Oh come on, spare us the fear mongering. They will still be well paid. Perhaps if you fucking louts on the right actually gave a shit about people you'd feel differently.
No one is saying doctors and nurses should not be paid a ransom for their services.
BUT. Hospital mergers and acquisitions continuously inflates the cost of care for insurance providers by strong arming them into agreeing with larger payouts for routine services. Undeniable fact.
Without a UNIFIED front against this sort of graft we will NEVER control costs; until you fucking guys ADDRESS this part of the problem you will get nowhere closer to understanding what's going on in HC.
Not a fact at all.
Providers negotiate a favorable rate because the insurer (commercial or govt) requires their services for the people they promised to cover.
Supply and demand.
You can be as united as you please but there are a finite number of them irrespective of any way they merge.
The AMA has seen to that.