because no one else has......Willis, Fulton County Prosecutor..

Take your complaints to the Georgia Republican Voting officials in that state! They are the ones that said there was no fraud in the 2020 election!

They are the Grand Jury witnesses of the state in the investigations of Donald Trump's interference in the Georgia 2020 election aftermath- that led to the indictment.

Sir, I just report the facts being reported in the News- THE REAL NEWS- NOT FOX FAKE NEWS THAT YOU WOULD RATHER HEAR!

Just tell Truth Detector to stop lying.

Jack Smith made it clear that Trump had every right to say his election BS EVEN though it was all lies. That is his free speech right.

Trump IS NOT being arrested for that and IS being arrested for all the crimes he did around those words. Something Stacey Abrams never did.

This is a rehash of the same lie argument that Trump, Pence and Biden all did the same thing with classified materials but only Trump is being charged when it is what Trump did that Pence and Biden did not do (lied on affidavit, lied to gov't officials, obstructed and tried to hide and keep the material) which is why he is being charged and they are not.
Oh, I see what you're doing there. A subtle hint that you think the 2020 election was rigged, and that somehow MILLIONS of votes were just "added to the mix."

Love it. Election denial is so uninformed. Operatives would be needed in at least 6 states, dozens of counties, and hundreds of precincts. And they're all keeping the secret so well.

But, to answer the basic question - people are sick of Biden. Do you think the results of one election guarantee the results of the next election? I've got some history we can go through if you do.....

Lionfish in his TDS is offering up another version of 'the dem's are super smart and managed to take control of everything including Republican states that have all their own republican people in place'. It is a version of the same argument for how Dems have all the power and are so incredibly smart and capable that even when Trump hand picks and appoints every key role in his own administration, Dems still have all the control as the innocent Trump admin gets indicted and convicted by his own republi'cans', while the clearly guilty dems (Crime of the Century, Biden Crime family) always escape.

I say it earnestly, that it has to suck to be on the right and realize you ride life on the intellectual short bus while Dems are on newest version of the space shuttle.
Oh, I see what you're doing there. A subtle hint that you think the 2020 election was rigged, and that somehow MILLIONS of votes were just "added to the mix."

Love it. Election denial is so uninformed. Operatives would be needed in at least 6 states, dozens of counties, and hundreds of precincts. And they're all keeping the secret so well.

But, to answer the basic question - people are sick of Biden. Do you think the results of one election guarantee the results of the next election? I've got some history we can go through if you do.....

You really have reading comprehension problems. I said, Brandon won the election with the most votes in history, why are you panicked over a guy that might be in jail?
You really have reading comprehension problems. I said, Brandon won the election with the most votes in history, why are you panicked over a guy that might be in jail?

No problems. As I said - past results do not guarantee future results.

There is always a chance Trump could win. Just like there is always a chance Biden could win. I'm not sure where you're getting this idea that election results can be known over a year ahead of time.
No problems. As I said - past results do not guarantee future results.

There is always a chance Trump could win. Just like there is always a chance Biden could win. I'm not sure where you're getting this idea that election results can be known over a year ahead of time.

Why are you lefties so afraid? You make no sense. You and your kind have been bleating about how great it has been to have Brandon in the White House. Prices are going down, the economy is wonderful, there is no discernable unemployment, no threat of war, Brandon cured the China Virus, etc. once again, WHY ARE YOU SO AFRAID?
Why are you lefties so afraid? You make no sense. You and your kind have been bleating about how great it has been to have Brandon in the White House. Prices are going down, the economy is wonderful, there is no discernable unemployment, no threat of war, Brandon cured the China Virus, etc. once again, WHY ARE YOU SO AFRAID?

Your replies are obvious, and getting weaker each time. You do better w/ the memes.

I haven't been "bleating" anything about "Brandon." His poll ratings are very low, so of course he could lose an election.

Anything else you want to try? At least you abandoned the election rigging stuff....
Take your complaints to the Georgia Republican Voting officials in that state! They are the ones that said there was no fraud in the 2020 election!

They didn't say that and cannot say that without the possibility of lying.

They are the Grand Jury witnesses of the state in the investigations of Donald Trump's interference in the Georgia 2020 election aftermath- that led to the indictment.

This is not a State matter, but rather, a Federal matter. Fanni is your typical unqualified, leftist moron DA.

Sir, I just report the facts being reported in the News- THE REAL NEWS- NOT FOX FAKE NEWS THAT YOU WOULD RATHER HEAR!

The news doesn't report facts anymore. It regurgitates DNC narratives and gas lights gullible morons into believing their false narratives.

You voted for Biden. Nothing screams "moron" louder.
Your replies are obvious, and getting weaker each time. You do better w/ the memes.

