Beer Review: Sam Adams Chocolate Bock

Meh. Call me a beer snob, but I'm not a fan of domestic mass-produced beer. I live in the Northwest. ;)
I think the advent of microbreweries is having a trickle up affect on the mass market breweries.

The mass market breweries went through a period of mergers and acquisitions and consolidations in the 70's and 80's and with pressure from the street to perform economically they diluted the quality of their product using cheap fillers and extenders in their formulations to cut costs. Product quality did indeed suffer badly to where American style beers became an international joke.

The advent of microbreweries, beginning in the 80's, has educated an entire generation of American beer drinkers as to what a good quality beer/ale is all about and the American pallet for beer, as a result, has become more discerning. The end result is that the mass brewers have been purchasing craft breweries and producing higher quality craft products themselves.

Still and all, on the mass scale side, I do admire their ability to produce vast quantities of product of known consistency and quality, from one side of the nation to the other, year after year. This is no small thing. What I mean is that a can of Bud tastes the same in 2011 as it did in 1992 and it tastes the same in Hobokin, NJ as it does in San Diego or Anchorage.

From a production and logistics stand point and considering beer is a fermented product, that's no mean feat.
more than likely you haven' why are you asking me about my published writings? deflecting again mott.....?

if you have some work that is published, i'll grant you major slack. i have a writing that is "published"...but not published in the literary sense.
I've been published in the "technical sense" in that I've had several peer reviewed journal articles published in professional trade journals (the topics were related to recycling hazardous waste). I've also spent 20 years of getting paid for my technical writing skills in writing reports, project plans, laboratory and bench studies, testing and analysis plans, permits, training modules, contingency plans, SOP's, etc, etc.

My point being Yurt, I must know something about writing or people wouldn't pay me to do it.

Now there are some obvious differences that technical writing has with literary writing but something they both share in common is that you had better write with your target audience sharply in mind cause if you don't, no one will bother to read it.
Redhook is my favorite local brewery, but Alaskan is still my favorite overall.

I recently had Fueller's ESB from a store called 99 Bottles, and it definitely gave the Redhook ESB a run for the money.

Well, when you come to Alaska, we will tour the breweries! I will take you to Moose's Tooth, it will blow your mind! The jewel of the North!
Yeah, but I've grown accustomed to A's. Well, in everything but math anyways. Fuck algebra.

I am so fucking sensitive about sucking at math I am starting to study videos on Youtube. I will hopefully work my way up from algebra to calc. I just discovered a really cool dude named Derek Owens on the tube. You might consider checking his videos. Just type in "derek owens real numbers" because that's like the first lesson.
Well, when you come to Alaska, we will tour the breweries! I will take you to Moose's Tooth, it will blow your mind! The jewel of the North!

Sounds awesome!! I looks like everyone is going to drag everyone off to their best local breweries. In your case, you can sit down at the Alaskan Brewery sipping on a delicious Amber, smiling while all of the proles race around the Deschutes, Sam Adams, and Dogfishhead breweries.

It now makes sense that the HT Goddess would have to live in Alaska.

I am so fucking sensitive about sucking at math I am starting to study videos on Youtube. I will hopefully work my way up from algebra to calc. I just discovered a really cool dude named Derek Owens on the tube. You might consider checking his videos. Just type in "derek owens real numbers" because that's like the first lesson.
I'm not to talented at math either. I got through calc and stats by hard work.