Biden to have the appearance of being the legitimate winner. As a result, in an election with below normal voting, with Trump already having a record landslide, Biden also "emerged" with an apparent historic number of votes, and
We the People watched helplessly as it occurred before our eyes.
7. Quickly thereafter, thousands of eye witnesses demanded to testify in sworn affidavits, which carry the full weight of perjury if not completely truthful, as to the egregious wrongdoing that they observed.
8. The Republican Party, in solidarity with the Democrats and their HATRED for Trump and their CONTEMPT for We the People, simply refused to take any steps to correct the matter.
9. The Supreme Court justices failed in their duty to uphold the Constitution by reneging on their obligations to nullify the votes from those States that violated Article II Section 1 of the Constitution.
10. Dishonest fucks, such as yourself, now throw temper tantrums and pout like fucking cry-babies whenever you are reminded of the above. You rush to your safe space and tell yourself that there "isn't a shred of evidence" that the election was stolen, even if you are presented with a video of it happening. Honest people would be horrified at
any irregularities, but the TDS-afflicted are totally dishonest and deny what
We the People all watched happen. You and your ilk are the dishonest fucks in this equation.