I haven't been "bleating" anything about "Brandon." His poll ratings are very low, so of course he could lose an election.

Anything else you want to try? At least you abandoned the election rigging stuff....

Brandon is your man. No excuses.
They didn't say that and cannot say that without the possibility of lying.

This is not a State matter, but rather, a Federal matter. Fanni is your typical unqualified, leftist moron DA.

The news doesn't report facts anymore. It regurgitates DNC narratives and gas lights gullible morons into believing their false narratives.

You voted for Biden. Nothing screams "moron" louder.

Take all of your psychotic issues up with your Psychiatrist!

Brandon is your man. No excuses.

Who is Brandon? Biden governs like a normal president, following the laws and regular procedures. He is refreshing after 4 years of daffy Donald threatening everything America stands for. Trump will be in jail before the election, so you have to choose a new thief to follow.
Just tell Truth Detector to stop lying.

Jack Smith made it clear that Trump had every right to say his election BS EVEN though it was all lies. That is his free speech right.

Trump IS NOT being arrested for that and IS being arrested for all the crimes he did around those words. Something Stacey Abrams never did.

This is a rehash of the same lie argument that Trump, Pence and Biden all did the same thing with classified materials but only Trump is being charged when it is what Trump did that Pence and Biden did not do (lied on affidavit, lied to gov't officials, obstructed and tried to hide and keep the material) which is why he is being charged and they are not.

Donald Trump is the leader of a very dangerous and criminal cult!

Truth Detector is sadly a willful idiot and willful believer of Donald Trump's lies as a member of the Donald Trump Cult.

Watch this movie scene of how the 3 murderers, and members of his cult, who were also found guilty along with Charles Manson, how they reacted to Charles Manson's verdict being read in court.

This is how cultists react when their cult leaders are eventually caught up with by the authorities, and held accountable for their crimes. Take a look at the short clip of the reading of his verdict!

You'll see the real Truth Detector, as this is exactly the way he and all of Trump's cultists are reacting now that Donald Trump is being held accountable for his crimes, and now being brought before the courts of Justice.

You've seen one cult leader- You've seen them all! You've seen one cult follower- You've seen them all!

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I can see that we are now venturing into intellectual real estate that is way out of your price range.

The answer is that all RINOs are really Democrats. Just repeat that to yourself a few times and let it sink in.

Yep. It turns out that the Democrats made Pence an offer and he accepted. It's a shame. The Democrats will go so far as to help Pence get elected President if he buries Trump.

This has been public knowledge for years.

On the flip side, this is all you have. You're a moron. It sucks to be you.

You do a sufficient job of that yourself. You leave me nothing to do on this except point it out.


It’s cute how you like your own posts .

If Bill Barr is a Democrat why did Trump hire him? Is he a fucking moron? Pence made a deal with democrats? exactly who? Are you a fucking moron?
It’s cute how you like your own posts .

If Bill Barr is a Democrat why did Trump hire him? Is he a fucking moron? Pence made a deal with democrats? exactly who? Are you a fucking moron?

He thinks the hand rubbing his crotch belongs to someone else.
What's to evade ?
For me? Your dishonesty. For you? TDS-driven self-delusion.

It's obvious to anyone that Trump is unfit to be President
It's obvious to everyone that Trump was the best President in US history. Watch. You can't specify one area under his official duties in which Trump fell short of the best US President ever.

Case closed. It's not me saying it. It's you.

He's a serial criminal that should finish his days in a Georgia prison.
You have as much evidence that Trump is a serial criminal as I have that you are a serial criminal. Should we believe everything Trump says, or should I not believe anything you say?

It’s cute how you like your own posts .
I haven't "liked" any posts. Which ones do you think I did?

If Bill Barr is a Democrat why did Trump hire him?
Are you asking why Trump hired someone he didn't realize was a RINO? That's a pretty stupid question but the answer is that Trump hired Barr because he didn't realize that Barr was a RINO, you know, until after he was hired. Perhaps if you were to point out to me exactly how this confuses you, I could help you zero in on your misunderstanding and perhaps teach you something you should have learned long ago.

Pence made a deal with democrats?
Didn't I answer this already? I'm getting the impression that you can't read. Are you dyslexic?

So, for the record, you have nothing to add, correct? ... at least nothing intelligent to add, right?

For me? Your dishonesty. For you? TDS-driven self-delusion.

It's obvious to everyone that Trump was the best President in US history. Watch. You can't specify one area under his official duties in which Trump fell short of the best US President ever.

Case closed. It's not me saying it. It's you.

You have as much evidence that Trump is a serial criminal as I have that you are a serial criminal. Should we believe everything Trump says, or should I not believe anything you say?


Steaming load of bullshit! You're a motherfucking joke defending Trump!